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Everything posted by TerriDoodle
I didn't mean to imply any such thing....I was venting about the doctor. Sorry if you misunderstood my post.
LOL..... oh yeah, ya'll are sooooooo lucky!! ROFL!!!
TracyK - 'above the rules' has nothing to do with it. The woman is irresponsible and should have her license to practice medicine taken away from her!!! How can you be a CDC physician and not practice proper disease control protocol??? She is directly responsible for spreading the disease she is in charge of controlling!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! Kat - I do hope you reported her to the hospital administrators. Kat - I hear the desperation in your 'voice'... and I am so sorry. I know how worked up you get and I'm here to tell you that it does no good. Take it one hour at a time, one day at a time. Breathe. You are doing an awesome job with Kinsey, as usual. Just close your eyes and visualize enveloping Manda and Kinsey in a healing white light. Hold them there as long as you can. I'm a believer in this method of prayer for healing. I have a cousin living in Florida who I've been very close to for my whole life. She was going thru a divorce that she didn't want and was having an extremely hard time coping. She chose alcohol to get thru her days. Problem was she was a mother of two young children who she drove to school each day. She'd mix herself a white russian or two for breakfast and drive her girls to school in that condition!! She was a SAHM and drank most of the day. I was on my way to work one morning and as I was driving she was heavy on my mind although I hadn't talked to her in 2-3 weeks. I had this overwhelming urge to pray for her and 'send' that healing energy to her. When I got to work, I found a quiet empty office, settled myself and spent 10-15 mins in that meditation. I swear to you this is true.... 30 minutes later she called to tell me she was checking herself in to rehab. She stayed 30 days and has been sober for the last 10 years. (((Hugs))) and healing energy to you and your family, Kat. We love you.
Kat -- Where is Kinsey's dad?? Why can't he watch her??
Thinking of you, Kat! :cursing:
Chicken & Biscuits - YUMMY
I always get up early...no matter what day it is! I just have a very stubborn body clock that does not adjust for the weekends. Are you kidding??? You could TEACH at chauffeur school!! Just curious -- now that I'm all budget-minded these days -- how much do you spend every month at Starbucks? Well, I have three things on the agenda today: Take Hero to the Bark Park then give him a bath, shopping spree at the Goodwill resale shop for Hannah (she loves 'em) and restring some beads for Evan's girlfriend. I did all my grunt work yesterday so I could 'relax' today! Yea me! Oh, I'm going over to the Violet recipe thread to post a YUMMY chicken and biscuit casserole we had last night. Big hit with the whole family! have a great day!
Well ,i sympathize with you all waiting for the clock to tick...been there done that a bazillion times! I had the day "off" today but I've been working non=stop! 2 miles walk with Hero, 5 or 6 loads of laundry, went to get my hair butchered (read: cheap haircut), grocery shopping, cooked a chicken, chile con queso and some sloppy joes, and uh....think that's all so far. Sipping a glass of wine now before the next round begins. Whew! I sound like Michelle! Michelle - tulips are my absolute favorite! What color?? Pamela - What's up with you?? sounds like the trainer is doing a good job kicking your ass! :confused: I never even heard of most of the shows you talk about! I am so NOT a TV person. I know there's some good ones out there I just don't know what they are...or when they come on! Speaking of which, Hannah is sitting here watching "Girl Interrupted" for about the 10th time. Oy. Speaking of which, she has convinced herself that she needs a psych. evaluation (a la her brother) so she's going Monday. She may be ADHD, but I doubt it really. We'll see. Hero had lots of good food today -- he likes it when I clean out the fridge. I'll talk to ya'll later. Laura - have fun with your girlfriends!!!
Kat, I hope when you wake up this morning that you realize in the light of day that it was an accident. There isn't a mother or grandmother alive that wouldn't have done the exact same thing you did. I'm sure she'll be fine...as you said it was just in a place that has an incredible blood supply. The amount of blood that she actually lost is probably much less than it appeared, and as you said, she had just gotten out of a hot bath. It was just a very traumatic thing to experience after a day like you had and you are surely very shaken up by all of it. I'm sure I speak for all the Violets when i say that I wish so badly that I could be there to help you thru all of this. I am grateful that you have a strong and loving husband by your side. I hope that God sees fit to give you a little break here in the next day or two. Just hang tight and lean on us as much as you need to. You know we love you and are happy and honored to be your sounding board. ((((((HUGS AND PRAYERS))))))) Today will be better.
Kat - honestly -- should you be exposing yourself having been on steriods for so long? Your immune system may be weakened. Please PLEASE be smart and careful.
Laura - MRSA infections are very serious and sometimes do not respond to treatment. That's what's making Kat so nervous. You can read more here. I'll be praying for Manda, Kat. I promise.
