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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by healthywoman

  1. healthywoman

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    Thanks to the new bandsters for checking in and congrats!!!! It's MY turn tomorrow- 9AM. supposed to be outpatient, but the doc said "don't be a hero!" you can stay overnight if you want. I dont. Think I'll rest better at home. I'll check in as soon as I can. Thank you to everyone here for the constant support. Talk to you soon.HW
  2. healthywoman

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    Hello all, I can't wait to hear from todays bandsters-hope all went well. I went for my pre-op visit and lost 8 lbs since consult appt. Still have three days of liquid, then surgery on Thurs. My doc requires two more weeks of liquids post -op. Should be losing like crazy! Sat in a room with several bandsters and heard lots of stories- pain levels, healing times, vomiting stories, and just before I went in to my visit, these two ladies were pulling up their shirts to show me the scars!!! Too funny! I don't believe I'll be one of those type to whip up my shirt at a support group meeting. I'm counting days and really understanding that there is no turning back now. However. I'm not changing my mind. I've had 35 years of the same yo-yo experience and don't expect that it would change. Thank god for lapband. Anxiously awaiting word from this weeks bandsters. HW
  3. Hi Alexandra V, I'm not banded yet -my date is Aug 18th-I'm so excited to get started. I was just wondering if you had discussed this with your surgeon or your support group-if you go to those. Also ,might sound like a silly question, but have you had any fills? I've read that on rare occasions there might be a slow leak in the port line and you lose any/all restriction. So you don't feel any of the benefits of having the band, just because you really don't have restriction. Just a thought. Good luck to you and hope you finally get to your goal before your wedding. Thanks to the others here for the advice and suggestions about the meals. My mind couldn't understand how you could eat enuf calories to stay healthy when I look at the size of the stomach pouch. Makes more sense when I picture about a cup of food. Do you all chew, chew, chew??? Thanks again. HW
  4. healthywoman

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    Good afternoon to all. Kristenaz and Flammingjun we are all being banded this week- I'm on the 18th at 9am! I am so excited to get past this point and on to the hard work ahead. I'll pray for us bandsters this week. Jonmon have you tried writing a journal about your expeience? It might be helpful to see all the accomplishments you make on this journey. It's a huge success for you to acknowledge that your eating habits are a problem, research options to support your decision to do something about it, and then make a choice and follow through!! You are just days away from your procedure date so you have already jumped through tons of hoops to get to this point. Changing your point of view about life after banding might make thins go more smoothly for you in social situations. You will still be eating, mostly the same things as the rest, but possibly making healthier choices than your friends. You might be eating slower than they do, but again, it's healthier for you that way. I don't mean to "preach" , just maybe giving you some options about the choices we make in everything we do including how we feel. Cara and Caryn, how are things feeling several days out? Is there anything that we can do for the gas pain? Is this gas from the surgery where they blow up your abdomen to get a better view, or is it gas in the intestine that going to make us toot???? Is the heating pad making any difference for you? What type of pain are you talking about with the port? sorry for all the questions, just feeling a bit anxious I guess. Just four more days for me! HW
  5. healthywoman

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    Thanks for the update Cara and Caryn. Too bad about that phone. How are you both feeling tonight? Cara, you drove the same day didn't you??? How is your pain level, and if you are home with two boys, are they able to do most of their own care? Are you both resting? Just wondering about the daily routines that must go on and the rate of recovery. I appreciate you both taking the time so soon after the procedure. Still no regrets ???Praying for your SPEEDY recovery!! HW
  6. healthywoman

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    Has anyone signed up for the Lapband journey online? Just wondering -haven't had time to do that yet. HW
  7. healthywoman

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    Hi Peps, I buy the hemp hearts at the health food store-I checked online and the shipping was outrageous for the Bob's Redmill products. Is there a HF Store near you? I live in a small town, and surprisingly we have a good hf store close by. Anxiously awaiting word from Caryn and MSLady about how you feel today-praying all is well. Welcome to miss joli, Bama brandy, bucnurse and Josh. How great Josh that you and your wife are going through this together! Must feel good to be supportive and ecxited together. I haven't told anyone outside my husband, and thd child care provider for the day of the procedure. Just not happy with the opinions people were giving during my research phase. My pre-op is Monday the 15th, and will find out about inpatient vs. outpatient. The receptionist said inpatient, my insurance said outpatient. I do NOT want to stay all night! Sounds like Ms lady was feeling pretty well and didn't need to stay all night. I think I will rest better at home. HW
  8. healthywoman

