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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Bandit420

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  1. Bandit420

    1st Fill - Still Hungry & Frustrated

    I am so in the same boat with you guys. I can pretty much eat what I want ... a cup of food doesn't do anything for me. I'm frustated but I know this is a process. I get my first fill on May 24th. I hoping for something more obvious but I know this is a process and I like what I see so far so I'm willing to stick with it. For now I'm just paying attention to my calorie intake and I'm exercising. Just keep pressing on ... people still fail with the lap band but I'm determined that's not going to be me!
  2. Okay I'm post op 8 days now. I'm done with liquids and on to mushies ... but I need a little advice cause I don't think I'm being creative enough. My question is what do I eat. I have made some home made tuna salad, soup, and yogurt . Everything hurts going down that I have to chew so I really don't want to try anything else even though my doctor says I can. I do have this new zest to work out though. I just in need of little motivation I guess.
  3. Bandit420

    bannded 6 days

    I'm 5 days post op ... I'm eating but everything hurts going down. I'm really surprise to see you being able to eat anything at this point but I guess everyone is different.
  4. Bandit420

    Reborn April 21, 2011

    When I got my prescriptions filled, I just told the pharmacy I had a band and they converted it into liquid for me. I would try the old school way with apple sauce if you don't think the pharmacy will help you out.
  5. Bandit420

    Post-Op Disasters

    I'm four days post op and feeling the same way, I am starving. I kinda even feel like I'm cheating because I am eating little things here and there but the filling/pain in the middle of your chest makes you immediately regret trying little things like strawberries of soup that hasn't been strained. I have regretted having the surgery already at the four day mark which is why I turned to the web for a little glimpse of hope. I hate to see you feeling down about everything but I'm also glad I am not alone it what I'm feeling. I physically feel fine ... my body is healing well on the outside. Around my port area feels weird and a little painfully at time but I've even been able to walk my neighborhood and the mall on Friday. I vomited about an once yesterday as well which really had me concerned. My major focus is slowing down the eating process. I wish you well in your journey.
  6. Bandit420

    Brand New and recovering...

    I was just banded on 4/20 Wednesday also. I would love to communicate with everyone through out their process especially seen we all seem to have started on the same day. I'm not sure about everyone else but I not did have to do any forum of pre dieting so this is truly posing to be a challenge for me.
  7. Bandit420

    Feeling sick

    I was banded on 4/20 ... I'm have some second thoughts! I have jumped the gun I must admit I didn't think a day or two would make a major difference. My doctor said liquids and protein shakes for approximately 6 days. I have started to experiment with some soft foods. Everything just feels like it sits in the middle of my chest. I have went back to doctors orders which is just liquids and protein shakes but I'm hungry. I see this may take a little more discipline than I intentionally thought. My doctor has advice in the future to keep meals to a "cup" size in portion but at this point I don't see how I can eat a cup size portion of anything less long a meal.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
