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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by emily_0192010

  1. emily_0192010

    So this is what is feels like???

    I'm curious, how far out from your surgery are you? I am only a couple day's post-op and i am technically on full liquids as well but I am terrified to try anything other than water or broth. I am up to about 30 oz of liquid so far today, but i've slept a lot so that has limited my time. When did you make the switch from water and clears to full liquids? I was thinking of trying a think protein shake later just to get in some nutrients.
  2. emily_0192010

    How are the Florida sleevers doing????

    I'm doing good I had my surgery at Memorial. The first night and morning after in the hospital were awful because I didn't react very well to the pain medicine I was given, and my nurse kept telling me it was just the after-effects of the anesthesia. I was extremely dizzy and I could walk, so the gas pains in between my shoulder blades hurt a lot.... but as soon as my surgeon stopped the meds it went away and I felt 100 times better. I am home now and my pain is manageable. At this point I am just very very sore and tired. I am not having any problems getting in liquids, I just have to go very slow. So far today I've hit around 22 oz of Water. I don't really get the full feeling either, but at first when I was sipping I would get this clenching feeling that hurt a lot, but then I started sipping teeny tiny amounts and they went away. Now to get the water down I pretty much just keep the straw in my mouth and sip constantly lol. I am hoping that as I heal I'll be able to take larger sips. Where is the support group that you are going to? The one offered through my surgeon's office meets at times I can't make and they are mainly for band patients.... I've thought of going to one but I haven't really made any efforts to find one.
  3. emily_0192010

    I was sleeved mondy!

    I was also sleeved Monday I had some of the same doubts before the surgery, especially since I lost 40 lbs pre-op. But what I did was remind myself of all of the diets and exercise programs that i've done before and their success rates. Then I looked into my future... I remembered that I don't want this cycle to continue. I want to be healthy and I don't want this black cloud hanging over my head. From here on out we're on the loser's bench and things are going to go our way from now on!
  4. emily_0192010

    How do you explain the scars?

    That is hilarious!! Thanks for making me laugh today
  5. Hey everyone I am finally home! Everything went well and I was very pleased to hear that I had a "tiny" liver Four months of super-low carbs paid off! I had a hard time the first night and the morning after because I didn't have such a great reaction to the pain meds they were giving me. And the nurse I had kept telling me it was left-over anesthesia and to keep taking my meds. I was ridiculously dizzy and nauseous so I was not able to get up and walk, which meant that the gas pain was pretty bad. The second day my surgeon took me off of the meds and I was able to start sipping Water and moving around. It helped a bunch! The other thing that came up was that every time I would fall asleep my oxygen levels would drop into the high 70's... so apparently I probably have sleep apnea. My surgeon doesn't seem to be too concerned since I am doing the best thing to treat it already by losing weight. Right now I am pretty sore, but it is manageable. I am taking it easy tonight and just sip, sip, sipping! Thanks for all the support everyone
  6. emily_0192010

    awake during intubation

    I think you'll be just fine I would call and ask to get more details. You will have to be sedated because otherwise your body wouldn't allow them to intubate you. So yes, you will be awake but you won't care and chances are you won't remember it. I would make it very clear to them that you are very nervous and anxious and scared and they will take care of you. Good luck, don't let this fear stop you from going through with it!
  7. emily_0192010

    Do you have a scale?

    I use my wii fit to weigh in, though I do not do it everyday and my "official" weight loss is based on the numbers that I get from my surgeon's office, since the two are a bit off. I always used to be the "weigh every day" type of person, but I found doing my PSWL that I enjoyed seeing the larger numbers and it took the pressure off of me. I fluctuate a lot during a week, so to do it everyday was difficult when it went up. During my PSWL I didn't have a scale so I had to wait for my official weigh-in, now I much prefer to wait.
  8. I am sleeved! Still in the hospital but doing good :)

  9. emily_0192010

    Protein powders and baking

    I have never heard of the one you use before, but I know that most protein cannot be heated over 130 degrees F because it will cause the protein to break apart on a chemical level, but there is one protein "beneprotein" where it says right on the label that it can be used in baking so they must have a more stable form of protein. It should say right on the container of the protein you have if it can be used in high temperatures.
  10. It's finally here!! Today is my day :) I know the next couple weeks may be rough but I can't wait! I'm not nervous at all, I figure the nerves will come once I'm at the hospital, but for now I am just excited!

