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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ASBgirl

  1. "I'm really having to pay attention and I DO journal everything. Brutal honesty. lol On the flip side, my mind totally recognizes that at 800-1000 calories (depending on the day, time of month, activity level, etc), how can I NOT lose weight? SOoooooo, I'm trying to be reasonable and not over-analyze everything; keeping it simple. Keep doing the right thing and it will happen!" SeattleSue I am thinking the same thing. I mean when I say I have been pushing my limits I mean I am eating like 1200 calories instead of my goal of 800 calories so seriously it is not like I have returned to pre-surgery eating so I should still lose. Never would I have dreamed that I would think 1200 calories were too many. Anyway I have the whole day today planned out and tracked at 810 calories and I am going to continue to try to do this most days! Toby
  2. I do think PMS has contributed to it and so has the fact that I hit a 50 pound loss last week. I was kind of like well I lost 50 pounds I am awesome and I am done. Well I am not done. I still have about 60 to lose and this is not a starting and ending thing. I need to change how I eat forever. I want to take advantage of this honeymoon period and then once I am maintaining make some occasional little indulgence okay but not now. Glad to see I am not alone in these feelings! Hugs to you all!
  3. Thanks for the showing reminder! My suit does fit now so I need to remember how far I have come so far! I did show the horse driving last weekend and had a great show. I will be showing him driving again in 2 weeks but next year I am so getting back in the ring under saddle. I WILL have to have to buy a new smaller show suit by then!! I think I will pick out a new goal riding outfit and post a picture of it where I can see it when I want to be a child and test what I can eat LOL! So excited to hear how your big show goes ! Thanks you guys! I knew if I posted here I would get help getting back on track!
  4. Thanks JillW8! I tracked out everything I am going to eat today and I am going to stick to it. One day at a time I guess. I think maybe I have just been testing the sleeve to see what I can eat and that is a very dangerous thing to do. Going back to basics! Gotta make this tool work for me! Still scary though .
  5. I am 11 weeks out and am starting to find that I can eat 3/4 cup of most foods at one sitting. I am worried this is too much so early out too so anxious to see peoples responses to your post! Can we stretch the sleeve out?
  6. ASBgirl

    Six Months Pics 103lbs down

    You look GREAT! Have you done low carb or low calorie or a combination or what? I am 3 months out and hope to be as successful at 6 month mark as you are !
  7. First picture is the other day at 11 weeks. Second one is day before my surgery. Not sure if you can really tell since 11 week picture is only head shot but down 50 lbs in 11 weeks
  8. I have had this bread and it really is tasty. I like it toasted!
  9. ASBgirl

    Whatcha eating today!!! Sunday

    Breakfast- EAS carb control shake Snack- 4 oz greek yogurt Lunch- 1/2 Cup Shelly's Ricotta Bake Dinner-About 2 oz Turkey breast,1/8 cup Green Beans, 1 T. Mashed Potatoes Snack- Pure Protein Bar Not enough Water today. Will keep working on that till I go to bed.
  10. ASBgirl

    Whatcha eating today!!! Saturday

    Breakfast- Packet of Bariwise Oatmeal Lunch- 1 oz cheddar cheese and 8 Cheddar protein chips(from Bariwise.com) Dinner- 1/4 Turkey Ruben from Beef O-Brady's Snack - 1/4 Turkey Ruben from Beef O Brady's Snack- Kashi Honey Almond Flax Chewy Granola Bar
  11. ASBgirl

    Upping calories to lose weight

    So excited to see how this turns out for you since I have been considering upping my calories too! Please update when you can and thank you for starting it!
  12. Hi guys! I am 5 weeks out and have not lost anything in 2 weeks. I eat between 550-700 calories each day, 30-40 grams of carbs, and 60-65 grams protein. I too feel this fear that I will give up like before when I stop seeing results. I do not think we can give up this time. This is different....Our sleeves will not let us. I am going to try really hard not to obsess about the scale and think more about listening to my body. Trying to eat when I feel empty and stop before I get too full. Still going to eat my protein first and of course not much room for maybe a bite of a carb per meal. I think that if I do this there is no way this weight will stay on. Sometimes I forget this is my plan and get all obsessive again but trying really hard to work on the just listening to my body thing! Thank God we can support each other thru this cause it is hard to see the scale stop moving when you are consuming so little!
  13. Tamz I am 5 weeks post-op today and having the same thing. I eat just like you do but not exercising quite as much. Even though I no it is normal I find it to be very frustrating! Guess we just have to hang in there!
  14. ASBgirl

    Nearly 11 Mos Post Op - With Photos

    Fabulous job!!!
  15. ASBgirl


    I am 3 1/2 weeks out from surgery. My instructions from Doc says soft fruits no skin permitted. You suppose that includes watermelon? I think I saw that people tend to have problems with it but I could not find it on here when I did a search. BTW- I bought seedless watermelon if that makes a difference.
  16. 30 pounds in 4 1/2 weeks! I am happy with that!!

  17. ASBgirl

    Any horse people on this site?

    Here are a few pics! His barn name is Gusto. Registered name "Worthy's Windfall"
  18. ASBgirl

    Any horse people on this site?

    Just noticed this thread! Former-vbg we have already Private messaged all of this but for the rest of you I own, train, and show an American Saddlebred. He is the love of my life. I used to show him Saddle Seat but for the past 2 seasons I have been showing him in driving since I have put on more weight. I am going to finish this year in driving and re-debut under saddle next season!!
  19. ASBgirl


    I always have avoided those seeds...yuck! I think I will have some tonight and dip it in Greek yogurt for protein!
  20. I am 3 weeks out and have no problem getting 20 oz or so down in 1/2 hour or so. I am not gulping but not sipping either!
  21. This may sound weird but I think my Full signal is a slight pain in my head. Could that be possible?? Anyone else experience this?? Toby
  22. ASBgirl

    Full Signal

    I am getting all my Water in. Do eat slow though. I try to take 30 minutes per meal per my surgeons recommendation. Maybe I am just weird! Hope your headaches aren't too bad Butterfly!
  23. ASBgirl

    My body is saying REALLY???

    Ha ha! Funny people think riding a horse is just sitting there but it takes every muscle in your body if you are doing it right!! Can not wait to get back on my horse!
  24. I am going along fine and not hungry. I eat because I know I need the nourishment. I feel okay on what I am eating but I am afraid that my metabolism will be ruined if I do not eat a little more and then I will have to stay at this calorie level the rest of my life or gain weight? Here are yesterdays stats which is a typical day: Calories - 510 Protein - 65 Fat- 17 Carbs- 24 What do you guys think? Toby
  25. ASBgirl

    Am I eating enough?

    Wow hard to imagine 3 -300 calorie meals per day right now but in the long run I think that sounds like a really healthy way to live long term! 3 Pounds per week is a great average! Keep up the good work!

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