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    dnicewife reacted to shedo82773 in Almost one week post op....   
    Don't be too jealous. LOL Men always lose faster than us woman!! You will get there for sure!! Just be sure to follow all of your Surgeon's guidelines. Good Luck
  2. Like
    dnicewife reacted to Postop in DS questions   
    At a year and half out, I can see you still might need a shake to supplement your Protein. But boy, I'd be eating my Protein if I could. It's so satisfying to have a bowl of nuts, big chunk of cheese, salami & swiss, hamburgers, steak, etc.
  3. Like
    dnicewife reacted to newlifebeginnings in DS questions   
    I had my DS done march 23 2015. For the past like 4-5 months my weight loss is at a standstill. I don't know why. Also I am always freezing. Could someone else who may be experiencing these symptoms give me some pointers. Thanks
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. Like
    dnicewife reacted to Dub in Awful smelling stool and gas   
    And their shyt doesn't stink ????????
    Febreeze the hell outa the bathroom afterwards and get on about your bidness.
    Don't sweat the small stuff...................and most of it is truly small stuff.
    You've lost 73 pounds in the past few months....and are rocking a 30 BMI.
    Tell the whole world to kiss your butt.
  5. Like
    dnicewife reacted to Stevehud in Awful smelling stool and gas   
    sorry maam but as my father was want to say, Nobody sh*ts roses.
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    dnicewife reacted to ridgerunner in Vitamins   
    How many pills do you take on a daily basis?
    How much do you spend on them per month?
    Where do you buy your Vitamins?
    Have you had any issues with deficiency?
  7. Like
    dnicewife reacted to UCLA man in may 17 surgery   
    My surgery is tomorrow Tuesday May 17th so I too have been on Clear Liquids for the past week.
    It really sucks.
    Why do some have no clear liquid diet and others have 2 weeks? I've read the purpose is to shrink your liver so shouldn't it be the same for everyone?
  8. Like
    dnicewife reacted to pr_pitbullgrl in Transformation Tuesday   
    I've decided I'm never going to miss a "Transformation Tuesday" again. it keeps me focused on what i'm doing, what i'm trying to accomplish and reminds me where i came from. im still a work in progress but everyday i get closer.
  9. Like
    dnicewife reacted to cknhealthyme in DS tomorrow morning   
    I hope your DS went well. I had mine at the beginning of February and in that short amount of time went from wearing a 28W to 22/24. After a lifetime of seeing the weight and dress size spiral up, it is a great feeling getting to experience them going down. Like LisaMerg said "walk, walk, walk" and make sure to get in all your Protein. Be prepared to experiment with many Protein powders and drinks before you find the right one for you. That was probably my toughest challenge in this journey (I just found one I can tolerate without gagging a couple weeks ago).
  10. Like
    dnicewife reacted to sbdooly73 in Fastest Approval Ever   
    Went to the surgeon yesterday at 3:00. My paperwork was submitted today and I was approved today!! May 10th!
    Sent from my SM-G900P using the BariatricPal App
  11. Like
    dnicewife got a reaction from livvsmum in 10 Months Post Op Pic & Feeling Pretty Fabulous   
    You look awesome!
  12. Like
    dnicewife reacted to LilMissDiva Irene in Weight Gained Since Having Gastric Sleeve Surgery   
    I'm always going up and down a few pounds. I would find it odd that anyone would *never* fluctuate. Especially a woman...
  13. Like
    dnicewife reacted to geno5150 in Stopped weight loss   
    As long as you are not gaining 2 pounds a day, you should be OK. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
  14. Like
    dnicewife reacted to sleevesearch in should I go on a diet   
    I think before I started a program, I would track my food intake for a couple a weeks. Just to really see what my nutritional intake was. You might be able to see some discrepancies by doing this and make adjustments on your own.
    I might have to follow my own advice pretty soon, as I'm am losing very slowly as well. About a half a pound per week. Yes, better than nothing, but really not what I thought VSG would do for me.
