My name is Megan Sotelo. I'm 18 years old, in the 11th grade. I weighed 330 pounds when I started the program a year and a half ago and pre-op surgery, I was at 315 pounds. I plan to be below 300 pounds after the first month.
I just got the lapband three days ago and I feel like no one really knows the pain I'm going through and how much of a burden I feel like or what I feel I CAN eat or do.
I would like to talk to someone that can help me learn when to tell when I've reached my limits, tips for pain, and different positions to sit and lie down.
I'd prefer to have a male mentor because I get along better with men since I always live with my father and my brother. I'm not normally on forums and don't check often but if you want to be my mentor, send a email to and invite me on Yahoo! Messenger. I'm constantly on Yahoo! Messenger, on the computer or on my phone
And a extra note...why am I seeing a Gastric Bypass surgery ad?