My Band to Bulimia without the weight loss.
I was banded in 2007 with a Lapband and lost 75lbs in months and feeling like a person again. Then my band slipped. In 3 months time while I was waiting for the insurance to go through for the removal and replacement Realize band, I gained about 50lbs of that back. I was rebanded in 2009 and to date have been the same exact weight I was the day I was rebanded. I have had adjustments, fills, unfills and all that Jazz..... nothing has changed, I throw up or PB every meal I eat, I have terrible indigestion and have developed ulcers. UGHHH. I cant keep down a meal and I have not even lost a pound. Sometimes I feel like i wouldnt mind throwing up from time to time if I was loosing weight. My boyfriend who has been my biggest supporter is now looking down on my situation as I am always leaving him at the dinner table to join my friend "The Toilet". I have even switched Physicians. The band is in the right spot and under fluro every thing looks good. I know this Realize band takes getting use too but Im going on year 3 here. WTF?!?!? I say band to bulimia because as people with this terrible disease sometimes you dont loose weight but infact you can get an enlarges heart which I am terrified over due to not eating. Am I alone here? I now weight 220 and my insurance wont pay for a different procedure. I am so depressed I avoid people and social situations.