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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TerriDoodle

  1. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    WOW Pam, that is absolutely gorgeous!!! She did a wonderful job! Good thing you love it --it's with you forever now! Kat, I second what Suzie said. Working is not all bad-- there are a lot of upsides and with this economy it will give you a layer of security that will help you sleep at night. And besides, the guy sounds like a dreamboat of a boss!!!! You better grab it!
  2. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    .....and by the way, hope you both learned a good lesson from all of this!! Stop being so dang nice!!! Oh wait, that came out wrong.
  3. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Kat - my house closed the day after I left for my honeymoon back in 2001. The realtor was my dear friend so I signed papers (power of atty) for her to handle the closing. It took 1.5 minutes to sign those papers, not 5 weeks!! What is UP with this dude? You may have to end up calling the sherriff! Grrrrrrrrrrrr. He's just taking advantage of Rick's good nature.
  4. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Judy, I am so so terribly jealous of your trip. I need to get out of town in the worst way! Hey, i'd settle for a weekend in Galveston at this point, but a cruise to Hawaii would be incredible!! You and Bob are very lucky! Ya'll have worked hard and I'm glad you're enjoying your retirement to the fullest! Hey, we never saw Haydee pop on did we? :huh2: Wahh.
  5. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Good point, Jane.... and that is true about the yeast overgrowth. You can google it...there's a wide range of symptoms and a simple saliva test you can do at home. But probiotics are always good to take...we all should, really. I also heard on NPR this morning that they are thinking that 75% of us are deficient in Vitamin D which leads to bone loss, and atherosclerosis! We should be taking 1,000 IU but the RDA is 400 IU. Drink that milk, girls! This cracked me up!! What good sound effects you have! What's the proper term for that, anyway... alliteration or something like that? Nah, that's not it. Who's the English major in da house? Oh, I wish I had some drugs for a good night sleep. That sounds yummy. LOL Your kitchen looks WONDERFUL, Jenn!! I'm happy for you...it's just gorgeous! What color are the walls...? kinda like watermelon? cranberry? It's hard to tell, but I LIKE it!! ROFL!!! Yep, that'll cause problems fo sho.
  6. TerriDoodle

    Daughter and I at county fair 2008

    You're still very pretty no matter what your weight!
  7. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Maybe Laura is off having CARSON!!?
  8. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    GAWD, no wonder you're avoiding it!? Can't you get an editing job for somebody who publishes trashy novels??? :eek:
  9. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Where is Heather?? Yeah, and it's a lot quieter without Laura and Haydee, but they're both just getting back from being out of town so you know how that goes.
  10. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Michelle - Whenever I get a fill it's kinda like that, too. I don't really feel any difference right at first but it DEFINITELY gets tighter as the days roll by, peaking at about 10 days and then slacking off a bit after that. Don't ask me why that is, but lots of people say the same thing. Suzie - Good for you working out so hard!! I've been having a lot of problems sleeping lately. Ok, so there's ANOTHER reason I should work out!! It sure helps me sleep at night. <sigh> Remember when I used to be known as the Gym Nazi? Where is that girl?????
  11. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Hi Ya'll! I left work early and came home and took a nap! LOL How's that!? My boss is out of town and I haven't been sleeping well for several nights...so I just took off! Yea me! Jenn - Baby, i sure feel your pain. I've thrown my back out really badly at least 4-5 times and to a lesser extent many more times than that! My experience has taught me that I will heal in 2-3 days if I just take it SUPER EASY for those days...I don't go anywhere or do anything other than the bed, couch or floor to do some stretches. If I try to do normal things, or as much as I can in spite of the pain, then it will take at least 5-6 days to heal. I'm very sorry you are hurting -- I don't wish that one anyone! I hope you at least get a good night's rest! Michelle - good luck with your fill! I hope it helps you!
  12. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    ........either that or get drunk.
  13. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Tracy - try taking a Vitamin C supplement daily. stress = high cortisol levels high cortisol levels = weight gain, high blood pressure, impaired immune function Vitamin C supports adrenal function = lower cortisol levels! Voila!
  14. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Woo hoo, Judy!! Congratulations on finally getting your hands on the money you've worked so long and so hard for! [Hmmm...I wonder how much that would be worth if you had just invested it yourself all these years?]
  15. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Jenn - I'm telling you, girl, the absolute best thing you can do today is STAY IN BED! Yes, Naproxen is the best thing ever for back strains but it is an NSAID, so you shouldn't take it in pill form. Ask the doctor if it comes in liquid.
  16. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Waaahhhhh Big Love is over for the season. Good show, eh Pammy?? Nikki almost made me feel sorry for her. She cried good! And what was that rant Barb went on about renting a womb?? Sometimes stuff just comes out of left field on that show! LOL
  17. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Can one of you pop over to this recipe post and see if the link in it works for you? We just had the most wonderful tortilla Soup tonight! Thought I'd share the recipe with you all. It was a beautiful day here today and I spent quite a bit of it outdoors. I even went to Starbucks and just sat on the patio reading my book for 2 hours ...that was nice. Other than that just cooked, did laundry and played with my doggie :crying: I didn't do nearly so well with my March budget as I did with February, but overspent on groceries and the new small kitchen appliances which I've enjoyed immensely. And my pantry is well stocked! So it's not like I went out and bought a bunch of new clothes or something! Right? I can't believe tomorrow is Monday already. Where did the weekend go??
  18. TerriDoodle

    Recipes - Violet Style!

