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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by TaniaG

  1. Eek been awhile since ive been on but I am losing and closer to my for now goal weight

    1. Mikee57




    2. Carlotta1


      Congrats.. U do look nice in. Your cowgirl outfit. What an amazing transformation compared to your before pic.

  2. What's on my mind?????? Now there's a dangerous question lol! I recently came back to this forum after a couple of years gone. Between that time I lost weight and gained weight. I'm disappointed in myself . I really thought getting the band would solve my weight problems. I have found myself still struggling. I am trying to make the band work for me but it's hard. I'm going in for a fill on the 6th and I feel like telling my doc to fill it close, lol! I have 35lb...

  3. Today my sister told me that I have lost more weight!!!!! I saw her just last Tuesday, YAY for ME!!!!! I hope the scale doesn't lie, LOL. I weigh in next Thursday, same day of my second fill. Need more restricition, please :)

  4. Nice long weekend...I love having Mondays off. Last week of teaching that is even better. I can't wait to start my summer vacation!!!!

  5. The mountain almost won today....ALMOST!!!!! I'm jogging much easier now and I am proud :) Little by little I'll increase my mileage.

  6. I'm taking it easy today, gearing up for my hike up A mountain this evening, I love when I'm all finished lol. Tomorrow 1 1/2 hours of spin class can't wait!!!! Thursday is my second fill and need it sooooo much. I don't see the weight coming off like I like it to :( I need to be more patient....easier said than done, right?????

  7. I did the fitness test for Insanity Workout...was a challenge but I survived!!! Tomorrow I officially start. I reviewed the DVD I'll do tomorrow and it looks hard but I am totally up for it!!! This weight is going to melt away :)

  8. Feeling really good, lost 3 lbs. and got my second fill. My goal this month 8 lbs. :) On the other side saw my ex husband with his new girlfriend this Friday night and handled it bad but rest assured WILL NOT react like that EVER again. I remembered the reasons why I divorced his ass....LOL. She can deal with him now, right?

  9. 2nd day of Insanity, I thought I'd die but I got through it. I'm stronger than I think. Tomorrow is day 3 of Insanity gonna do my workout before work...5:30 am workout!! Plus I'm going to climb A Mountain in the afternoon. I love this energy!!!

  10. GREAT Weekend!!! Looking forward to Thursday will have my first fill, YAY!!!! I love my lap band!! I can't believe I regretted getting the surgery 2 days post op!! Anyone with surgery coming up, allow yourself 2 to 3 weeks to adjust to your lap band after that you'll love it!! My workouts and new healthy eating habits are totally working and I love that!

  11. Insanity and my other workouts are going great!! My lapband restriction is good and I feel like I'm losing weight and feeling stronger. Now I just wish that other things in my life were just as successful. Money, love...you know that stuff.

  12. Ok getting back on track. Worked out today, second day in a row! I have been rather inconsistent with my workouts but new year new goals new perspective :)

  13. Hi All, Happy 4th of July. I'm at home tonight, I had no plans but its cool. I'll celebrate on Friday...hee hee. Life is funny just last week I was somewhat depressed this week I'm looking forward to life and LOVE!!!! :)

  14. Good Morning!! Started my morning with a glass of water w/lime....refreshing! My plan is to start all my mornings with a glass of water this year and see if I notice a difference in my life. I read that drinking water first thing in the morning starts all your organs up. I'll try it :) Had a half a banana, egg & sausage burrito, and coffee. Oh I did have 2 chocolate chip cookies :( I know I need a fill (Jan. 18) because I am barely filling full but know if I ate more no wi...

  15. Feeling better today...wknd was not the best but I am glad I have the best of friends :) Did my insanity workout and feeling much stonger, I'm taking less breaks WOOHOO!!!! Climbing the mountain today I hate it but its such a good workout. The inches are melting away. All my clothes are getting too big. I LOVE THAT!!!!

  16. HI All, climbed A Mountain today and jogged down!! Love this energy! Tomorrow....2 spin classes back to back...YEEHAA!!!

  17. 3 more days till I get my second fill and to weigh in!!!!! Looking forward to both :)

  18. Great day...last day of school, seven weeks off!!! Hung out with my best friend for awhile. Ended my day climbing the mountain and mowing my lawn. I love my energy level!!!Tomorrow morning spin class!!! :)

  19. Looking forward to my first fill. Not getting full as fast as before.

  20. My first fill today went great!! My dr. put in 4 cc's and water went down well right after fill. No pain at all, thank God!!! Best of all I lost 23 lbs!!!! 40 lbs to go, YAY!!!!

  21. Into my third week of Insanity workouts and continuing to climb A mountain. I would like to see better results though. Go in for my second fill on June 23rd looking forward to more restriction and pounds lost since my last visit at the end of May. I hope I lost 10 pounds!!!!! Have a great week eating healthy and working out :)

  22. I'm a little nervous about weighing in on Thursday for my second fill. I feel like I haven't lost any weight since my last fill although my daughter and others say I have :/ Just as long as I don't gain I'll be happy :) I truly do need more restriction though. Does anyone know about how many fills you need before its just right?????

  23. On my way to climb A Mountain!! Its great exercise, I LOVE IT!!! I can't wait for my first fill next thurs, was unable to move it to this week but its ok because I will stick to measuring my food and working out.

  24. I have some good restriction with my first 4 cc fill...really like that :) But what I really like is my smaller clothes fitting me again!!!

  25. I completed the first week of Insantity!!! I don't look forward to the workout but I am very happy when I'm done. I have seven weeks off for summer and I'm taking advantage of it by working out twice!! Lets get this weight off!!! my next weigh in is June 27th, YAY!!!

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