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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by healthierme72

  1. healthierme72


    I had coffee a week after and since then I drink about a cup a day. I am not a big coffee drinker. My doc. Didn't say anything. As long as I drink extra water cause it can cause dehydration.
  2. healthierme72

    Finding The Lap Band Green Zone

    Thanks for the charts....i have not been filled yet, tomorrow is my first according to ur chart I am in the yellow and at least I know I am ready for a fill. Very informative and helpful!!! I appreciate it! :-)
  3. healthierme72

    First Fill

    @ Rachel, I go in on Tuesday for my first fill, I also have the realize band. My doctor is pretty conservative with fills and mentioned he,would put in either 4 or 5 cc's. My question is do u feel the difference after first fill and what is the differences?
  4. healthierme72

    Freedom Challenge

    I am late in game added my wt from my journal on july 1st. And as of 8th I am 182 lbs. This is my first challenge, too! Hope I can still be included. :-)
  5. healthierme72

    Freedom Challenge

    Name, real or screen~Healthierme72-Krissy Age~39 Weight on July1st~184 Goal Weight for July 29th~174 Exercise Goal for July~To do any exercise, walk dog and attempt to go to gym 2 a week. Dietary Goal for July~water intake and fit into clothes I bought too small 2 yrs ago and actually wear them. Personal Goal for July~organize closet and dressers and get rid of clothes that I didn't like myself in. Date Banded~May 27, 2011 Total Weight Loss Since Banding~25 lbs
  6. Rough week, Friday, went to ER (no not anything related to the lap band), with severe stomach pain on my right side. Turns out I had a ruptured ovarian cyst. Wow! that hurt even with pain meds! Then, we left on a road trip for 4th of July weekend. This was the first time being away from home and I had such a hard time journaling my food when my phone did not work in the mountains. Overhall, I tried real hard to stay on our eating regime, didn't drink enough water and forgot to ta...

  7. healthierme72


    I am 5 wks post op and I couldn't go without a tiny bit of coffee either. I had my first cup at 3 wks out and I only drink one cup a day when needed. I don't drink as much as I use to. When I do I makesure I drink extra Water on those days. A half of cup won't hurt you. All depends what you put in it. I put splenda and fat free half and half or sugar free creamer.
  8. healthierme72

    using myfitnesspal.com

    My story is just like yours...I am 5 weeks post op and almost 20 lbs down (8lbs preop diet and the 11 post op) I also use my fitness pal. I love it! The last 2 weeks I was barely at 600 cal. And only lost 1 lb. This week due to being on my 5th post op week and being able to eat more the last 2 days I have hit 900 cal. And have lost a pound a day. I feel very satisfied. I try not to concentrate on calories, just portions and the amt of Protein needed. I have my first fill on July 12th. I hope I can drop at least 15 to 20 lbs next month. I have not had any complications and I pretty much feel normal. I do stick to my food list only, but have not been to the gym yet. Hoping to get back at it after the 4th of July, since we will be on vacation. I do walk alot. I set my fitness pal goal to 900 cal.
  9. I had surgery on the 27 of May, and came home from hospital 8lbs heavier! But, I know that was do to the fluids they were giving me. I am sticking to everything by the book and I lost the 8lbs and now from my preop weight I am down 3 lbs. Not the numbers I want to See either. I just feel that this is the easy part, when I actually start eating semi solids it's going to be even harder. I have been jounaling my food/liquid intake and I barely hit 500 cal. A day. Barely get 60 g of Protein. I get my first restriction on the 7/8 . So far so good, haven't had any complications. It is fustration to know I have been on liquids for 14 days and only be down 3 lbs. I know, I know...We just need to use patience, and heal and not worry if it is not on our own timetable. Still new to website, so I am looking for some friends....:-) Chrissy
  10. healthierme72

    unhappy hubby

    I have been planning to get lapband for almost two years, one year just thinking about and struggling to keep my diabetes in check. I have communicated with my hubby about this and why I want it done. I am tired of taking all my meds and always being at that borderline almost going on insulin. My husband seemed to always be supportive and wants a healthy wife and mother. Well, today, the day before my surgery, he seemed so distance and I felt i wasn't getting the support I needed. Trying to get the kids watched over by friends, planning meals, pickups and even getting all the bills paid, along with getting house and laundry all done. Well, I confronted him and told him I felt some tension and told him what I needed. And he exploded on me! I just can't believe it and now...I just feel this is not what I need right now and I am going to be going through a lot of changes and now he shows me he is not happy about it! My surgery is set for 9 am. I am still going through with it. And now, feel with no support.
  11. Had the surgery went great!

  12. I had the surgery and ended getting a hiatal hernia repair along with it! Which all the pain I feel is actually due to the hiatal hernia. So, I am doing better everyday and today so far no pain meds.

  13. I had the surgery and ended getting a hiatal hernia repair along with it! Which all the pain I feel is actually due to the hiatal hernia. So, I am doing better everyday and today so far no pain meds.

