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Everything posted by TerriDoodle

  1. TerriDoodle

    Big Con

    I wonder if the OP got the notion that it's a "con" because of commercials seen on TV?? I mean, aren't we all just conditioned to immediately NOT believe anything that advertises the promise of weight loss?
  2. TerriDoodle

    Sad News

    I would appeal that decision...and appeal again....and again.....all the way to the very end. Find out what you need to appeal and do it. I'm sure your doctor will help.
  3. TerriDoodle

    Share with us: What has improved for you?

    That's a HECK of a list, April!!! And just think....it's only going to get better!! Congratulations on all of it!
  4. TerriDoodle

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Kat, How's Lindsey doing these days? Is she better? I do hope so....
  5. TerriDoodle

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Oh, Pamela...I feel for you. Honestly, i can't even imagine in my wildest dreams being able to teach. There is a very special place in Heaven for you, my dear. The UPside to all of this is that you get to take credit for how much they improve over the year and that must be an amazing feeling!! I'll bet $100 that you're one of the favorite and best teachers at that school...I can just tell. It's pretty amazing that there's not a high percentage of teachers that are hooked on Valium....
  6. TerriDoodle

    "Gorged" on Mexican food last night....

    LOL Kacee - I can get out of Carrabba's for $5 these days.... I order a cup of either Sausage/Lentil or Chicken Soup. If I'm really feeling evil, I'll have an italian salad, too!!!
  7. TerriDoodle

    Looking for encouragement

    I ditto every word that's been said here. My weight has gone up and down up and down up and down my whole life. After a while you get darn sick of the roller coaster. Fortunately I've always been very healthy. This last couple of years that all changed...with lipids creeping up, back pain, foot pain, etc, etc, etc.... I saw my future clearly. Only you know what's right for you, but if I was your age and was not "comfortable" with my weight....I'd go for it in a New York minute.
  8. TerriDoodle

    Share with us: What has improved for you?

    Re: Your #3....don't you feel sorry for clerks that work in the women's department?? I always try (tried) on 20 things....and maybe bought one. Now my problem is I want to buy just about everything I try one!! Ruh Roh!!
  9. TerriDoodle

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    :whoo: MINUS 50 GO TRACY IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY MINUS 50!! :whoo: :star: :hail::hail::hail: :dance::roll::Banane45::wow2:
  10. TerriDoodle

    HELP!!! Totally disappointed!!!

    Sell 1/2 the stock now, and 1/2 in January!!!
  11. TerriDoodle

    HELP!!! Totally disappointed!!!

    Yep, that's what I did. I always get offers from my credit card companies for 0% for 6 months or whatever....so I called all three of them and explained that I wanted to charge $13000 and what kind of deal could they offer me? I got 0% for 6 months. I was waiting for stock incentive to vest (which it has) and now I'm just waiting for the price to stabilize a bit then I will sell and pay off the loan. All for 0% interest!!!
  12. TerriDoodle

    Is today the day?

    I knew almost before walking into my seminar that I was going to do this. The seminar just cinched it for me. I even went prepared with printouts of my calendar so that I could schedule it that day. I walked out of there with a date a month out (to give me time to sleep on it), but I'll never forget the butterflies in my stomach and the spring in my step as I walked back to my car. Indeed, that was a day of re-birth for me. Best of everything to you. You will not be sorry.
  13. TerriDoodle

    "Gorged" on Mexican food last night....

    Isn't that the truth!!! You hit the nail on the head. I miss certain things but all in all I am nothing but grateful!! 10# away from goal. OMG, you must be soooooo happy!!! Major congrats to you, my friend. Way To Go!!!
  14. TerriDoodle

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    I am going to have a moo-cow bona fide screaming hissy fit right here and now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so freakin' tired of losing my posts I could just throw this laptop across the room!!!!!!!!!!! I had quotes and responses for about 6 of you and was on the last one when I hit the freakin' backspace key to correct a typo and the whole page went away. This is just the icing on the cake....I had dreams like this all night last night. Frustration and anger...all night!!! I am sorry, girls....but this week has just SUCKED from the very beginning to the end. I want a 50 cigarettes in a row right now....and have every day this week. I hardly ever cry but right now I just want to lay down on the floor and do just that. No food, no cigarettes, no booze, ....the only thing I have now is friends. That's my only outlet and coping mechanism. Oh, and beading. And working out. I'm gonna go to the gym and get on the rowing machine and try to break that damn thing!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!
  15. TerriDoodle

    "Gorged" on Mexican food last night....

