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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by losinandlovin

  1. "IN ORDER TO SUCCEED, YOUR DESIRE FOR SUCCESS SHOULD BE GREATER THAN YOUR FEAR OF FAILURE." This is a quote from comedian Bill Cosby that I hope will speak to you the way it spoke to me. I am in the planning stages of a trip to Disney World with friends. I will admit to you that I HATE, and really fear the roller coaster rides. In fact Dumbo, the Tea Cups and It's a Small World rides are about as close as I am going to get to rides. As we met up planning food, which park, where to stay and such the whole issue of roller coaster rides came up. I have never done an adventurous thing in my life none to speak of any way. So I have decided I am going to attempt to be a little more daring in my new single life. I will go to Costa Rica and Zip-line one day. This is a desire that I have had for awhile now and I am willing to do what ever it takes to get there and do this. I will prepare, I will study, I will do trial runs here in Texas all to ensure I succeed when the time comes. I am scared of heights so this will be a huge challenge for me. Conquering my fear will begin in Disney World to assure success in Costa Rica. When considering weight loss we have so many things or issues that cause us doubt that we will ever achieve our goals. Comments by co-workers, friends and family. Some are intentionally harmful, others do not mean to harm your journey, and yet they do. We all have cause to fear failure. Why not? Many of us have tried and yet have failed in this journey before. Some make great strides and get really close and then something comes along, sabotages the journey and all weight loss comes to a screeching halt. The messages we tell ourselves can be very harmful. I have been in the middle of a work out and thought success will feel so good. In the next second I hear the war inside my mind saying "You will never make this." "You can try and you may go far but you won't succeed." "Might as well stop putting anymore effort into this, it is just wasted". Does anyone else get those mixed messages from time to time or is it just me? What do we do in those times? How do we stay on the straight and narrow of weight loss success. Might I suggest one or two things to you to as I close? 1) As self talk can do damage, it can also do good. As soon as you hear those voices (yours or some one else's) walk away. Shut it down as soon as it rears it’s ugly head. Refuse to even give the thought place in your mind. 2) Talk back. Tell your self (or the other party) that they are wrong. You are doing this, you have succeed and you will continue to succeed. The last time this happened to me I was 23 minutes into a 45 minute walk on the treadmill. I pumped up the speed and kept moving. I ended up doing 50 minutes out of spite. 3) Before you throw in the towel, think of what you have accomplished. It may be a little or it may be a lot. Either way you have done something positive. Think on those things that are positive, up lifting to your journey. What is my new catch phrase? I am not where I want to be, but thank goodness I am not where I was. What are you afraid of? What is the fear inside of you that keeps you from joining or succeeding. We all fear failure in so many areas of our lives. There is a healthy fear but the unhealthy fear is what I am referring to today. How badly do you want success? I really want to go to Costa Rica and Zip-line but I am so very afraid. My fear is of failure, to the point I plummet to my death. However, I am going and I am doing it. What about you today? Are you willing to let go of the fear to ensure your success. Fear of failure is the most damaging fear because success is in your grasp, once you let go of the fear, you have already succeeded. One last quote also from Bill Cosby that I thought was appropriate: "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. Please YOU!"
  2. losinandlovin

