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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ASBgirl

  1. I am 6 days out and I think I am hungry too. Funny it is hard to tell which sensation I am feeling. Sounds like you feel the same. I am on full liquids so I think that is normal. I hear you do not really feel restriction until you try food. I am ready to find out because I think I could eat a lot of full liquids. Surely nothing like before surgery but I could definitely get in more than I have been the past few days. Hopefully some of the more experienced people will chime in here and help us out!

  2. Six days post op here (surgery 6/21). I'm okay. It's hard to get up and down and walk, I have severe muscle pain in my abdomen under my largest incision. It freaking hurts. I walk as much as I can. I stopped taking the Lortab because it wasn't really doing anything and am now taking Tylenol. No problems drinking. I'm still on clear fluids, I don't really care because I'm not hungry. I've lost about 6 pounds since surgery. So tired and fatigued.

    But I'm hanging in there. It will get better.

    Sleevegirl- My surgery was same day as yours and I still hurt too! Very tired of the liquid medicine. It makes me feel really weird so I was hoping to stop taking it by today but it hurts too bad. What form of tylenol are you taking? Do you cut it down small and swallow it?

  3. LOL I understand. I feel annoyed too!!!

    I am a revision from lap band to sleeve and was thinking it would be easier for me since i'm used to eating less, but not THIS LESS!!!

    All I can say is the scale better be moving while I'm drinking just 150 cals/day! Or it may not because my body is probably thinking I'm starving it! Ugh!

    I guess this too shall pass, right?


    You are darn right that scale better be moving!!! I too worry that it wont because my body will think I am starving it but lets hope for the best. You are right this too shall pass!

  4. I got my sleeve last thursday and would MUG someone for a Protein shake!!! I'm only getting in about 150 calories per day and am weak! My diet calls for Clear Liquids the first week. <huge sigh>

    So 500 calories to me sounds awesome. I'm jealous!


    Poor Cathy!!! Hoping for full liquids for you soon! I am weak too but geez I was eating about 3000 calories a day before so 500 is a shock! I suppose we should expect to be weak. This will so be worth it I am sure but today I feel annoyed!!!

  5. You are high speed! I am on full liquids ( 3 weeks out ) moving into mushies and just started tracking my food today.

    So far today (Breakfast and lunch) I am at

    Calories 195 - this is 1/2 Atkins shake and 1/2 Jiff Peanut Butter to go (+water)

    What are you eating? I have been afraid to push myself to try more foods.

    I am eating greek yogurt, Atkins shakes, High Protein oatmeal from Bariatric Choice, and High Protein Soup I got from Bariatric Choice. Frankly very tired of all of these things. Girl I would jump into mushies if I could!!! Maybe just try one new different mushie per day since you are concerned. Maybe that ricotta bake from eggface or something like that would be a good start!

  6. KPB-Today is my 6th day post op. I consider myself to be strong and a trooper. I have done great so far but today I feel like I have just had it! I still need to drink the liquid death too and I hate it. I think it is ruining my taste buds. I am swallowing my ppi which is small just fine so I am thinking of calling surgeon and asking for something small in pill form. I can agree with everything you wrote with one addition and this may be TMI BUT--I have diahrea which I expected but my whole abdomen hurts so bad that I can not twist enough to wipe as well as I would like so now my butt is really irritated. I am a clean freak so it is really bothering me! Just generally irritated today which is not really like me! UGH!!!! :(

    Still happy to be sleeved I must say!

  7. I had my surgery on Tuesday. Had a couple of complications but nothing I could not get thru.

    Yesterday was the 5th day post op and the first day I have felt like tracking what I have had to eat. Here are my totals per FitDay Free calculator for yesterday:

    Calories- 501

    Fat- 6.7


    Protein 70.1

    All my Vitamins taken and my Water requirements met plus some!

    I am on full liquids. For those of you who are further along do you think these numbers are okay? Is this enough calories because I could eat more. I think I am right on target but want to see if it is similar to how you guys did on full liquids.

  8. I had my surgery on Tuesday. Had a couple of complications but nothing I could not get thru.

    Today is the 5th day and the first day I have felt like tracking what I have had to eat. I think I am done eating for the day and here are my totals per FitDay Free calculator:

    Calories- 501

    Fat- 6.7


    Protein 70.1

    All my Vitamins taken and my Water requirements met plus some!

    I am on full liquids. For those of you who are further along do you think these numbers are okay? I think I am right on target but want to see if it is similar to how you guys did on full liquids. :D

  9. I had my surgery on the 21st so I am right there with you! I am afraid to weigh yet because I did receive so much Fluid and I am so swollen. Trying to convince myself to wait one week to get on the scale. I am constantly thirsty and the fluids are going down pretty nicely. I have no idea if I am feeling hunger or gas or what but lots going on in my abdomen!

    Sounds like you are doing great! lets keep in touch since we are only a day apart!

  10. Does anyone have a great brand of Decaf they enjoy? I have been a coffee addict even as a child. I am more sad that I can't have my morning coffee, than the food I am missing. I tried Folgers decaf and Starbucks and do not like either one.

    But I also have a second question: I am 11 days post op and I think my taste buds are out of whack. Nothing seems to taste like it used to. Has anyone experienced this?

    I am only 4 days post-op and dieing for some coffee. I can not find anywhere in my binder that it says when I can try at least de-caf but I feel pretty confident that it is way too soon right now. food commercials aren't even bothering me but the coffee ones are killing me. Gonna call Doc office first thing Monday and ask about it!

  11. I just got home. Had surgery Tuesday. Doing pretty well. My biggest problem is that my bladder just would not work. They had to put in a catheter which I disliked very much and of course I started my period the morning of surgery. I am moving slow but progressing nicely I think! So ready for this weight to start falling off!

  12. I have pretty much decided to just do my own nails a very pale color. I will not mind it if they take off the polish when I do it myself but would have been sad if I payed for a mani/pedi and they removed the polish! So funny the little things us girls worry about!

  13. My surgery is coming up Tuesday. I planned to get a mani/pedi Monday so all looks beautiful at the hospital. A friend told me that you are not allowed to wear polish during surgery. My surgeon did not mention this. Was that true for any of you?? Would be seriously pi$$ed if I spent money for the mani/pedi and they took off the polish at the hospital LOL! :huh:

  14. Hi, My husband was around but I think I would have done just fine on my own I believe he was gone part of my first day home. You of course will need someone to drive you anywhere you may need to go or to get anything you might need. My kitties were not too pleased with the fact that I could not hold them the first 6 weeks(G)

    Ha! Yes my kitties will have to settle for sitting on my lap for a while! I have all of my supplies ready and waiting for my return home so I should not have to leave the house for a few days except for my walks. My parents live near if I have an emergency and my daughter is helpful! I think I will be fine on my own. Just have to take this opportunity to stand up for what I want which is something I am working on! Someone is going to be very offended that I do not come home with them. But this is just about me for once. I will soon be 40 years old and can make my own decisions!

    UGH family dynamics! They mean well!

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