something my friends and i discuss ALL the TIME my auguement "but there never seems to be enough time for anything it seems" i'm 25 and if i don't have a baby by 28 i'm over it. i'm working on my masters and i want to focus on my career. i also want to travel, and there like servel things on my list i need to do before i even think about that it be about 40 to complete that. my mother had us all doorstep togather she only 45(now i can never find my mother she forever in another country or somewhere out at sea) all of us where grown buy the time she was 39 40 so it does surprise me that more and more women are having babies later. my bf says i worry too much about time but i tell him as a woman it really important and at the end of the day there is never enough time or you have to cut ties somewhere and as always the woman career get put on the back burn. i work too hard for my degrees to never really get a chance to use them. time is a friend to no man or no woman for that matter.
anyway ladies good luck!