I had cottage cheese for lunch!!:present: ....then found a tray of chocolate chip cookies down in HR :cheers2::bananalama:
...on second thought...I might make the brownies but eat the whole pan myself!....or throw them at DH as he was walking out the door! (ok, well, I'm not THAT much of a bitch....but I'd be thinking it!)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LAURA!!!!! :bananalama: I put all my jewelry stuff up before Christmas and am enjoying having my dining room table back! Although we got in the habit of eating on trays and never use the table anymore! LOL But I have some orders that are backed up and I really need to get busy again. JUDY - Why can't she have her doctor put her on 'disability' of some sort -- restricting her work hours? That way they have to comply! <shrug> This is the total complete opposite of what I would do!!! I'm such a bitch. (shocking, isn't it??)
You'll have to remember that when you go to Alabama in June. You can have his list all alphabetized and typed out for him. Maybe even on little index cards....along with the recipes you've chosen for him to cook. He'd appreciate that.:cursing:
I would be very bitter, Michelle. You must be a saint. "Saint Michelle"....isn't that the name of a wine?? :tongue: Should be. I LOL'd at this!! ...probably because it sounds so familiar!! I ran into a girlfriend in the hallway awhile ago. She's carrying a Dr Pepper and a chocolate milk (5'7" and about 120#!)...I told her if I ate that much sugar I'd go into a coma. She said she was nursing an infection, was on painkillers and sugar was her comfort food. Yesterday she had ice cream cones....twice! You could tell she was in la-la land. She told me that I was "soooooo beautiful!" :cursing: Sorry, Haydee. I know what a bummer this can be. I hope your day gets better! Oh, now isn't THAT the coolest?!? Thanks, Mom!! :-) Yep, that is most definitely a WIN!! Congrats!! Heard a story about Tunica the other day on the radio...how it's sucking the life out of Memphis. Memphis has the highest ratio of bankruptcies in the country and it's directly related to Tunica. That's kind of sad :thumbup: I'm crazy-busy at work today. It's feast or famine around here all the time! All is well in my world - no disasters and no triumphs to report. Ho hum. Love you all!! Mmmmmmmuah!
Laura, where are you??
Oh Kat!!! Geez, how much more can you take??? PLEASE try to keep your blood pressure under control and remember to keep breathing!! We'll handle the prayer! We're gettin' pretty good at it! (((BIG HUG)))
Hi Ya'll -- Kat - I guess you're serious about the possibility of Rick losing his job, but it seems to me like he'd be pretty valuable!? Maybe it's just the fear talking. I'm sorry it's causing so much stress. IF they did lay him off, he'd get a good severance package, wouldn't he?? 1 week for every year of service is pretty standard for the companies I've worked for...but I've never been laid off myself (can you believe that??). I'd be some kind of pissed off if they did me in now...4 years from retirement (pension+benefits)!! Suzie - any better? Lesson learned, eh? Haydee - where are ya'll going in the Spring? With money being tight these days, we're hunkering down. I'm going to Alabama and to the Guadalupe River this summer and THAT'S IT. I've been watching airfares to Huntsville, but they're not moving-- still around $340. I'm not booking yet. Pamela - You need a ticker now! I'll bet you're losing weight!! You're gonna LOVE having a trainer!! (S)He will kick your ass!!! Jenn - We need an update! How's the kitchen coming? I worked on a spreadsheet all day at work and my eyes are crossing! Well, that + I got up at 4:00am today! Aaack! I am soooooooooo tired. Going to bed very soon! G'night!
you'd have to PM Alex, but I doubt he would do anything...he's all about 'full disclosure' and very little moderating/editing of posts. Besides, Laura and Kat are your friendly LBT moderators now...I hung up my hat long ago. I have my photo albums closed because I hated seeing all the gross pictures every time I visited the home page!! You just click the up/down arrow in this box:
Laura - I can't believe how skinny you still are!! I looked like a whale by the time I was into my 3rd trimester!
G'morning! Not much to report on my end. SSDD. Kat - I'll keep Manda in my prayers. How's Abby and the baby doing?? Suzie -- too many carbs in the morning! --eat some protein, woman! You won't be so hungry! Pamela - I loved your response to Sus and good for you if that's what YOU want to do! I don't think I've ever seen a tattoo on the top of a foot!? My son has never expressed an interest at all in getting a tattoo, thankfully, but my daughter!!??!....she's already warned me that she's getting AT LEAST one on her 18th birthday. Oy!! She's full of it, that one. Boring day at work. zzzzzzzzz See ya'll later, I'm sure. Mmmmmmmmuah!
Yeah, that'll last about a week....tops. That's all she'd be doing all day and all night!!!
Uh oh. Judy said "@#$$"!!!! Ick. no. Ya'll can keep your Peeps!
K, back to the drawing board girls... my friends are not sending out invitations... it's a few family members only. That's right, she's not even inviting ME!??!!! I give her crap about it daily, too. Michelle - I thought about spa treatments. They both need a good massage, that's for sure! Type-A personalities and all that. My life IS chocolate. My motto is: If it's not chocolate, it's not worth it. What ARE Peeps anyway??