    ------------------------------------------------------------ Slow-Cooker chicken Tortilla Soup Yields: 8 servings ------------------------------------------------------------ INGREDIENTS: 1 lb+ chicken breasts (I used 2+lb. bone-in, frozen) 2 cans of Rotel tomatoes & green chiles 1 (10 ounce) can enchilada sauce 1/2 medium onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 quart chicken broth 1 teaspoon cumin 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1 bay leaf 1 (10 ounce) package frozen corn (optional) 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro 7 corn tortillas vegetable oil Shredded Mont Jack cheese Lime Wedges Avocado chunks DIRECTIONS: 1. Place chicken, tomatoes, enchilada sauce, onion, and garlic into a slow cooker. Pour in chicken broth, and season with cumin, chili powder, salt, pepper, and bay leaf. Stir in corn and cilantro. Cover, and cook on Low setting for 6 to 8 hours or on High setting for 3 to 4 hours. 2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees 3. Lightly brush both sides of tortillas with oil. Cut tortillas into strips, then spread on a baking sheet. 4. Bake in preheated oven until crisp, about 10 to 15 minutes. To serve, sprinkle tortilla strips over soup. Garnish with chopped cilantro, lime wedges, cheese and avocado.
  19. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Kat, I just get confused 'cause you talk about your town being small, but you talk about going here and there and it sounds like the town is bigger... so that clears it up. Kat, I seriously canNOT believe OB Guy let himself in to do laundry!!!!! What did Rick say about the $$ being flushed?? Is the OB Guy gonna pay?? OMG!!!!!!! I'd be LIVID. How in the world do you keep from blowing your top? What is your secret?
  20. TerriDoodle

    first veggies

    You want to choose veggies that are non-fibrous (no asparagus stems, broccoli stems, spinach, lettuce, etc) or that have tough husks or skins (corn, tomatoes). When you do cook a veggie, cook it to soft stage and CHEW WELL.
  21. It sounds more like you've just got a bug. If there was something wrong with your band you'd probably so restricted you wouldn't be able to get fluids down at all. That being said, it is imperative that you do everything possible to avoid throwing up with your new band -- the stitches keeping it in place are not healed yet. While you're sick stick with bland foods, no grease and no milk products!! Do you have any phenergan in the house? Your doc may have prescribed it for you after surgery. Or talk the pharmacist about the best OTC med for nausea.
  22. Yeah, after you've had your band for awhile you won't give it a second thought....taking small bites isn't really an optional thing anymore! I can't, in my wildest dreams, imagine finishing a piece of pizza in 3-4 bites anymore! LOL My doctor compared our bites to pencil erasers! And yep, that's about right especially with meats!
  23. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Kat - I thought Rick already had that talk with OB (Out Back) Guy!!? Why the heck can't he just go to some camp ground or something? The showing up at dinnertime would get my goat for sure! I think I'd just stare at him until he leaves. How rude! Michelle - can you bottle some of that enthusiasm and send it my way please? I just can't muster any at all. Pfffft. I did get a big ol' bag of frozen tilapia and lots of green veggies...does that count as progress? Back in 'the day' I used to sauté tilapia and steam some green veggies and call it dinner at least 2x a week. No wonder I lost weight! I might go see Duplicity tonight. Feel like gettin' out. Kat - How many people live in your town?
  24. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Oh, I forgot to tell you all.... I got a new crock pot WITH A TIMER! LOL I didn't even know they made 'em with a timer! Man, I ditched mine PRONTO and ran out to get a new one. Can you believe it? Walmart only had ONE left! Guess everyone is cooking at home these days!
  25. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Well, I admit that I don't "follow" tennis, but have been to a few tennis matches ....we have a nice venue here and get tickets from time to time. When I have gone, I have had the BEST time....mostly watching the cute tennis player butts run back and forth! :smile: Sometime I even watch the ball. Just got back from a LONG walk with Hero and today the weather is feeling very summer-ish. Yuck. It's humid outside. Yuck Yuck. Now for my 3 Stooges impression: Yuck Yuck Yuck.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