  14. healthierme72

    unhappy hubby

    Well, thanks everyone for your support! Turns out you were all right, he was nervous and worried about me, in addition to work obligations. He apologized in the a.m. and said he wants me to have surgery because he wants me to be healthy and grow old together. I went through with the surgery and he stood by myside the entire time, he even stayed overnight with me in the hospital. I am five days out and I am healing day by day. I ended up having a hiatal hernia repair and that hurt a bunch! Today, is my first day feeling I can go without pain meds. I am happy I got it done. Looking forward to sharing my journey with you.
  15. I will be having my surgery on Friday, May 27th and I was suppose to be on a low cal diet 500 cal. and two Protein shakes a day starting on the May 19th. Well, just started today. I can tell you lots of reasons why, but they are just excuses. My birthday, I left out of town to visit family, final exams, etc, but that is life right! I know, I am a bit nervous, but, if I can't even do a 500 cal. diet and Protein Shakes, how am I going to do with the lapband? Ugh! So, far so good today. no hunger pains yet....I start my clear liquid diet the day before surgery. Too scared to jump on scale and embarrassed to see I did not lose weight before preop. :-/ I will be having surgery at Cedars Sinai in West LA, CA. By Dr. Cunneen.
  16. Hi, I am not sure what size band I am getting. i thought, all the bands were the same size. How many sizes are there and what is the most common sized used? Also, need information on cc's how much is a good amount for your first restriction? What is too much and too little? Just curious...
  17. Thanks! So far so good today....just trying to get my Water in.
  18. healthierme72

    Tomorrow is my BIg Day!!!!

    Hi, I will be having my surgery on Friday and all of sudden my parents support is not what it was before. Unbelievable. I know they are worried, but, it's not like I haven't tried. I need help and the LB is a tool to help me. I am nervous and excited too! Not sure, what emotional changes my hubby will go thru either. He met me as a big girl and not sure if he is going to like the skinny girl. Too be honest, I don't even know what I am going to feel like. But, all I know I will be healthy and live longer for my kids. My hubby seems supportive but, not sure what is going through his head either. Sometimes men have a hard time expressing themselves. I am sure you husband is concerned and worried about you. Good luck to you! I am still new to this forum, so I sent you a friend request. Prayers are being sent!
  19. Thanks! I am sooo nervous! I am not doing too good on my preop diet either. I was suppose to start it the day of my birthday and the day I actually when on a small trip out of town. So hard, so, I started again today! It's not like I am over eating...It's just so hard to keep 500 cal. and two protein shakes. My surgery is Friday! so wish me luck! Have you all already had surgery?

  20. healthierme72

    Surgery in the AM!

    Just curious, after lapband surgery, do you stay over night at hospital or do they send you home? I will be having mine at Cedars Sinai Med. ctr, in Los Angeles, and my insurance is Athem Blue Cross. How soon are you up and going? I have two little ones and I had my hubby take 4 days off during memorial weekend. Not sure if that is enough?
  21. healthierme72

    Any May 2011 Banders?

    I am getting banded on May 27th....it's coming up quickly! I just had my preop with my general practioner and next week I will have my appt. with my surgeon. Very nervous, but I know in the long run this is what I need to help me get healthy. I am hoping to lose about 75 to 80 lbs.
  22. Hello, I am a 38 year old, mother of two, married and overweight for the majority of my adult life. I have been struggling with diabetes due to my weight. I was diagnosed with diabetes by age 27 . My diabetes wasn't so bad in the beginning, but as each child was born I ended up taking more oral meds. to control it. I have been reading this forum for two years now. The first year just reading and learning about the process, this year learning about your experiences. Today, I just scheduled my surgery for May 27th. I plan on sitting by the pool all summer, sipping my Protein shakes and ice Water. I am so excited, and a bit nervous about the changes. But, I do feel I am emotionally ready. I am ready to live my life healthier and enjoy it with my husband and kids. I look forward to no more diabetes and look forward to buying new clothes. I enjoy reading your stories and look forward to meeting new friends to share this journey. My BMI is 37. If you are having surgery in May, would love to hear from you. P.S. if there's anyone who had the surgery and had diabetes, would love to hear how your diabetes is doing now. And for everyone else, what is the average weight you lose during the first month after surgery? Also, not sure how to add a ticker to my profile. Help, please?
  23. healthierme72

    Any May 2011 Banders?

    I just schedule my appt. for May 27th. It is only a month away. I am excited, but I have lots to do to get ready for it! When is your date?
  24. healthierme72

    Diabetic Shake Recipes

    I am diabetic, and my dietician for lap band suggested a list of Protein Shakes. I love the PROTEIN shakes from Premier Nutrition( I buy in bulk at Costco), they taste good! Only 1 gram of sugar, low fat, and 30 GRAMS!!! of protein. So, all I need is 3 a day after I get the surgery. I am drinking them now and enjoy them. My surgery is scheduled for May 27th.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