    (((Hugs))), you guys!! Thanks!
  16. TerriDoodle

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Laura - Doesn't WebMD have a symptom checker thingy? Maybe that would help.
  17. TerriDoodle

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    I just subscribed to her blog, too. That lady is hilarious!!! BECAUSE I SAID SO
  18. TerriDoodle

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    OMG. I laughed 'til I cried. I'm still reading all the comments....and ran across this. She says, "I saw the funniest T-shirt the other day. It said, 'They say I have ADD, but they just don't understand Oh look! A chicken!' ROFL!!!!!
  19. TerriDoodle

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    A 'cube' of cheese usually means 1" x 1" .....I'm a FitDay Queen, y'know. Ask me any food, and I can give you a rough calorie count. I've counted them all a million times. Laura - I can very easily make your bracelet bigger if you want. Just send it to me! No problem whatsoever. Michelle - Way to go on the elliptical, girlfriend! I like to close my eyes and just concentrate either on the music coming out of my Ipod or concentrate on breathing evenly and deeply...then feeling the oxygen feed my muscles which in turn makes them work more efficiently...it's an old yoga trick! But concentrating on anything other than how tired you are will help immensely.
  20. TerriDoodle

    PB? Worse Experience of My Life!!!

    That's one reason I hate the title of this thread....it scares newbies to death!!! Noahsmom - I answered you in the other thread, too. 1st PB's are kinda scary but the TRICK is to just keep spitting out the saliva...if you try to keep swallowing it (or more food or drink) then it will just get worse and worse. Some people don't know that so then the PB experience turns out to be much worse than it should be. When you have a new adjustment to your band you are well served to try each new 'risky' food with great care by taking little bitty bites and chewing very well...until you see how your band reacts. Then you can relax a little bit and take a little bigger bite, then a little bigger, etc. At the first twinge of any discomfort, slow down and reduce your bite size again. It's pretty simple. It doesn't have to be such a harrowing experience. OK?
  21. TerriDoodle

    Need experienced bandsters input please

    Well, you're asking someone who is totally 100% in LOVE with their band if you should cancel your surgery??? Hell NO don't cancel your surgery!!!!! The thing that newbies don't understand is this: yes, you will get stuck from time to time. Yes, you will PB every once in a while. Yes, you will slime sometimes. But it's not like that all the time!! Living with a new band has a learning curve to it. The climb up that learning curve has a few bumps along the way....but once you get to the top it's pretty darn smoothe sailing. Is it horrible?? No. Is it hard? Sometimes, but not really. Is it painful? Sometimes, but just for a little while...and you've learned something that gets you one step farther up the curve. 92% of LBT bandsters say they would do it again. 92%....that's pretty good odds. LOL...and thanks for the "wise" comment. I don't think I'm 'wise'...but I do shoot from the hip. :guess Good luck to you!!
  22. TerriDoodle

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    ROFL!!!!!!!!! Ahhhh, it feels good to laugh again.
  23. TerriDoodle

    Bless me bandsters, for I have sinned

    May I recommend a book to you? It's called [ame=http://www.amazon.com/This-Year-Will-Finally-Resolution/dp/0767920082/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/103-8701536-0993439?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1189085078&sr=8-1]This Year I Will...[/ame] by MJ Ryan. It may help you to understand more about why you do the things you do and how to change the things you want to change. It's really very, very good. You're so not alone!
  24. TerriDoodle

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Thanks, girlz. Ya'll are the BEST!! It helps me so much to come here. Pamela. Dear. I sympathize with you and honestly don't know how in the world you do it. My daughter is 13 and when her and her girlfriends get together I can hardly stand to be in the same ROOM with them!! They are so silly and MAN can they TALK!! And 1/2 of it is complete bullsh*t! I just roll my eyes and try to keep my mouth shut. Oh, but my EARS!!! Last weekend I wished I could wear earplugs. LOL Did I mention that she is hyper??? And her friends are all hyper too??? OY VEY!!!! I cannot imagine in my wildest dreams trying to control a whole class of these .....people(?)!!! Kat - I did LOL when you talked about your cousin wanting you to pour dirt on her. That's pretty funny....for us, not for her! Teachers would still be way underpaid if they made twice what they do. It's ridiculous.
  25. TerriDoodle

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Jenn -- WHEN ARE WE GOING TO GET SOME PICS???? You don't want to make me mad(der)!!!

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