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Everything posted by TijuanaPlication

  1. TijuanaPlication

    I'm out of Mexican Motrin

    I've took Voltarol in suposatory form. You can also get paracetamol in suposatory form. It acts in ~15 minutes, so that's good, it's just not as handy when you're out and about!!
  2. TijuanaPlication

    Three days post-op

    Glad to hear you're doing so well!
  3. TijuanaPlication

    Food Food everywhere

    Breakfast buffets can be OK. Scrambled eggs, turkey sausages, etc. I stayed the same when I went on hol (and I wasn't entirely a saint), but I did stick to protein first. I'm sure you're just worried about the unknown but will be OK.
  4. TijuanaPlication

    Changes in my body since the sleeve

    Good luck. You've done awsomely on the weight loss front, so hopefully you are cured. I do still wake up every 90 minutes but that's at the end of a natural sleep cycle. Most people only stir slightly and turn over, but I've become a lighter sleeper after being woken up roughly every 10 minutes for more than a decade (sleep apnea is more like every 2 minutes).
  5. TijuanaPlication

    Having a few bad days...

    Hi, I'm so sorry to hear about everything you're going through. Losing a dog's really upsetting. Have you thought about going on some form of contraceptive to control your periods? On the pill you can tri-cycle (ie run 3 packets back to back) and you won't get a period until the end of the 3rd packet (so after 63 days at least if not longer). Your period should also be shorter and lighter. If you're not up to taking the pill then you could try the contraceptive injection. You have it once every 12 weeks and I'm not getting periods at all since I've been on it (only 4 months so far).
  6. TijuanaPlication

    Actually Got Approved!

    Congrats! Not long now!
  7. TijuanaPlication

    Changes in my body since the sleeve

    Getting sweaty at night can be a symptom of sleep apnea. I know coz I had apopnea (like apnea but less severe) and I had my uvula removed for it. When I went to get my post-op sleep study done I told the consultant that I'd stopped waking up sweaty and he said that was a strong indication I was cured - which I was!
  8. TijuanaPlication

    Anyone doing/done the 30 Day Shred?

    I didn't like it, I expected it to be a lot harder. I find I get a better workout with the Step and rebounder workouts they do on Caribbean Workout.
  9. TijuanaPlication

    feeling so full

    Just concentrate on getting your fluids in. Some yogurt drink will give you some protein and energy (assuming you're permitted full liquids at this stage) and should be easy on the stomach, but don't worry too much this early. Some soup would also be good. Keep sipping and don't worry too much about anthing until you're on mushies. BTW make sure you're taking your meds (anti nausea/antacid - whatever your surgeon has prescribed). All the best - you'll be right as rain in no time now!
  10. TijuanaPlication

    Hungry on full liquids

    Liquids slide right on through, so it should get easier once you move to mushies and eventually proper food, just hang in there.
  11. Are you on an antacid? I'm going to see if my doc will put me back on Nexium, as Tiffykins said that she got more hungry when she wasn't on an antacid. I might also see if I can get some phentermine. Duodenal Switch is an option if your BMI is 35 still (or if it's lower and have co-morbidities, eg diabetes), but you'd really have to look into it as it's a serious step. OH have a DS forum.
  12. TijuanaPlication

    Got My Date Woo Hoo

    Congrats on your upcoming date! Feeling nervous is totally normal and thinking WTF after is also very common (I certainly went through it). I didn't have to do a pre-op diet, as my BMI was only 30 and any less I couldn't have had the op. I don't have pre-op snacks to recommend, but I strongly recommend getting a pill crusher if you're going to have Nexium (which a lot of people on here do seem to get). Nexium tastes gross and gets stuck in your teeth if you chew it, so I say a pill crusher is a MUST. Anyway good luck.
  13. I got really bad pain nowhere near my incisions when I walked for the first 6 weeks - it felt like the stitch you get from running. Someone suggested it might be referred pain (which I think it probably was), but I didn't get much pain at the actual incisions. Our bodies have been through a lot and sometimes they don't heal as fast as we think they should. I hope your cramps go away very soon.
  14. TijuanaPlication

    Gastric Sleeve Plication vs VSG?

    "overall weight loss was considered satisfactory in 78.6% of the patients who underwent gastric plication and in 97.5% of those who underwent sleeve" See link below for source: http://www.skrekas.net/surg_hemstatistics.htm Sadly I appear to be part of the 22.4% not having satisfactory weight loss. I wasn't aware of this stat when I made my decision. I feel just as hungry as I did before, so choose carefully.
  15. Day after my op - I was given straws in the hospital at every meal. The first day I was only allowed ice chips.
  16. TijuanaPlication

    Got my date!

    Where did you get the 85% success rate for VSG from? I've seen stats saying it's a lot higher. Anyway, this is very well put and it's nice you're sounding so positive. All the best.
  17. OK, I'm going to see the doc about getting some sort of antacid. I'd read about it helping, but I've also read about acid reduction causing problems. Anyway you've given me the push I needed and I'm finally going to give it a go under medical supervision. Thanks for the reply and I'll keep my fingers crossed! Thanks to everyone else who replied too - I really appreciate it.
  18. Hi, I'm getting nowhere with my plication. I'm 3 months out and I don't feel much different to before (ie I get as hungry and can eat nearly as much). I'm considering VSG (if that's a possibility - I know it is in theory, but don't know if it's been done). I'm hoping I'm more like a bandster (without the slippage/erosion or things getting stuck). My question is how is the sleeve helping compared to before? I saw someone say that at 22 months out they couldn't get down a whole chicken breast. I'm 3 months out and can do that no probs (no nausea, nothing). BTW I got a 32 bougie. I'm just trying to find out as much as I can as I don't want to fail again!! Any input is much appreciated.
  19. Tee hee... that was you I was talking about!!
  20. TijuanaPlication

    Has anyone actually failed at this?

    Your concerns are understandale, although according to these stats the sleeve has a 97.5% success rate http://www.skrekas.net/surg_hemstatistics.htm I'm starting thinking about a revision as plication hasn't done much for me and I totally share your concerns. Worst case with the sleeve you can revise to the duodenal switch and I don't think I've read about anyone one failing with that (just some complications and deficiencies but even then DSers seem happy).
  21. TijuanaPlication

    Slow Loosing

    Hang in there 27lbs in 2 weeks is a fantastic loss. You must've seen it on the Biggest Loser when folks have had a big loss and then the next they get a zero or even a gain when they're working just as hard. I know it's frustrating, but weight less frequently like someone else suggested!
  22. TijuanaPlication


    The word gulping really reminded me of my early days. I was only having sips but I was swallowing a lot air. I was concerned thinking that's how things were going to be forever!! Thankfully the amount of air I was swallowing went down to what I consider normal a couple of weeks after surgery. It'll get better very soon and you'll probably forget about these concerns!
  23. TijuanaPlication


    Apart from the first 3 days when I was on a drip, I've had no problems with fluids. I was concerned about this, as I had my uvula removed a few years ago and had to be re-hospitalized to go on a drip due to dehydration. I think you'll be just fine. Just allow for a longer hospital stay if necessary - I was planning on staying 1 or 2 nights initially but stayed 3, then BAM day 4 hit and I suddenly felt LOADS better.
  24. BTW thinking WTH is normal, it'll pass.
  25. I found Yoplait yogurt drinks to be great when I moved to full liquids. They have a resealable lid so you can just sip a little as and when I got hungry. Fermented milk (ie yogurt) is generally well tolerated even by those with lactose issues. Maybe something like that will help you. All the best - you've not got long until mushies - although it seems like an eternity!!

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