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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by charlottesweb91

  1. charlottesweb91

    What Peeves you?

    Wow...you mean I can B*t#h with no recourse??? Here goes: When you are on the interstate and drive slow in the fast lane..shame on you!!!!! I am the CUSTOMER...without me, you would not have a job...so...where is the customer service ???????? And say "Thank You" when you take my money! And last and most annoying... MY NAME IS CHARLOTTE, NOT CHAR!!!!
  2. charlottesweb91

    DH not 100% with me.

    In the beginning of my journey, my DH was not 100% behind me either. I took him to the seminar with me in August, and he still had more questions, whcih we researched together. I am scheduled for banding on Monday the 29th, and his is now on board with me 100%! I am also a self pay, and this was big issue for him also. But the bottom line ended up being this: Have I had successful weight loss before? NO Do you want me to stick around and enjoy an active life with you? YES Which is more important, my life and well being or the bank account? NO ANSWER EVEN NEEDE FOR THIS ONE! It took time, but now he understands.
  3. charlottesweb91

    Anyone else extremely nervous???

    My date is Monday Jan. 29th, and I started out real nervous last weekend, but now I am more nervous about missing work all of next week! I am trying to tell myself, I will feel great and be back at it by Thursday... Mostly I am worried I will be in pain afterwards, more than being scared about the surgery itself.
  4. charlottesweb91

    immediate post op diet....help

    It is my understanding that part of the reason for the clear liquids is because your esophogous(SP) may be swollen, and that is also needs the recovery time, then the soft/mushy phase is so that the area around the band itself also has the time to heal. This is how it has been explained to me by both the surgeon and the nutritionist, so I think this will make it easier for me in my mind to want to follow the diet for the first few weeks. I want to heal properly!
  5. charlottesweb91

    Surgery and "AUNT FLO"

    I just came home from my pre-op appointment at the surgery center, and I asked about Aunt Flo and they said they will do the surgery no matter if she comes along or not! YEAH! Then they said if I am on my period that day, then I have to notify them if I wear pads or tampons, and that if I use tampons then that is fine, it can stay in! I was shocked! Stayed tuned...appointment with surgeon and lab work at 2:30 PM EST this afternoon. I took the whole day off just to get all these appointments done in one day.
  6. charlottesweb91

    Panic Eating

    I have never been a big fan of eating at McDonalds, but for the last two weeks, I have eaten McDonalds for at least 5 meals a week! WHY???? I DO NOT EAT MCDONALDS!!!!!!! Fries, Burgers, damn McFlurries, even ordered an apple pie yesterday! Of all the things I figured I would have for my "last supper", I never though I'd eat at the golden arches....It's all Psychological.... Every diet I have ever tried has made me "panic eat" at some point.
  7. charlottesweb91

    Surgery and "AUNT FLO"

    Everyday it seems I have a NEW worry...and I am glad to here the NO catheder part, but all my pre-op appointments are today and I will ask just to be sure. I have the leftover cold/flu thingy worry also, as I had the flu the first week of January and actually lost about 8 pounds and all I can think about is, gee, what if the doc thinks she has lost this little bit of weight, she does not need this lap band, even though I know it plus 3 pounds will be back on me in no time flat! SEE I TOLD YOU I AM WORRIED ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!!! I feel obsessive, even though I am not normally this way. So...to sum up my worries....Aunt Flo, colds, the little bit of weight I lost, catheders, and oh yeah, let's not forget: what if they change their mind and say NO! (I really do not think this will happen, just obsessing is all!)
  8. charlottesweb91

    Surgery and "AUNT FLO"

    Thanks for your reply! Believe it or not, I have been stressing about this!!! That and getting a catheder..........ouch..
  9. charlottesweb91


    When I decided to do this, my DH was behind me, and still is. My surgery is January 29th and I had to approach him recently about loaning me a little money to cover what I did not have, as I am self pay. (NOTE: We keep our finances seperate, always have, avoids fights!) Anyway, he said he would help me, but only if I promise not to leave him when I am skinny...so, yes, he is insecure. Silly guy even talked about making me sign something that said I won't leave him when I am skinny!!!
  10. charlottesweb91

    6 Freaking Months!??!

    Having an insurance company that wants to pay is worth the hurdles you have to jump through. Mine said, "NO", no questions asked. No matter what. I have been thinking about this for nearly a year now, and I started the ball rolling in August. My surgery date is January 29th, so that's a total of 5 months, and that is for self pay! In the beginning, I thought 5 months was too long to wait, but now my date is near and I can look back and say it went quicker than I expected. It does fly by fast.....
  11. charlottesweb91

    Who Did You Tell?

    I told my husband, my daughter, and a couple close friends. One friend said, "Hmmm, I don't know if I can be your friend anymore since you will be smaller than me." I was shocked. She has been my friend for 15 years!!! My husband and daughter have been very supportive so far, and I know they will continue to be. I have not told many people because, frankly, it is none of their business. Band date rapicly approaching at January 29th. As far as work is concerned, I am just on vacation that week.
  12. charlottesweb91

    January Bandsters???

    Another January Bandster here! My date is January 29th. I am going for all my pre-op stuff in two days, and since I am a self pay, will have to leave the BIG CHECK for payment too! I think that is when my nervousness will start to really kick in! Until then, I can honestly say I have been thinking and researching this decision for over a year now, and I am looking forward to my "new life" beginning January 29th!
  13. charlottesweb91

    mental evaluation

    My surgeon in Melbourne, Florida also had both Psyc and Nutirionists they worked with. But it was far from a quick easy evaluation of just a few minutes. At my psyc exam, I feel like the Doc really had my best interest in mind, and the nutritionist spent loads of time with me answering questions and giving me sound advice and counselling about diet restriction's etc. All in all, I felt the experience with both was positive, and made me feel good about my choice in physician and in doing the lap band procedure in general.
  14. charlottesweb91

    Newbie here...

    New also...being banded on January 29th.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
