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Everything posted by ybnormal

  1. ybnormal


    Make sure you take it regularly! It can be very dangerous early out to have chronic, severe GERD or heartburn. Plus, it hurts like hell You can crush up the pills and put them in a bit of juice and swallow them if you need to. Renee`
  2. ybnormal

    Fainting! Warning

    That's so freakin scary and I'm glad you're ok now! I agree with the possible dehydration but also electrolytes. Alcohol messes with those as well. Add heat and sweating and it's a recipe for disaster. I seriously hope you go to the doctor and let them do some testing. Don't take a chance with this, it's to scary! xoxo's, Renee`
  3. Ok wait...I will tell you that the first day or 2 I was like WTH did I do to myself?!?! Because it's the worst then, but even then I knew it was the right thing to do. I knew I didn't want any other wls because IF there is ever a cure for fibro and OOOPS! it's in the NSAID family, then I would be shooting myself in the foot because I couldn't take it then. If you want to get healthy and live a full life then your head is in the right place and you MIGHT be ready for wls. If you want to spend less money when you fly, want to sit in a booth etc...your head is NOT in the right place and you're wasting your time by being here and by going to the seminar. Just my opinion. Renee`
  4. I suffer from severe fibro and chronic fatigue. If you'd like I can give you my phone number and I'll talk to you about it. I blogged all about it as well. I was TERRIFIED going into surgery because of the horrible IBS and of going into a flare. All the same concerns you have. I didn't go into a flare, even after a very rocky start. Oddly enough, I was JUST talking about my IBS on youtube today LOL It's 110% BETTER than before I had surgery. Eating was always scary for me because I had the diarrhea with the IBS so I never got to eat at restaurants and even at home I had to make sure I wasn't going ANYWHERE for a few hours after eating. Now, it's much better! Much much better!!! Has it helped the fibro? Yes and no. I don't need help getting out of bed anymore. I haven't had to literally crawl to the bathroom once since surgery and I'm not as sore in general for the most part. I mean, it's forever, right? But it's improved a lot in a little over a month. My fibro is WHY I had the surgery. I want as much of my life back as I can get and any chance of that was / is a chance I'm willing to take! I actually did a video on youtube about my fibro and surgery as well not long ago. At any rate, if you want to talk to me about it, feel free to pm me and I'll give you my number. I'm more than willing to do anything I can to help. Renee`
  5. ybnormal

    a little over 1 month!

    Kelly its REALLY hard at first but then it gets a lot easier. Like I said before I have a horrible social phobia so this time on YouTube was the first time I wasn't just behind a screen but my face was out there. It was seriously terrifying and I almost crapped myself LOL Just make yourself do it! I promise it will get easier! I'll hold your virtual hand through it, k? LOL xoxo's, Renee`
  6. ybnormal

    a little over 1 month!

    Thanks! I'm in a stall right now but no worries, it will come off when it's ready to Renee`
  7. ybnormal

    a little over 1 month!

    I updated my YouTube this morning with 3 videos. Only 1 really applies for here and it's absolutely TMI so beware lol For those that want to watch, it's called spit and ****. I've had the worst heartburn EVER since surgery so maybe this will help out others out there and lets face it, **** happens so there you have it, the name of the video LOL xoxo's Renee`
  8. Everyone is nervous, that's totally normal. In fact nervous, scared, terrified and everything in between..I felt all those! Above all else, I was excited. If you're really feeling that gut feeling that this isn't for you when it comes time then maybe it isn't. All I can say is that I had to keep telling myself "it's ok, I can leave anytime I want to!" and that got me through. Really it was just mind*f-ing myself but it's how I got through it. Sometimes a "wasted opportunity" is just a way of opening up an even better opportunity at a later date. At any rate, I'm so pulling for you right now and I know you can do this! You'll thank yourself when it's all over and you can look forward to a healthier you. You'll be around a lot longer for your wife and kids! Renee`
  9. ybnormal


    Hi Barb! Actually I JUST got an email back from my doctors office today. I'm taking Nexium a.m. and p.m. and then Zantac150 in the afternoon. For breakthrough heartburn I'm taking Gaviscon. Avoid tomato based dishes, fruits and juices, any form of chocolate, alcohol and anything carbonating. Also, if you smoke, quit. I'll be starting my Zantac tomorrow. Hope this helps both of us! Renee`
  10. ybnormal

    It will kick your butt

    AHHHH! Yes I was in Mexicali at the end of may and good grief..it was miserable out there. Let me add, I'm a total WUSS when it comes to heat. I'm very fair complected and have never been able to stand heat and I have a bit of a sun allergy. So much so that they are testing me for Systemic Lupus because almost instantly I break out in a rash. Anyway, no, I can't stand the heat at all, even 80's is just to hot for me. I'm glad YellowRose was fine and had a wonderful experience! Renee`
  11. ybnormal