    new from DE

    Hi Ashley, I am Janice How long have you been banded? One of the sure ways to stop losing is if you are not getting enough food. We have a tendancy to think we need to cut way back and although there is ruth to that, we must ensure we are getting enough calories. I did that a little while after my procedure. I thought I was doing good and had NO CLUE I was not getting enough food. For your metabolism to work, and for you to lose, you must be getting at least 1400 calories a day. I had several days that I logged what I ate but did not put the calories to it since I knew I was not over doing it. A few weeks later and very frustrated, I went back to calculate and I had days I bearly got 900 calories in. The body shuts down for fear you are starving it and you will not lose an ounce. If you don't already create a log or food journal where you can keep track of the actual calories. For a while, every time I went to see my doctor, I took the log with me and we could discuss the entries. As soon as I read your plea for help, thiw is what came to mind since it happened to me. In addition, once you start really kicking butt on working out, it can cause a lack of lose as well. Muscle weighs more than fat. I always suggest that ne badies take ther measurements because if you are being faithful to your eatting plan and your work out routine, you will see inches fall off even if the pounds appear to stall. This to happened to me. It was a sign to my surgeon I was doing what I was told. So I also have a log and once a month, on the 25th, I measure. I have seen huge changes and it really encourages me. I hope this helps and you find answers. Best of luck, hang in there. Janice
  3. My Buddy - I want to share something that has recently been a huge help to me in my journey. As we all know time and desire to work out rarely is something that comes easy. I added something wonderful to my work out routine I think you could benefit from. I added "my buddy". That is right, my much younger sweet sister in law is leaving for a beach vacation in a few months and wants to work on her bikini body. (not that she has much work to do at all) This has added excitement, removed boredom and has up-ed my commitment to workouts. It is so much more fun to work out with "my buddy" as we can sweat, scream and remember to breath together. Having some one work beside you can enhance the work out, gives you some one to encourage and be encouraged by, keeps you committed and just makes the workout seem more enjoyable. Did I say that? (As if a work out can be enjoyable) As temperature sore we are reminded that summer is here in Houston and for that beach or pool body, a regular work-out is a must. Try adding something or someone to your work out that will benefit you journey as it did mine. If you can commit to 30 minutes a day of some type of movement you will increase your weight loss efforts dramatically. If you really want to kick it up a notch like I do with my buddy (I dare you) do at least 30 minutes every day but then three days a week do resistance and weight training, cardio and a brisk walk. You will see huge changes. Take measurements before you start this routine and then measure once a month and you will be surprised just how effective this aggressive work out is. If you are not losing pounds on the scale check your measurements as you will drop inches fast. Benefits of Work-out/ Exercise to think about: relieves stress gives you a better out look on life increases your self esteem pushes your metabolism makes you healthier gets blood pumping rest better more energy gets your body moving It is awesome to watch goals being met, hurdles being conquered and the tiniest baby step leading to another victory. It is almost like watching the toddler take the first steps. There are falls, scraped knees and much practice required. Oh but the victory is sweet with each small goal, or each bad habit changed. When it clicks one day (and it will) and with out knowing exactly what made it click, you are well on your way to success. Think of something you can do differently to your exercise program: get a buddy like I did, exercise in the pool every day, dance around the house for 30 minutes or just take a walk at lunch time in the cooler air, but come up with a way today that you can enhance your work out. What ever you choose, commit and do it for 30 days and if you see no results, try again!  
  4. losinandlovin

    Hello From Chicago

    Welcome., this is an awesome site. Lots of lookers few sharer's. I am in Texas and I can tell you, you are in for the ride of your life. It is a great journey. I decided before my procedure I could deal with anything. I tried every plan out there and this was my last hope. I wish I could tell you I do everything by the book. I do not but I would do it all over again because of what I have gained so far. In the 15 pounds I was able to get off all blood pressure meds, at 15 I also was noticing I had more energy. I am in the process now, after 67 pounds down, I am getting my life back and I love it. I struggle, I went through a divorce and I will tell you right now, the band does not like major stress. But I managed through it. The liquid diet is for a certain time and is required for your body to heal. I can do anything for a limited amount of time. Get a calendar and mark the date you get off the liquid diet and make marks showing the progress of each passing day. This will help you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Something else I did before the surgery was to make a list of things I can not do and it has been a joy to mark things off my list one at a time as I was able to do that task. For example I was on a trip not long ago and I did not have to have the seat belt extension. I can do my own pedicure. I can walk certain distances and not lose my breath or feel as if I am going to pass out. Make a list of even little things and then when you get down, grab your list and get happy at all you are accomplishing. Bottom line IT CAN BE the best thing you ever did. YOU get to make that decision. The band is a tool, not a fix all. So know what you are getting into, know what it will and will not do. It will not slap your hand when you reach for something you should not eat. It will not force you up and make you exercise, it is a tool that works. Best of luck.
  5. losinandlovin

