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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ASBgirl

  1. My sister and I are going to take our young daughters and spend a week in Hilton Head on the beach! I can already feel the sun and I have not even had my surgery yet!
  2. Something comforting about knowing someone is going thru this at the same time so we will have to keep track of each other .
  3. ASBgirl

    got my surgery date today!!!

    Congratulations! Have faith you are doing the right thing!!! I just found out my date today......APRIL 19th so I will be just a step ahead of you and will tel ya what to expect!
  4. Just got my surgery date........April 19th. So Happy I am shaking!!!

  5. You look GREAT! And your hair looks even fuller and better than before. Have you done something specific to keep yourself from losing hair??
  6. So today I went to my Doctor for a Sinus infection. My blood pressure is 160/90. It has NEVER been that high before. I have been bingeing and trying to get in all the foods I can imagine before my surgery. I have no doubt that is why the sudden blood pressure spike. I have also gained 10 pounds in a month! This stopping right now! I have been a fool. Can not believe I have done this to my body. I am going ahead and starting my pre-op diet even though insurance has not approved me yet. Please God let them approve me! It is getting dangerous for my health now and I am a single mother with an 8 year old daughter to raise! This was a huge wake up call for me.
  7. ASBgirl

    Wake up call today

    My BP has been borderline for the past 2 years that I have added an additional 30 pounds. I have recently put on yet another 10 pounds and that seems to have put the BP over the edge! When I was under 200 pounds my BP was very good.
  8. Just talked to UHS and my surger has been APPROVED! I am sooo HAPPY!

  9. ASBgirl

    Wake up call today

    Just called UHC and my surgery has been APPROVED!!!!! So HAPPY!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  10. ASBgirl

    Wake up call today

    My family Doc said that if I am for some reason not approved for the sleeve to get back in his office immediately to get on blood pressure meds. I am only 39 years old and I am not going to let that happen. I am trying to start to view food as just something to nourish my body not anything else like something to Celebrate with or something to fill boredom. Ashamed of what I have done to my body. Gotta get my health turned around! So far so good on the pre-op diet today. The plan includes: 3 no sugar added Protein shakes( slim-fast or the like) and 2 "lite" meals (lean cuisine, healthy choice, etc) plus up to 2 cups of low calorie vegetables. Thanks for the support guys! Praying tomorrow I will hear that surgery is approved as the insurance company will have had my information for 2 weeks on Monday.
  11. I called and talked to UHC today. They have had all my information for a week now and said my approval/denial is still pending. I am hoping to know by the end of the week! So praying for approval!

  12. ASBgirl

    Waiting for UHC Approval

    I know how you feel! I too am waiting for UHC approval. I have never felt so crazy and obsessed as I do right now. I can not think of anything else. Feel like my whole life is on hold even though I know I should go on living and try to be productive. Just petrified of what will happen to me if I am not approved!
  13. Still waiting to see if insurance approves my surgery! I have never felt so impatient in my life!!!!!

  14. I had my last appointment today so supposedly they will submit my surgery to insurance for approval tomorrow. With my new UHC insurance they cover the surgery 100% after $250 deductable if you have a 5 year history of obesity AND a BMI of 35 or greater. I have met these requirements. I saw the surgeon for the first time 2/14/2011. Someone mentioned to me that since I am so new on my insurance policy that it might be denied due to pre-existing condition. I looked in my insurance book and here is what is says " Expenses incurred as a result of an injury or illness for which medical advise , diagnosis,care, or treatment was recommended or received during the six-month period before the coverage effective date under the plan, will be considered a "pre-existing condition" and will not be covered under the plan during the first 12 months of coverage. Since I did not seek treatment for the condition until 2/14/2011 and my policy started 1/31/2011 I do not think the pre-existing condition thing will apply to me. What do you think?? I am so anxious to find out as I just new this was going to happen but now that the pre-existing condition thing was brought to my attention I am FREAKING out with fear of being denied.
  15. ASBgirl

    24 hours out now

    Congratulations!!! Glad things seem to be going well.
  16. ASBgirl

    Problem with approval??

    "Have you called and spoke with the bariatric coordinator? Were you assigned a case manager? It wouldn't hurt to call and ask. I have UHC as well and I called and asked a lot of questions. Just a suggestion. Deb"] This may sound silly but I am almost afraid to call them and ask about the pre-existing because I do not want to point out anything that may give them a reason to deny me. I guess I am going to have to break down and call anyway thought!
  17. ASBgirl

    Need to Vent!

    Congratulations!!!!!!! I had my last appointment today that completes all the things required before the surgeon submits to insurance. I am praying it will be submitted by the end of the week and hope to get an approval like you did! Best of luck to you! Keep us updated!

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