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Everything posted by TerriDoodle
'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!
TerriDoodle replied to Teachlady's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Ohhhhhhhh!!! Today is 150 days!! :thumbup: -
Ho Hum. Another day, another dollar. Nothing special going on with me today. Just haggling with the ex about money issues and getting nowhere. He thinks he is the only one under stress. That was always his problem and nothing has changed apparently! I have a dear friend who's getting married next month. I want to get them a gift but don't want to add to their "stuff"...they've already combined households and have more "stuff" than they could possibly use or need. Any ideas from you guys? Michelle - sounds like a good day for your DD to hunker down and just get better! Sounds like a grilled cheese (with the crusts cut off) and hot soup are in order!! :thumbup: Blahhhhhhhhhh. Just thinking of 100 things I'd rather be doing than sitting here at work!! (Better be careful what I wish for, eh?)
Woo Hoo!!! Go Janie Go Janie Go Janie!!
I'm gonna HAVE to stop eating lunch while reading posts. It just never seems to work out well for me.
Janie - clean a shelf! DH actually cleaned out and organized his chest of drawers yesterday!! I guess my cleaning his closet inspired him. I almost fainted! Haydee - Sounds to me like the benefit of getting the happy pills will far outweigh any issues with your weight! I think that these doctors expect a levelling off at 1 year, so I doubt he would be surprised or disappointed. Besides, the happy pills might help you get your head in a better place to get going again! :scared2: <---this could be you!!
That's what I'm thinking, too, Judy... hormonal migraines. Is her vision ok? Did you say she was seeing spots? (or that was Laura, huh.)
how old is she Michelle? Has she started her periods?
Oh, kat -- meant to say how cute Kinsey's room sounded!! I love the vine idea with the monkeys hanging down -- SOOOOOO smart!!
Hi Ya'll - Sounds like everyone had a good weekend. tracy - Congrats to Robbie on 4th place!! He must be really proud! Is he doing better at school now? I haven't heard you stressing about it lately so it must be better! I'm so glad! Jane - Doing a budget really helped me this month (my first). I realize it will take 3-4 months to get it tweaked just right but it sure helps me feel more in control and curbs my impulsive spending for sure! I have only spent $35 this whole month on lunches out whereas usually I would have spent probably $100+. My grocery bill is high but that's 'cause we're eating home more and Evan is living with us now...but today I saved $72 (32%) on my grocery tab shopping the big sale Kroger was having. I was so proud! I made King Ranch chicken tonight and OMG it was soooooo good. I haven't made it in years. I even made Mexican Rice for the first time, too -- it was awesome. I'll post the recipes for ya: King Ranch Chicken Casserole III - Allrecipes Mexican Rice II - Allrecipes All this talk about reading makes me want to get in my jammies and cuddle with a book so I think I'll go do that. I'm not real tired today 'cause I took a 2.5 hour nap! I never used to take naps -- never! But since Christmas I've been doing it more and more. Yea me! I'll see ya'll in the morning - k?
I'm up very early for a Sunday morning! I had a bad dream and it just disturbed me! I dream almost every night about my Mom...and in this one she was needing some very serious surgery and i was so sad and scared for her. Also my son's girlfriend had to put her 9 month old Great Pyranees to sleep last night because he was having multiple seizures that they could not get under control. :w00t: He was such a beautiful dog and they are so, so sad. Isn't that horrible? (I'll post a pic at the end of what that breed looks like - they are just so gorgeous and so sweet.) Laura - You always have the most interesting stories! LOL So how old is this chick? She's 22 with a 9 year old???? Huh?? Sounds like a real winner! It's amazing that you and Russell turned out so normal and responsible! Ya'll are like the 'black sheep' in your families! Guess I'll try to go back to sleep....... Laterz.