  15. Like
    dnicewife reacted to Bawse52 in I Have Gained 15 Lbs But Dropped 3 Pants Sizes   
    Before I had this surgery I was worried about loose skin and not having any muscle tone after the surgery. Well I am proud to say that I am a year out of surgery and I don’t have any loose skin. I have always lifted weights and wanted continue after I had my surgery. I am going to be honest when I got back in the gym after surgery I was extremely weak, in college I could bench about 475 lbs., when I got back in the gym I could barely bench 145 lbs. I stuck to it and now I am up to 375 lbs., I work out 4 days a week and I swim 3 say a week. I don’t run or walk because of the stress on my knees, I think once I get to my target weight I will start to run. Just recently I have noticed that I have gained 15 lbs. but my waist and my shirt size has reduced by 3 sizes. At first I was frustrated about the weight gain but I was told that I am gaining muscle mass and it is much heavier than fat. I think I am going to add more cardio to my routine so I can get to my target weight then I will continue my weight regimen. I am so glad I decided to have this surgery..it has really changed my life!!!

  16. Like
    dnicewife reacted to Jazzyjackie in Help! No Weight Loss - Over 1 Year Out Gastric Sleeve Surgery   
    Wow, I would be so happy to be 150!
  17. Like
    dnicewife reacted to isajck in 2 Days Before My Surgery-And I Cheated   
    Be honest, it does no one any favors not to be. I had a two week pre-op liquid diet and ate chicken almost every night for dinner except the last night. I was honest with my surgeon and it posed no problems. At the hospital they were most concerned that I was compliant with no food after midnight, which I was.
    It was explained to me that the main reason for the lenghty diet is to give the system a rest and also try and reduce fatty liver (if you have that, i did).
  18. Like
    dnicewife reacted to favoredone in 6 Month Update (My Road To Rocking My Sleeve) -Its   
    Okay... I can hardly believe that it's been 6 months already!!! Seems like only yesterday I couldn't fit into a booth at Texas Roadhouse, but it's actually been over 17 months... Feels like I was just complaining about how my dumb insurance company requires 6 month medically supervised diet... but that's been 12 months ago.. and then I met my Sleevina...
    The past 6 months have been the most mentally engaging 26 and a half weeks of my life!!! It's been a challenge to get up each day and not be consumed by the RULES, but respecting them and not looking at them as BAD... but as parameters and boundaries that keep my Sleevina working optimally.... So, this journey is definitely not for the faint at heart or those who are seeking to somehow become whole after losing weight.. Wholeness comes from knowing yourself, outside of physical parameters and having the strength to work hard and change the things that aren't "meshing" with the real you.. Anyway.. here are my stats since I started this journey...
    HW: 384
    CW: 314
    Clothing sizes:
    Highest: 30/32-4X in everything
    Current 20/22 - 1X (I still struggle to purchase them!!)
    Pre-surgery Shoe Size: 11WW
    Current: 10W
    Bra Size
    Pre- 48 DD
    Current- 42D
    Exercise Level:
    Pre- Nonexistent due to back injury and poor left side dorsiflexion
    Post- aqua aerobics, stationery bike, (ELLIPTICAL.. go figure), lots of walking
    Greatest SUCCESS to date:
    I'm mentoring 2 young ladies that I met recently..One was sleeved 3 weeks ago, the other had RNY 5 weeks ago.. I get an opportunity to share my ups and downs, give encouragement and advice, PLUS receive it!! Through it all, I don't have any regrets...
    Yesterday while biking away in the gym, this guy walks up to me and tells me I have enviable legs and calves... I laughed and said thanks... I wanted to say, please move so I can finish my workout.. This is an NSV because I love men and he was kind of cute.. but I wanted to finish strong and he was being a distraction!!! That's a huge step for me... I'm determined to put on blinders to all distractions, negativity, unhealthy weights (people, mindsets, attitudes, etc) and baggage that seeks to impede my journey towards my goals...They're not worth the time, energy and effort!! BUT I AM WORTH IT!!!
    If you are at goals and in maintenance, congrats.. If you are still on the journey to goal, congrats and don't lose sight of it... remember everyday you get closer, if you make the right decisions...if you are a NEWBIE, welcome!!! Trust me it gets better!! And if you are comtemplating getting sleeved, don't hesitate.. but prepare to have your life totally altered in ways you can't imagine...Remember, you have to know that you are worth whatever dollar amount it costs, however long the pre-op diet it, and whatever fiery hoop you have to jump through... Get all the facts, but don't sell yourself and your loved ones short.. Yes, my life has changed, yes... I had to leave some people behind.. but, I found myself again!!! And I have to say... she's pretty darn cool!!! I like me a lot!!
    I haven't dropped a huge amount of weight (in pounds), but I have left a HUGE amount of disgust, low-confidence, defeat and many other things synonomous with CRAP along the way...
    A few Tina-isms:
    Your journey is yours!!! You can't expect it to be exactly like someone else's...