    Newly banded, June 3

    Congrats and best of luck as you start your journey. Let me respond and give you a few tips: The reason you are hungry is typically there is no fill in the band. The doctor is giving your body time to heal form surgery and for it to get use to something in there it is not accustomed to. You will probably get a little fill after about 3 - 4 weeks. Don't push food. DO EXACTLY what you have been told when you are suppose to. Hang in there a little longer on the diet they put you on. It is all about taking care of your body for the moment. The fills will come and you will do well. When you start the soft foods you will know how much to eat. I was actually given an amount to go by. Remember protein is the most important thing you need to get down. You will need to remember to CHEW< CHEW and then one more time CHEW. You will also need to make sure you are getting enough liquids. I know that sounds nuts since you are on a liquid diet right now but it is common to get full on the foods when you start back up and not get enough food. Listen to your body. As soon as you start to feel satisfied STOP EATING> THis is foreign to our former lives. Soon you will learn it is not about the food. The food becomes a thing you have to do to fuel your body. Conversation with friends becomes more important. You still can enjoy some wonderful meals, but it is not all about that. It is a learned thing and trust me it will happen for you. Exercise when you are released to. I followed the doctors orders and I am tell you, What a difference a little bit of exercise made. I can not stress to you how important it is for you to stick whatever the doctor says. Best of luck in your new journey.
  6. losinandlovin


    CONGRATS!! I have a few suggestions for you: Follow the doctors orders to a T. Do only what he/she says and only when they say to. Chew the food Follow the meal plan Add exercise when you are insturcted to Don't cheat. No one else will know but you will Take your measurements. You will be shocked how you will need those in the future. Become accountable to someone. Best of luck!
  7. losinandlovin

    Just Starting

    More and more people are being approved. I think the Insurance Companies are seeting the value to the surgery and unlike hte Gastric Bypass, it has less complications. It will be worth it. If you do not follow the required steps you will always wonder what if. All some insurenace companies require is 45 BMI. You can only try! Best of luck!
  8. losinandlovin


    Lightupthesky, Your story is very typical. Please do not allow it to disturb you. So many emotions, I know too what that is like. It is a little fear of the unknown, the "what if it does not work for me", the "this is surgery after all" and mostly, "This is my only or last hope". I sat in my seminar hearing the ends and outs and I cried like a baby while in the seminar, on the way to the car and in the parking lot. When I thought all hope was lost, then there was Lap Band and I knew because of my poor health it was my last hope. Let the emotions come as they will. Do not fight it honey, let it rip. It is real, it is raw and it expresses the feelings we can't. Let it go. I want to give you a big ole hug right now. As far as not telling anyone, you are right this is your journey. You decide who and when you will tell. A friend I met from another sight never told her children and she has no regret. I told co-workers and man do i ever wish I could take it back. I was amazed at some of the down right ugly comments. I must say they were from women. What a shame that we can not be more encouraging. PLEASE PLEASE post and add me as a friend if you want to talk more. And congrats on the best decision you can make for your health! We are here and we care about your journey.
  9. losinandlovin

    New person

    Hi Roxxie, Tell us what we can do to help you? We are here and want to encourage you. So tell us what is going on and let us help. In addition by posting you are helping others who are coming along. Hope you will post again soon. I am Janice, 52 and about to hit 2 years banded.
  10. losinandlovin


    Love your story, thanks for sharing. How awesome is it to have family walk this journey with you. My surgery was a real miracle and a blessing. Out side of salvation and family I can honestly say BEST GIFT EVER!! Sounds like you have everything going for you. I encourage you and your sister to post and ask your questions or concerns. Let those who have "gone before" encourage you. A supportive family is awesome and does so much good. Having others who have walked that path on your side is a huge thing. Even stuff the doc. can't tell you because he has not lived through it. You should be getting to soft mushy foods soon. That will be a great stage and will help you get to the solids soon enough. Do not cheat and do what the doctor says and you will have great success in your journey. Please keep posting and stay in touch as we care and want to cheer you on. Be blessed even more!:bananajump:
  11. losinandlovin

    Tomorrow, Tomorrow...

