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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About MSanti

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    Junior Guru

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    New York
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  1. MSanti

    Post sleeve pregnancy

    Keep the focus! Great job on getting back on track! Wish you luck!
  2. Guys I am happy to tell you I had a baby last year! I did lose weight, I gained a lot back during pregnancy but am working on getting back on track. I recently found out I have insulin resistance related to my PCOS but I am working on maintaining that by eating a low carbs diet. I hope you guys are all doing well!
  3. MSanti

    Post sleeve pregnancy

    I don't know if pregnancy has a lot to do with the sleeve expanding because it did for me. I've been doing portion control and watching what I eat more carefully as well as adding 150 minutes of workouts per week, this has helped me get back on track. I hope this helps!
  4. MSanti


    @DarbiMolly: The sleeve is small but with time it does expand. At least it did for me. Don't misunderstand though, I still can't eat as much as I could before surgery but I can definitely eat a little bit more than I did during my first year after surgery. To give you an example: I can't eat a hero sandwich but I can eat half of a roll and maybe a couple of extra bites. They key is to take your time while eating and stop when you feel full. Also, you do have to be conscious of what you are putting in your mouth like RJ'S/beginning mentioned. @LilmissDiva Irene: Thank you! Nice to see you are doing well!
  5. MSanti


    Hi Guys, I haven't been on in a while and wanted to report. When I first had my surgery I was close to 300 lbs May 2011. I was down to 192 lbs when I got pregnant late 2012. While pregnant I went back up to 250 lbs. After baby I was down to 230 lbs. While on maternity leave I gained an additonal 10 lbs eating crappy foods so by Dec. 2013 I was at 240 lbs. When the baby was 8 months old I realized I was no longer carrying fat from the pregnancy, it was the food I was eating. I've been trying to get back on track. I started to watch my portions again and to stay on the healthier side about 3 months ago. I am currently 223 lbs and hope to continue losing. So that's 17 lbs lost in 3 months. I have stopped losing weight in the past month as I knew I would, but I am focused and want to get back to my 192 lbs by fall. I also added 25 minute workouts Mon - Thursday and 50 minute workouts on Fridays using Shawn-T videos at home. I just want all of you to know that weight loss is hard and the sleeve definitely helped me get to 192 lbs, but it is not a permanent solution to healthy living. The change comes from you first and the sleeve is there to help ease the process. Good luck!
  6. Hi Guys, I haven't been on in a while and wanted to report. When I first had my surgery I was close to 300 lbs May 2011. I was down to 192 lbs when I got pregnant late 2012. While pregnant I went back up to 250 lbs. After baby I was down to 230 lbs. While on maternity leave I gained an additonal 10 lbs eating crappy foods so by Dec. 2013 I was at 240 lbs. When the baby was 8 months old I realized I was no longer carrying fat from the pregnancy, it was the food I was eating. I've been trying to get back on track. I started to watch my portions again and to stay on the healthier side about 3 months ago. I am currently 223 lbs and hope to continue losing. So that's 17 lbs lost in 3 months. I have stopped losing weight in the past month as I knew I would, but I am focused and want to get back to my 192 lbs by fall. I also added 25 minute workouts Mon - Thursday and 50 minute workouts on Fridays using Shawn-T videos at home. I just want all of you to know that weight loss is hard and the sleeve definitely helped me get to 192 lbs, but it is not a permanent solution to healthy living. The change comes from you first and the sleeve is there to help ease the process. Good luck!
  7. Great job! WOW!! 141 lbs in one year is a lot!!!!!! You have done exceptionally well. Very happy for you! You look amazing!! Congrats! You kind of resemble Cynthia Nixon especially in this photo take a look : http://www.google.com/imgres?q=miranda+from+sex+and+the+city&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=957&bih=613&tbm=isch&tbnid=lBasRAxqGhQvLM:&imgrefurl=http://www.styleite.com/tag/sex-and-the-city/page/2/&docid=TcoINMRo74ZvEM&imgurl=http://www.styleite.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/CynthiaNixon.jpg&w=350&h=350&ei=LYTjT4HrB6H00gGirM2dAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=687&vpy=155&dur=1199&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=207&ty=118&sig=111309455480670298068&page=2&tbnh=129&tbnw=130&start=20&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:20,i:184
  8. Hi Kristy! Yes I believe we did! You look amazing too!! Great job! 104 pounds down is awesome!!! You are so close to your goal now! You are rocking that sleeve girl!
  9. Thank you all I really do feel marvelous!
  10. Thanks MinaT. I just realized the first "after" picture didn't show my entire body. I have just modified it to show the actual photo size. hehe
  11. I always use the same "before" picture because I never really photographed myself when I was at my heaviest weights; which at times fluctuated up and down between 313 lbs. and 295 lbs. I never thought I would get out of that slump and thanks to my sleeve I have been able to accomplish so much in a little over a year. Last year, before my surgery, I wondered if I would ever get out of the 200's. My surgeon told me that the sleeve surgery didn't guarantee 100% weight loss of my excess weight, and I was o.k with that because I figured any weight loss is better than none!. However, I did wonder if I would even make it below 200 lbs. It's finally happened for me!!!!!!!!!!!! Woooooooooooo hoooooooooooo! I am so happy for myself. Here are my before and after pics! In the after picture I am actually 202 pounds but I look pretty much the same at 198 lbs. hehehe
  12. Thank you! All the comments give me that warm fuzzy feeling inside hehe. You guys rock!

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