  11. emily_0192010

    Was not going to post

    I'm so sorry to hear that you have cancer, but thank god that they found it when they did! I guess you can really say that the sleeve saved your life. Good luck getting over this, I know you'll do great!
  12. emily_0192010

    How do you explain the scars?

    Funny you should mention cysts... my boss at work asked me what I was having... she asked in a more concerned way and I felt bad saying nothing so I told her I was having cysts removed.... she was worried that something was really wrong so I figured telling her something would work better. It did, luckily. She hasn't pushed. I figured I can also explain the weight loss as my hormones finally being back on track and portion control I have nothing against sharing that I will have WLS, but I was worried that since I only work part-time, they would ask me to leave since it is considered elective surgery. I have only worked there for a couple months so I decided to play it safe.
  13. emily_0192010

    How are the Florida sleevers doing????

    Congrats on being close to goal I'm glad to hear you are doing so well!
  14. emily_0192010

    How are the Florida sleevers doing????

    LOL on the "can't be T-rex because he's been downsized"... that is hilarious! I am getting sleeved tomorrow in Jax and I can't wait I am also thinking of naming my sleeve but I haven't come up with anything! I'm glad to hear that you have such supportive friends, I bet it makes everything just a little bit easier! I also have a strong support background but most of my friends are scattered around the US.
  15. emily_0192010

    Gained 5 Pounds

    Good job with the smoking... keep it up!!!
  16. emily_0192010

    I'm a 10

    That is awesome What made me smile the most was when you said that your husband said you were a 10 no matter what pants you were! You are a lucky woman! Congrats on hitting the size 10. I can't wait to be there!
  17. emily_0192010


    Hmm, well I AM 20, but I haven't had my surgery yet so I'm not sure I am actually hoping I lose some of my boobies lol. As long as they "fit" my body in the end I will be happy. I am hoping that because I am young that they won't droop too much, but the drooping is due to skin and I have a lot of that so who knows? I saw that you are 4 days until surgery... we are having surgery the same week! Mine is on monday We should keep in touch and compare, umm, results LOL.
  18. Two day's before surgery and I am starting my all clears only :) I can't wait!

  19. emily_0192010


    I am very curious about this as well. My surgeon didn't say anything to me about it.... I don't usually use tylenol (in fact I don't even have any in the house) so I am definitely curious about this.
  20. emily_0192010

    Sept. 17th it's official

    I hope everything went well for you Be safe on your way home!
  21. emily_0192010

    i wore a bikini top proudly

    WOW! That was ONLY 3 months after surgery??? You look amazing!!
  22. emily_0192010

    extra skin anyone??????

    I have this concern as well, but at the end of this process if I have lose skin that is something I am willing to deal with. Either I will learn to live with it and use it as a reminder of what I was and all that I overcame. But maybe i'll be able to have it fixed. Sometimes skin removal surgery is covered by insurance if it is serious enough. At our age though our skin is more elastic than it will be in our thirties or forties. The other thing to think about is that you want to have kids. Saggy skin is something you will have after that. My point is that having saggy skin now, before you have kids in order to be able to have them in the first place should be a willing trade. I am really glad to hear how happy you are with yourself. Don't lose that confidence. Deal with problems as they happen and keep that amazing spirit strong!
  23. Awesome Be happy! It is good to be nervous, but try not to let it consume you. ((hugs))
  24. emily_0192010


    May I suggest doing the low-carb high protein diet? I never lost much weight before but I had to do the low carb (under 30 per day, and those were only for incidentals) diet for my PSWL. I've lost 32 lbs so far and it has been just about four months. I think if I had pushed the exercise and the water it could have been more. Good luck!
  25. emily_0192010

    THIS......is my story!

    Hello! My name is Emily and I am 20, so we are in the same boat! I am a bit further along in the process than you are, I am having my surgery on Monday. You have definitely come to the right place! I love this forum. I learned so much and have so many supportive people. I am having the surgery for many of the same reasons you are. If you have any specific questions or just want to chat send me a p.m

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