    All of you with upcoming dates Keep us posted and allow us to help you as you make your way through the first week or so. It is an awesome journey and done right is the most wonderful thing just about you can do for yourself. Don't cheat, follow doctors orders the entire time and you will shed pounds like never before, but this time you will also keep them off. There is a way to cheat and you will figure that out. One word DON'T do it. It is not worth it. As you have questions, struggles or just "What the hell is this" ask and we will respond. Friend me or email me and I will be happy to talk you through what ever. DO WHAT THE DOCTOR SAYS and do not get discouraged. That is why we have message boards. Let others help. Best of luck to each of you. Hang on tight because you are about to go for the ride of your life, and it will save it.
  12. losinandlovin

    gastric band

    I checked with local hospitals. I asked to see who had the best relationship and reputation with the nursing staff. I did that and ended up with the best surgeon/friend ever. Good luck!!
  13. losinandlovin

    2/18/11 A New Day

    You hang in there honey. This is awesome and you will be wonderful. Nope, it will not always just fall off and be easy but it will be so worth it. Follow the rules and doctors orders and you will continue to be surprised. I can recommend that you journel about all the emotions you are having and it will help for you to look back later and see where you came from and how much you have already accomplished. It is the beginning and you can make it. You deserve this. You deserve to lose and be healthy. You are right to be excited over every pound. Don't let anyone take that from you. This time, it is all about you. Most of us have a problem with it being about us, it has not been in years, but this time it is. This is your day, it is your time and no one can take that from you. Hold on to your dream of fit and fabulous. Make a lit of all the things you cannot do but will be able to soon. Check things off that list as you can do them and it will be such a burst of energy as you mark things off your list one at a time. Create a list of rewards for yourself when you hit certain weights. it may be a pedicure, or a weekend with the girls, or a new recipe to make that is fabulous and healthy. maybe a new nail color or lipstick, whatever but have a non-food reward for accomplishments along the way. Not every 40 pounds but a reward because you made it all day doing the right things no mistakes, no cheats, all your water, you worked out. stuff like that. maybe the reward is reading uninterrupted for 30 minutes or even an hour, if you can. DO THIS, you will be glad in the future you did. Keep posting, asking and sharing your journey on here. This to helsp sp much to keep you motivateand allows you to give back to others as well.
  14. losinandlovin

    Tomorrow Begins Pre-OP Diet

    Nerves are ok. This is an awesome beginning so nerves are in order. Hopefully you will learn a lot in your class tonight. Ask questions, take notes and make sure you understand. You say you want to have energy, then you must follow the rules to eating right. Lotsof protein is a huge key. When in doubt ask your doctor. Let them guide you. As I always mention, take your measurements and keep a log once a month. it willbe a huge help in the future. the first week or two your body will be ehaling from the procedure and tring to identify this object, don't try to do or expect to much. let your body heal in it's time and it will not bother you anymore. Eat exactly what you are told to, when you are told to. Read tons on the message board and ask questions. These are the people who have been there and are succeeding. no ones body responds the exact same, but there are some fundamentals that apply to all of us. Listen to your body talk to you. Learn when it is really hungry and when it is use to having more so it is asking more. Don't cheat. You are setting yourself up and allowing yourself an excuse to not succeed. This really does work, but it requires you being disciplined and learning to not feed it any time it asks. I have so much energy and I love my new lifeand I am still far from goal. it was amazing how quickly my life changed. It is worth it, so stick to it no matter what. Make yourself repeat you are winning this time, not food, not junk, not bad habits, you are winning and you deserve to! I can't wait to hear more about your awesome journey. Keep us posted!
  15. losinandlovin

