I read so many questions. here are a few things I think one might find helpful.
I am five months in. My surgeory was in the Beginning of DecemberI I was 250 lbs. I am now at 199lbs. After my surgeory Dr Thomas Umbach (Great Dr.) had me wait a month before my first fill.
smoothies have been the key to mu success. They are easy on the stomach and you can add Vitamin supplements and Protein to them. Adding the Protein is a huge advantage to staying healthy. If you tried to eat 60 grams per day you would never be able to. The smoothie I drink from Tropicalk Smoothie Cafe is made with Splenda and has
grams of protein in it!
Make sure you take your Vitamins you won't notice at first, but if you don't take them you will feel fatigue.
First 2 week after surgeory you should be on liquids even though you can eat food....Let your insiders heal
After first fill you will still be able to eat and drink at the same time, eat quite a bit, and still eat quickly and barely have to chep
after second or third fill you start to realize your eating less
after fill 4-5 you are noticing and comparing what you eat to non lap band individuals.
All of a sudden when I had my 8th fill (03/23/11) I SUDDENLY COULDN'T EAT NEARLY AS MUCH!!! I couldn't drink and eat at the same time, and I had to take my time eating. It was a world of difference from fill 6 or even 7!!!!