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About phished10

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  1. phished10


    I'm not crazy about isopure :gag: I prefer myofusuion. Its at gnc in a big blue container. Taste great! Good luck! 11lbs is great
  2. I was sleeved on 8/16 and I am very hungry!! I can have full liquids (creamy soups, thinned yogurt...) I am able to start purees on 8/29 and I can't wait! I have cheated here and there but I instantly start freaking out about complications! I get really pissed at myself. But its so hard when you are hungry! like, REALLY hungry! I'm sorry you are so miserable. Not much longer :hugs: are you drinking protein shakes. I find that they fill me up pretty well..but nothing replaces food :-/ hang in there.
  3. phished10

    Cooking for your Family

    Well I am only 1.5 weeks out so right now it is more difficult. I am still on full liquids and I'm hungry! Its hard to cook all these yummy foods and not eat them. But I think once I move onto solids it will be much better. My husband started eating healthier last year (lost 60lbs!) So we eat pretty healthy as a family. Once I can chew my food and eat it, I look forward to trying new recipes and getting creative in the kitchen. Good luck and way to go..5 kids, your super mom lol
  4. phished10

    2 years post-op

    Aww look at that sweet girl! Congrats momma you look amazing!
  5. phished10

    Better than Mindless Eating

    Loving this thread
  6. Going numb maybe from the pain meds (if you are still taking them) but drawing up....sounds like a deficiency.
  7. My right insicion is pretty intense. If I don't take my pain meds at the scheduled time, it starts hurting. It is really uncomfortable when I'm turning inbed or when I go to stand up. I hope you feel better soon!
  8. I have been passing gas fine my first bm was today (4days post op)
  9. phished10

    Exhausted and Dizzy?

    I am a little weak today..I also have a baby, well he's a toddler now. Those little nuggets can wear you down. I am 4 days post op. When is your next checkup. Maybe they can check your levels. Good luck!
  10. phished10

    School + Recovery time

    I know this is an older thread but I am curious how you guys did?? I will be one week post op when I go back to school. I go to an actual campus, no online for me. I'm hoping everything goes smoothly. I know I can't carry my 500 lb backpack lol looks like I will have 1 binder and 1 pen in tow for a while
  11. I was on clear liquids 1 day postop. The protein shakes are a little thick. Try a sugarfree popsicle. That was much easier for me. Yes, the gas pain sucks! Just keep trying to walk. Maybe try and ask your doc for liquid pain meds..that's what I have and they go down smoothly. Good luck! I hope the recovery gets easier
  12. Hi everyone! I was sleeved tues at 8am and I am feeling great they had to give me a little "liquid courage" before wheeling me back to surgery. I started thinking about my child and not waking up. I'm so glad I didn't back out. When I first woke up I was nauseous and sore but they gave me meds that helped. Shortly after getting in my room my heartrate jumped up and they couldn't figure out why. They did an upper GI (omg that liquid that I had to drink was horrible) the scan came back fine..no leak once my HR was stabalized, my bp went up. My surgeon called a pcp to visit with me. He was very nice, ordered a chest xray, which came back fine. He then put me on a bp med. He said I probably had high bp to begin w and the antesthia made it spike. My surgeon let me know that my liver was little (I struggled w preop diet, cheating) and my stomach handled the surgery well. So now I am back home on full liquids. I get my drain out Monday. I'm getting in my liquids pretty easily. My right incision burns some, but nothing compared to my c section lol. I don't own a scale so I have no idea how much I have lost. I will be weighed mon. So far, so good. I am blessed to be having such a smooth recovery and I pray it continues to go well. I'm getting to know my new sleeve and I'm excited to share my journey with you guys!
  13. Yes, this is so true! Everyone keeps saying I do not weigh enough for wls...umm yees I weigh 250! I carry most of my weight in my chest! I have always worn xl tops and medium short (well now I wear xl shorts too) this is so true that people carry weight differently.
  14. I am only going an hr away for my surgery and I tear up just thinking about being away from my son for 2 days. I can't imagine! You are doing what is best, stay strong! Your a great mom
  15. phished10

    Day2 PreOp Not going well

    Kutie, try not to beat yourself up. There are doctors that do not require a preop diet at all. I'm not saying do not follow your doctors order but we are OBESE for a reason..diets are HARD! I am also struggling w my preop diet. If you need any support feel free to message me to vent. Good luck!

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