    Introducing Myself

    Congrats on the 19 pounds, that is great. Keep it up. YUK to the nasty infection. Take good care of that. You do not want that causing an issue. It is amazing how mushy and soft foods are such a treat. Gotta love it. Hang in there and do not push anything. Slow and easy leads to sure and constant weight loss. It is a journey and baby stepsare in order right now. Do not get impatient and make sure you get plenty protein. You should continue to do awesome. Keep us posted, we are here for you!
  16. losinandlovin

    Surgery Scheduled

    Wow, best of luck to you. Sounds like you are ready. You really do need to be prepared and a lot of people do not realize that. You have to mentally be ready to let go of some bad habits from years and years. The tradeoff is so worth it! We are here, ask and we will comment and get you ready. My first advice is always measure NOW. There will be times when you do not feel like you are losing and you need to keep up wiht what your measurements are. It will be a huge help in the future. Trust me. Do it now and then every month on the same day, but onloy once a month! I kept a log and it wa awesome to have. Second DO EXACTLY WHAT THE DOCTOR SAYS, do not cheat, do not fudge, do not try stuff unless the doctor tells you. They know what they are doing and it is what you pay them for so listen and follow. I promise nothing taste as good as your health feels. You will see! So let us hear back from you soon. Best of luck to you!!
  17. losinandlovin


    Wow, what a journey you have already been on. Sounds like you have the right idea. Now you just need the right tool. That will happen May9th. Awesome for you! I agree about the hydrating. My veins like to run and hide from incoming needles. Water the day before and the day of is a huge help. Also when I was going through a cancer procedure and my veins would hide, the nurse used something that hunters use in the jacket pockets to keep their hand warm. You just break-up the contents, not the bag, and it gets warm and it will cause the veins to rise as well. It was not really bad hot, I am a wimp about that to, so it was certainly tolerable. I am just so excited about you starting the process and actually ahve it happen for you. That is just great. keep reading and keep posting. We are here to answer questions, sahre in your victories and hold you up if you feel down. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  18. losinandlovin

    Frustrated, not losing weight

    The first thing I always think of when you are not losing is Are you getting enough protein? That is the biggest contributor that occurs when people are not losing. Start paying attention to your clothes and the way they fit. As much working out as you are doing you are gaining muscle mass, which shows up as pounds on the scale but if your clothes are fitting loserm that is what is going on. This takes time and I always suggest you discuss this with your surgeon/doctor. The band is tricky, if you are pusing it by putting to much food in, it will expand. This is why we have to be so careful to not over eat. With any weight loss plan you can cheat, break, the rules and mess yourself up. So be careful with these things. I hope something i said will be helpful and get you on track, if that is the case. The band does different things to different people, so jsut hang in there. It took a long time to get to the point we needed the band, it will take a long time to get it working right for us. It never goes off as fast as we want it to, but it does not mean it is not working for you. You have to listen and learn what your body requires and how to make it work for you! I wish you luck, please feel free to ask questions or comment. I welcome it. I am going again to get a fill on Monday but just feel it's still not going to work.
  19. losinandlovin

    Can I take time off?

    What a load you are carrying. My caution is to be so careful taking time off. At some point this will become a life style for you, not a stresser. Limit the time you are at the gym and I agree do some extra stuff to make up for it. it is so hard to go back once we have gotten out of our routine. My first thought was now more than ever you need to be careful and stick to it. Dont allow the stress of your life to cause you to slip back into bad habits. I am assuming you have not been banded long. so these things you are doing, the changes being made are not habit yet. i caution you and am nervous. Sometimes working out is a release for stress. Think hard and long before you stop if school and the house and such are an excuse you are using to allow yourself to not move forward, to stop working at it. darlin, it will be work until it becomes the new life style. Oh I am concerned for you. stress is an ugly thing, eating healthy and exercise are benefits, not stress builders. May i please ask you to consider this decision and to talk it out with some one before you back off. You have not been at this long enough. Please consider some other way to release the stress, i know stopping what is working for you is not the answer. Please, if you proceed with this plan do so with caution and your eyes wide open. Been there done that. I am sure your doctor would not recommend you stopping or slowing down your wonderful current progress.
  20. Be careful becauswe the reason for clear liquids is to allow your body to heal from surgery. it may feel fine, but you can still do damage with thicker ones. chicken noodle or veggie soup as long as you take everything out of it can work ok, but stop now trying to test the system. You will ahve greater success if you decide right now to obey the doctor. We all have had bad habits, this is the time we ar to walk aaway from them and doing what we are NOT supposes to is not going to help you in the long run. The doctors have been doing this and hundreds of thousand of people have done this and followed the doctor with out issues from not enough. I assure you you are getting enough. Let your body heal and don[t push the limits. Try sugar free popicles, thy are a great help on liquids. I only tell you this because i have done whagt I was suppose to and it works my freindl but I follow to a T. We tried it our way and it got out us in bad shape. This is your hope and chance for a new start so take it. We can not do anything we use to and it is not about what sounds logical or "ok" to us. Trust the pros and let the doctors do their job to get you to your goal. I have seen some that have not stuck to it and it is a shame that they forget this is just a tool, not a cure all. We have to make right choices. What is right is what the doctors say. I promise, it will be worth everything you think you are deprived from. So worth it. hang in there!!
  21. losinandlovin