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    Good Morning, Thank you MsLady for getting back to us so fast-I'm so encouraged about the procedure now. I can't believe you drove already!!! Peps, I finally have the name of the protein-Body Fortress Super advanced Whey protein-you shouldn't have any troulble finding it. The hemp hearts are the inside of a hemp seed, High in protein, high in omega 3,6,and 9-heart healthy, and a very good anti inflammatory- all natural. Can only be bought at health food stores and online. I only use Bob's RedMill brand cuz some of the other brands have too many shells, the outer coating of the seed. They tast great and have provided much needed relief from constipation and migraine headaches. I'm one day closer to my date-Aug 18- seems like the days are dragging. I want it now!!!HW
  9. healthywoman

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    Hi Peps, I buy th Super Advanced Whey Protein with 26 grams per scoop-can't remember the exact name-Bio something-I'm not at home to check. This brand was recommended by anothe bandster and it tastes great. I've been on it for 8 days. It comes in a big plastic tub, not a can . The label is black and orange. It will say 52 grams on the front label, but that is for two scoops. I use one scoop at a time so I can have several shakes per day, based on 1000 cals for my pre-op diet. I'm allowed a frozen meal of less than 300 cals on days 3-12, but all liquids first and last two days. I have chosen to do all liquid some extra days,just because its sooo easy-no thinking required. I make a frappe mix in the AM with Benefiber, one scoop protein, 3 tblsp hemp hearts, several icecubes and 5 ounces of water. Tastes great and when eaten with a spoon, feels like a meal. I really haven't been hungry much either unless I don't have my shakes on schedule. I'm looking forward to hearing from our bandsters in surgery today- praying for them all. When is your procedure date,Peps? Mine is Aug 18-just can't wait to get this over and start the next chapter. HW
  10. healthywoman

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    Thanks for the heating pad tip-didn't think of that or the pillow. I've had one c-section, and a miserable hysterectomy so I'm thinking this lap surgery will be a breeze compared!! I am taking the Super Advanced Whey protien chocolate and it tastes sinful . It's so tasty/non-gritty I feel like I'm cheating. I get it at WalMart for $15. I've lost 8 lbs in 7 days and hope it continues to come off. My doc says he will cancel your procedure if you gain between the consult and pre-op visit. I believe him!! I'm saying prayers for all of you this week. Please check in here if you can, post-op, to give us some wisdom for our procedures next week. Thanks
  11. healthywoman

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    Good luck to all the people getting banded this week. I am so excited to say my date is Aug 18- I've only told three people. Heard too many negative opinions way back when just exploring the band. My PCP was outright ugly with her negative opnion-told me to see a counselor and explore my relationship with food!!!!! Can you believe it? I'm concerned about 2 things- pain after the banding, and getting back to work. I'm only taking off seven days. Anyone have suggestions of what we should have available during the first week of recovery??
  12. Thanks for your very funny, very honest post. I went to my seminar last night and my Doc talked to us just like your post. No beating around the bush. I am waiting for a consultation appt, know my ins. covers LB, and trying to be patient. I will remember your inspirational story as time goes by. I have 90 lbs to lose, which feels like a million. I understand it's not just weight loss, but a healthier lifestyle and the band is the tool I need. My PCP isn't supportive and feels surgery is a copout. The surgeon told me he will set me up with a new PCP. One more hurdle jumped. I'm excited to get going. Good luck with maintaining your amazing new body.
  13. healthywoman

    Tomorrow, Tomorrow...

    Good luck tomorrow! I think the hardest decision was choosing to have surgery- you did that a while ago! Hope all goes well. I attend my seminar tonight and hope to have surgery before December. I know my ins covers it- just not getting any support from my MD who thinks surgery is a copout. Isn't it the surgeon who fills out the paperwork to verify medical necessity?? Looking forward to a healthy lifestyle!
  14. Congrats on your surgery and 7lb loss so far. Was wondering about your ability to exercise since youv'e had two strokes?? Have you created alternate forms of exercise? I am not banded yet- will attend my seminar tonight. Am excited to start the process and get on to a new healthier life. Good luck to you.
  15. healthywoman

    5 Days Post-Op

    I am new to this forum. I'm in the research phase of lap band. I have been overweight for 35 of my 50 years. Tried WW and Jenny both multiple times-lose and gain back even more each time. I am at my heaviest non-pregnant weight of 210. My doc has flat out told me she won't sign any forms for surgery basically because she believes it's a copout. Wants me to see a psychologist to "explore" my relationship with food. That's easy- I love food. I don't know how I will get clearance for surgery, if my doc won't cooperate. Any advice????

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