    Don't compare yourself to anyone else.. Compare yourself to YOU!!.. Look at old pics, keep track of your measurements, do a side by side comparison... trust me, you'll see the difference
    Enjoy your journey!!! If you do it grudgingly, the smallest excuse is all you'll need not to work out, not to drink Water, not to refrain from high calorie, but delicious stuff that slows/stalls your progress
    Find an activity that you LOVE to do.. I LOVE aqua aerobics... I don't see it as excercise (although Jenna the Beast works the HECK out of me!!)... it's fun, burns lots of calories and helps tone the whole body
    Affirm yourself!! Positive self affirmations work wonders when you are struggling to finish that last mile or last 5 minutes of a workout.. Yes, hearing it from others is good.. but say something good about yourself.
    Extend the same love, support, grace, mercy and consideration to yourself, as you lavish on others.. You're human too right??
    Don't make excuses, MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!

  19. Like
    dnicewife reacted to O.T.R. sleever in 16 Mos Out...disappointed   
    Yup, you hit the nail right on the head, it's all about calories. Whether you choose to reduce you're intake or increase the number you burn, that's the only choice
    As far as it being a failure, I for one don't view it that way, you've lost almost 90lbs!! And comparing your loss to your husbands is simply not fair to you.
    The simple fact is men& women are different. It may not be politically correct but it's true. Women typically carry much less muscle on them, & they tend to be smaller framed.
    So if your caloric intake is the same as you're husbands then it does make sense that his loss would be greater. His body burns more calories at rest simply because of the existence of more muscle tissue. Then when you both do the same exercise, he is engaging larger muscles therefore he is burning more calories.
    I know this really is not what most ladies want to hear, but I hope this helps you. You've come a long way, don't get discouraged now. It's time to adapt & overcome.
  20. Like
    dnicewife reacted to tntransplant06 in 16 Mos Out...disappointed   
    Let me post this photo...before and after...this is where we are at now.

    Thinner and healthier, but not thin.
  21. Like
    dnicewife reacted to RawrrAshleex3 in 16 Mos Out...disappointed   
    They surgery is unfortunately not a guarantee.
  22. Like
    dnicewife reacted to Writergirl in 16 Mos Out...disappointed   
    I can imagine how frustrated you are. I fear the same thing happening to me. I do have a question... Are you still drinking Protein Drinks? I've noticed that I can eat a lot more lately, and I get hungry every 2 hours. However, if I have at least one Protein Drink a day, I want to eat a lot less and it really helps keep my calories down. I use GNC soy Protein mixed with Water and ice in the bullet. Sometimes I add in some coconut Torani Syrup. It's 130 calories. If you had one about an hour before lunch or dinner, you would be able to consume a lot less for that meal. Just a suggestion! I'm finding that it's a constant thing to figure out what needs to be tweaked, permanently adjusted, or eliminated. Don't give up!!!
  23. Like
    dnicewife reacted to Cherrybomb in 16 Mos Out...disappointed   
    Have you tried beef Jerky? I don't know about all of it, but I know the Jack Link's that I buy is low calorie, almost no carbs or fat, and has 15 grams of Protein per serving. It fills me up and stays in my sleeve for much longer than fruit. I have never tasted beef jerky until a couple of weeks ago and was surprised to actually enjoy it. I like the peppered kind the best....nice and spicy.
  24. Like
    dnicewife reacted to Cherrybomb in 16 Mos Out...disappointed   
    You can still have RnY after the sleeve. It would help you lose more with the liquids all over again.
    BUT, I personally wouldn't do it. I have read recently that there is no real calorie mal-absorption, only Vitamins and minerals. I may have done it for a year of free calories. Now, some research is revealing that's a myth. Then you are just stuck for life with Vitamin issues.
    So what is the answer? The same boring answer it's always been - less calories, more exercise. UGH. I don't like it either.
    Since you are used to taking in a large amount of calories, maybe just choosing very low calorie foods that you can fill up on would help.
    I only eat between 800-900 calories a day and my body will not lose unless I also exercise. Even on these low calories, if I go a few days without working out, my body will have the nerve to GAIN a pound or so. Without my sleeve, I would never be able to eat this few calories and it's apparently all my body needs to live on.
  25. Like
    dnicewife reacted to Renea77 in Best.workout.ever!   
    I am totally enjoying working out. Been lifting weights, walking and jogging a nice pace and just started taking spinning classes. I am feeling great. Exercise really helps.

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