    Banded 2 days ago

    Congrats on being banded. I hope you do good. Soon youcan have some of that taco, well the meat anyway. No matter how good it smells it is not as tasty as healthy feels. You will do awesome!
  22. losinandlovin

    Four Days till Banding!

    Ladies it will be awesome. There are ups and downs, as long as the scale is going down you are doing good. My continued advice to edvice to everyone is follow the doctors orders and you will be so thrilled. I agree, one meal is not worth blowing the whole day. Instead of looking at one pound or ten pounds at a time, look at one meal at a time. I promise it is so worth it. I PROMISE!!!!! Stay on here, keep posting and keep asking questions. use the knowledge of those who have been there done it and are making it. What else can I help you with?
  23. losinandlovin

    Thinking about being lap banded

    Hi Amanda, as far as insurance requirements, it is per case. no set requirements. You will have to wait to see what they say. Wish I could help that way! The procedure is easy to get over. Again i think it depends on the person but it is a minor procedure and you go home the same day in most cases. Side effet - some people complain of bad gas pockets in the shoulder and the back. You can take hot showers and walk or rock in a rocking chair to help, but it usually only last a few days. hot showers beating on the sore spot works wonders. My surgeon has one over 1000, and no issues. It is worth taking time to read as much as you can on hear to gain info. I will be happy to answer any questions. I am a fan and banded. It wa he best thing ever for me. let me know what other questions you have. More than happy to help out anyone who is thinking about it.
  24. losinandlovin

    Pre OP Band Journey!

    How exciting for you. I remember waiting for my approval. The day I got the word is one of the best days of my life. The day of suregery was even better than that. Keep us posted. I am so happy for you. It is a wonderful tool and if you do as told, you will do well. Follow all the instructions and read all you on these boards and you will be great at it before the procedure even happens. Ask and we will respond. You learn so much here that you can't anywhere else. So nothing is stupid, or off limits. It is a learning experiance for everyone. Best of luck!
  25. losinandlovin

    Newly Banded

    Hey Liz, Explain the source of your anxiety? I did not have any but I am a cheerleader for those starting out. How can I help? I have had struggles and ups and downs, but never worried. For me this was my last hope and it has been a real journey to say the least. I love my new life, the energy, the giving clotes away. It is just amazing at what has been done and the transfermation to my heart and soul. I think differently, I eat differently. I really am having the time of my life, I think the liquid diet has a tendancy to make people a little down but you should be starting mushy foods and then solids, so it has no where to go but up. The postitives are, you are doing something for you, you are taking charge of your life, food is no longer the boss of you, you are making yourself healthier and adding to the years of your life. You are giving family and friends more time with you. You feel better about who you are. A new personality, the real one will be coming out and you will shine. What you are dealing with now is so temporary. The future has nothing but postitives ahead. So get over the blues, the negatives and start enjoying your new life. You are becoming the best you possible one meal at a time.! Tell me what I can do to help.

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