Oh and I did clean out DH's closet while he was playing golf (he actually said 'thank you'!!) and moved furniture today...so I guess I did get a bit more exercise than I thought. :w00t:
Good Evening, Friends! Ok, I don't know what the heck is going on here, but as Pamela said we are so NOT about the lap band anymore! We are far beyond that! I would like to see each of us ultimately beat our weight problems, but I think that we already have! I don't know about you girls but I know for sure that if I didn't have the band I'd probably weigh about 75-80# more than I do right now. I have never regretted getting banded that's for sure! Judy and Suzie are getting back on track....and I hope they stay there....'cause it sure helps to motivate the rest of us. I feel that some day I'll fire it up again too. I have to quit smoking and I know if I do I'll gain 40# easy. So I have to be really highly motivated to eat far less and exercise far more just to stay at THIS weight!...forget about losing! I'm stressin' about that but I know you'll all be rootin' for me no matter what. What did I eat today? Well, I'll tell ya, Suzie... bowl of oatmeal w/ butter handful of Cheetos Cheese & crackers 1 chicken enchilada + 1 tbsp rice bowl of cottage cheese + pears 1 'fun size' Butterfinger .....no exercise except walking around Ikea and playing w/ Hero ....and I'm hungry! Cottage cheese didn't cut it for dinner. (Can you tell I never made it to the grocery store today?) I hope everyone feels better soon. Y'know things are just not that bad ...and could be so much worse. Let's keep things in perspective. We have each other! It's all good. XOXOXO
Good Morning All! Mae - I hope that is what I look like when I'm 85....wearing purple and not giving a hoot what anyone thinks!! And yes, she is a perfect mascot for us!!! Kat - I'm so sorry you are having so many issues and challenges right now. I'm wondering if maybe doing some volunteer work at a shelter or something would help you get focused on something other than your own family issues-- which you can rarely do anything about anyway! Maybe it's a 'letting go' thing, a time-to-take-a-deep-breath thing. Find some kind of way to seriously relieve stress. When was the last time you got on horseback? You always love that! As for the bills, and especially if you think Rick's job is in real danger, you probably should just pay the minimum on the medical bills and hit the credit card debt. Here's a link to the Dave Ramsey 'snowball' method that is so popular now. On his show I've also heard him advise lots of times about medical bills to call them and offer a settlement amount of about 1/2 -- but that's really for people who are max'd out on debt and equity loans etc. But I'm just saying if Rick loses his job, to keep that in the back of your mind. If you have any desire to move to the PA/NY area (HA!) they are drilling like mad in the Marcellus shale, which I think are horizontal wells and probably have high demand for frac crews! Doesn't packing up and moving sound fun? Only problem is you'd have to find a way to take Rick's spiffy new shop with you! Suzie - You are doing AWESOME!!! Remember: Progress, not Perfection!! Michelle - You crack me up!!! Uh, where's Judy?....and Jane??? Jenn - what is the video that made you cry? I'm confused (again). We went to dinner with friends last night. Y'know one of those shi-shi-poo-poo restaurants where the decor is all stainless steel and concrete floors and the tiny entrees are served on huge plates and you don't recognize any food on the menu? I didn't even recognize ONE wine on the wine list. Pretentious as hell. But it was my girlfriend's birthday and that's where she wanted to go. Anyway...the table next to us is a group of 3 young couples, maybe 25? So I look around and sure enough about 70% of the restaurant is full of KIDS this age. How in the hell do they afford this?? Answer is that they don't. They just charge it and worry about it later. Then they hop in their BMW and drive to their mid-town $1800/mo apartment and sleep like a baby. Oh, how it's all going to catch up to them!! Well, I'm going to try to be productive today. Clean out my closet for sure; maybe even tackle DH's if he'll "let me". (He won't.) Check ya'll later. (((Hugs))) to everyone who is struggling today.
G'Morning! Suzie - Congrats on getting things under control. How'd the scale treat you? Mae - What kind of work do you do? That was cool of the radio station to do that. Sounds like it was 'meant to be' for you to call and get right through...like an angel was at work there! I hope you get a call!! That would be exciting! Kat - how are things at Rick's work? Any layoffs yet? None at our office yet, but it's still early in the game. The way this business cycles it will be a few months before we really start feeling the pinch industry-wide. Was Rick in the same business in the mid-80's? That was a horrible time!!! Janie.....Oh Jaaaaaanieeeeee! Where are youuuuuuuuuu? I am just so excited about Evan liking his psychotherapist!! He went for his second appt. yesterday and says he thinks this will be very helpful. OMG!!! You have no idea what a blessing that is!! I have been encouraging him to do this for YEARS but he always resisted. I just want to go hug her and kiss her on the lips! Well i've got the day off and no particular plans other than to take Hero (and me) for a LONG LONG LONG walk. It's going to be another beautiful day here so I better take advantage. I'm sure I'll be in later.... XOXOX
WOW PAMELA!!!How cool is that??! Next step: The US Senate!!! You have so much to be proud of! ...and I am proud to be called your friend! :biggrin: I wasn't picked on in school....just IGNORED. My daughter is 15, 5'9" weighs about 130#, size 5, and cute as a bug! She gets picked on for being too tall, too 'annoying', too hyper, too smart, etc, etc, etc. She's just as insecure as any kid out there (well, almost) and is trying to find her way just like we all did. High School, and Middle School too, just plain ol' suck. I keep telling my kids that life doesn't really begin until college....when all these kids actually become somewhat HUMAN. tracyK - I didn't actually dive into a vat of chocolate but what pisses me off is that i have to have some every freaking day. I can tell myself 1000x that I'm not going to have any sweets today....but then I always do. It is most definitely my weakest link. I don't binge on it, I just can't NOT have any. It's ridiculous and I beat myself up for it constantly, which isn't good either. I gotta go find some dinner.....BBL.