    Sleeved June 30

    Well, you could always try prune juice... KIDDING! don't drink prune juice or you'll be on the potty groaning and cursing my name for hours LOL It'll happen when it's supposed to because as we all know... **** happens! omg...I must be too sleepy this morning LOL Renee`
  12. Girl you almost got hit by the whole TREE of bad luck! You must have been ducking and dodging branches or something LOL I hope you're feeling a bit better this morning *hugs* xoxo, Renee`
  13. ybnormal

    im truly struggling

    This actually kind of pisses me off. Where did y'all have surgery?!?! I mean, I went to Mexico (which you would think wouldn't be as good as America...NOT TRUE!) but Dr. Aceves explained everything. I did tons of research before hand so I knew exactly what I was getting into before I did it. How many doctors are out there taking peoples money and doing surgery on people that have zero to little idea of what's in store for them? To me, this is unethical at best. I mean, this is forever, the rest of your life! I firmly believe that you have to be in a certain mindset, not to succeed (hell everyone will lose weight) but to flourish and thrive. If a person isn't in this mindset, then surgery at this time shouldn't be done. There are always ups and downs and moments of regret for most major decisions in life...but to really not know what you were in for before hand is horrible. Even if your doctor didn't tell you, didn't you surf the boards and other places for information? I don't mean to sound harsh, it just seems like you weren't in a place where you should have had this surgery. Did you not know going in how long you would be on liquids? Are you prepared to go through another major surgery to repair damage you do to yourself? You can ask Tiff how fun having a leak is...it ain't pretty. For the nausea, try dramamine, that's what my doctor told me to use and it worked for me. For the cheating, stop it right now! Don't make me pull out my mommy gear and wag a finger at you. If you can't *not* cheat, then you need to see a counselor ASAP before you hurt yourself and do real damage. There is no shame in asking for help when you need it. Renee`
  14. ybnormal

    Sex After Surgery?

    Did he clarify if that was giving or receiving? I think I waited like 2 weeks and I didn't mind it...keep in mind I've been married 20-some years so it was no big deal for me. The hubby on the other hand....was a big deal for him lol My "drive" hasn't increased so much BUT I'm on a lot of meds that hamper it so that's no surprise. I know when we do have sex now I feel more confident in myself and so it's better than it has been in years. Renee`
  15. ybnormal

    Sex After Surgery?

    ROFLMAO! hahahahahahhaa! You're such a nut! and don't think it escaped me that you're also wanting someone to ply her with alcohol for you as well. I hope that's a chocolate martini! ohman...I giggle-snorted just as I was taking a sip of Gatorade. If I have red boogies later I'm calling your wife and telling her the dr said NONE for you this week! LOL Renee`
  16. It was very humiliating and embarrassing. I didn't even tell my own family because it was horrible. I really thought "mkay, I'm 41, had 3 kids...yadda yadda" and I thought I'd have to have surgery on my bladder but nope, this surgery fixed it. WOOT! so happy about that! Renee`
  17. Ok silly woman on all the meds, it's downhill / easier from here on out please! No more bad stuff! LOL ok sorry, I don't want you to giggle because that probably hurts like hell right now. Please know that we're all here for you and pulling for you. Pneumonia isn't all that uncommon after surgery unfortunately. Now that you're in the hospital (sucky place to be, but it's a good thing you're getting the care you need right now!) you'll be getting the good drugs and kick it out of your system asap! Is your surgeon part of your team of doctors right now? I feel so bad for you *hugs!* and wish you were home and comfy and recuperating. Like my mom tells me "Can't you just do things the easy way?!" lol Feel better soon! xoxo, Renee`
  18. I still only eat a few tablespoons, sometimes less depending on the food. I seriously eat on the run though. I'll take a bite as I'm passing through, then pass through again and take another bite, etc. etc. I never sit down and eat because I tend to eat to fast so even though it's 1/4 cup, I eat it to fast (or to much!) and then end up sick. Taking a bite at a time every few minutes works for me but still, yeah, only a few tablespoons at a time and then I'm done. Renee`
  19. ybnormal

    VSG Pre-Op 4 more days

    Congrats! Dr. Cirangle is a wonderful surgeon and you're going to do great!!! Renee`
  20. Do NOT go over your 4 ounces! You don't "feel" hungry because things are still numb there and your brain isn't getting the msg that your tummy is fully. That takes time. What I personally would do is have 5 or even 6 small meals a day. I don't go over 2 hours without putting something in my mouth. I can't eat 1/4 cup of anything still, but I make sure I take a few bites of something. So maybe you'd do better with several small meals instead of 3 "large" ones. Keep in mind, this is my body, my sleeve and so I'm doing what feels right for ME. Whats right for you may be totally different and you may not feel comfortable going against doctors orders, and that's fine too. My doctor doesn't want me eating only 3 meals a day, he advocates eating about 5 times a day. Renee`
  21. I'm so glad you posted, I was just wondering about y'all this morning. AWESOME news that she's doing so well! Renee`
  22. ybnormal

    Sleeved June 30

    I have to disagree with Kathy here. Remember, this is a major surgery and if CB is anything like me it took a lot out of me. I NEEDED that sleep because when you're sleeping, you're healing. I also happen to have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, but I don't think either of those played a part in it, I was absolutely exhausted and recovering from surgery and my body was adjusting to having zero to very little nutrition. CB, take it easy. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! If you need to sleep, don't feel guilty, sleep! You're not very far out at all and there is plenty of time to get up and get moving. Right now, focus on recovering and getting your fluids in. As far as BM's go, sometimes the dye they give you for leak tests will make you go, but right now there just isn't anything to "move" through you. It'll happen don't worry and probably in the form of diarrhea because you're on liquids. Good luck and grats on the surgery! Renee`
  23. glad you're better Driver!
  24. ybnormal

    Here we go again...

    ohmygosh, I'm so sorry you're going through this! You've had more than your fair share of a rough time of it all. I vote you get better quickly and leave the complications behind for a while! We're all pulling for you and thinking of you. Keep us posted sweetie *HUGS!* Renee`
  25. ybnormal

    Potassium Deficiency

    This is SO important! Thanks so much Diva for this information. Iron is another one that can be dangerous so be careful what you're taking and only take or do what YOUR doctor tells you. Renee`

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