looks like it's time for a good ol' ass kickin'!!!!
Hello. My name is Terry and I'm a CHOCOHOLIC. :thumbup:
Good Morning Everyone! Michelle - Glad you are posting again...I was getting worried. So, you've been making bad food choices. Wow, where have I heard that before??? Oh yeah. ALL OVER THIS BOARD!!! I, for one, have hit a new 52 week high. 185.6 this morning. You're in good (?) company. Jenn - You hang in there, girlfriend. We all do the best we can, eh? Love you. Kat - those are great ideas for baby toys! God knows you've had plenty of experience! I never thought of the mirror before! Laura - I would LOVE to come to your shower! That would be so much fun. I'll bet you have some wonderful friends! TracyK - I lost track -- did you have your MRI yet? It will be good to have some answers. Janie - Did you clean a shelf last night? :wink: Pamela - How are you feeling today? Poor baby...you've been thru the mill in the last few months. What are you gonna do with all that free time after you're a Dr.? Oh, and been meaning to ask...has the scale rewarded you with all that gym time? Judy - You think this winter will EVER be over??? Heather - We need a baby bump picture! Haydee - How many weddings do you have booked for the Spring? Evan's living with me full-time now -- did I tell ya'll that? Anyway, he's doing better! Got his meds ramped up again and he likes his new psychotherapist (which is a miracle). He started back up at school yesterday. Now his dad and I just have some money issues to iron out! Nothing unusual going on with me otherwise...just the same ol' same ol'. I am starting to get a wee bit nervous about the job situation here...both for DH and I. We're both in the oil biz and DH is in the oil investment (read: banking :tongue:) biz...so between the two of us we could be looking at a rough road ahead. But it helps nothing to worry about it and I'm already really attacking our debt, etc...so I'm doing the best I can in that regard. We'll just ride it out. Been there before! Ya'll have a good day -- k?
***NEWS FLASH*** I was hungry for a snack, but I resisted and did not eat. Guess what?! I DIDN'T DIE!!!!?!!!!! Can you believe it???
Ohhhhhhhh, Heather!! I LOVE that name!! I can just hear her now, when people ask her about her name..."It means 'lunar halo' in Turkish". Wow!! How cool is that!!? Two thumbs up from me! Poor Jenn. Been there, done that. I wish I COULD come whisk you away for a few days. We'd have a good time! Michelle must have gotten swept away down the freeway and now she's somewhere in DC looking for a bathroom. (How DO they accommodate all those people having to use the bathroom ANYWAY??!?!??!)
It's a very cool device and teaches you quite a bit! Best of luck to you!
I think Jenn's mad at us (me). LOL Sorry, Jenn!
<--- got tired of seeing my mug, but I never get tired of Hero's!! :-)
Jane - I should probably put my glasses on when I'm sending text messages, eh?? That coulda been baaaad!!! LOL My boss' name starts with "J" too!!
Jenn - you've been "hashing it out" with him for 2 years now. It's time to STOP INVESTING ENERGY in it NOW!! He will continue to do whatever it takes, be it bad, ugly, nice, whatever....just to keep you engaged in the relationship. TURN YOUR BACK, ignore it ALL and move ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the kind of thing that could blow it with Wayne. He will see that you're not 'done' with Kevin and decide to invest HIS energy more wisely. I will come KICK YOUR ASS and you know I WILL!!!!