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Everything posted by newmom

  1. Crikey - the Jay Robb has the same warning: Manufacturing employs practices designed to segregate ingredients on equipment that also processes egg, wheat, peanut, tree nuts, soy, fish and shellfish products. I've been looking too - does anyone use either of these?? ANY WHEY Protein Jarrow Unflavored Also, I realize now I have unjury and Chike samples at home now that I can't use. Does anyone want them??
  2. Eep, and to top that off, I went to double-check unjury and found this statement: Manufacturing employs practices designed to segregate ingredients on equipment that also processes egg, wheat, peanut, tree nuts, soy, fish and shellfish products. I am deathly allergic to shellfish...so I guess that means that is out!
  3. Thanks.. I just looked it up online and Sucralose is the last ingredient. :crying:
  4. newmom

    November Sleevers

    Welcome Paula! That's a good idea about turkey, I didn't even think of that! I can't believe I am 19 days away! EEP. Ruby, I think you may be the first November sleever? Please give us an update when you get back online! Hope you are doing great.
  5. newmom

    It is official

    So sorry to hear that! I know you were very excited. For me if I do aerobics mine always goes down.
  6. Anyone have a sleeve and live in DC? I need a PCP recommendation. I have UHC and my old doctor won't take it. I would love to start seeing someone that I knew other sleevers have been to. Thanks!
  7. newmom

    PCP near Washington DC?

    Thanks for trying though. What study? I googled and didn't find anything.
  8. newmom

    unusual question

    As someone with a baby, I recommend Plum Organics baby food. It's in a pouch so you can squeeze out only a little a time if you want. They have it at Babies R Us. They also sell some purees called Revolution foods for toddlers. I have tried the Plum and it is GREAT. My baby loves it so much more than the other kinds. I plan on mixing it with Protein powder once I get to mushies. I've also been thinking about other mushy options. could I buy chicken soup and just blend it up?
  9. newmom

    Exercise help here, please!

    I do one of two things. I watch TV and put a towel over the time on the elliptical so I can't see a thing -- sometimes it really helps to not see that time ticking away. Other times I do the exact opposite...I use the timer to play a "game" - like for example I will turn the resistance up to 10, do that for 30 seconds, turn it to 9, do that for 30 seconds, and so on. It helps the time pass to do such a thing! HTH
  10. I too was a little shocked by this: We recommend you have your first check up 3 months after surgery.It will consist of an upper GI and some blood work. The upper GI is an x-ray examination of the pharynx, esophagus, stomach and first part of the small intestine (also known as the duodenum) that uses a special form of x-ray called fluoroscopy and a contrast material called barium. I didn't know that they wanted this done - not something I had considered at all?
  11. newmom

    November Sleevers

    I'm actually feeling very impatient! I just printed off a Nov and Dec calendar and wrote the parts of the post op diet on it. highlighted the days I start each! I am never really organized but it was helpful (and a bit intimidating) to see it all laid out on paper. I have been buying Protein powder and a few other things. I am excited about the Naked drinks someone else brought up on here. I can't have too many artificial sweeteners so that will be a good option once I can have them (full liquids?). I still need to buy Crystal Light, Propel, etc. Would G2 work instead of Propel? Does anyone know?
  12. newmom

    November Sleevers

    Yes...Please come back and give details!
  13. How soon after surgery can you have these? I take it they aren't clears, right? Thanks.
  14. newmom

    Water *H2O*

    Haha, this is an issue for me too. I love chugging a big cold glass of water especially in the super hot summer. I'm going to focus on eating ice - maybe that will be ok?
  15. I emailed Nina and asked about not having it. She said I could opt out but they'd have to use more general than they would otherwise. She said some patients do opt out. I'm still on the fence. I had a not horrible but not great epidural experience with my c-section. What it boils down to is I am terrified of the whole thing!
  16. newmom

    Help me with a plan...

    Actually, have your pharmacy call for a refill. All the times I have ever done this for BC pills they will give you another month without seeing you. HTH
  17. Ok, So I am still a bit freaked out to do this. I love to guzzle down drinks...I keep wondering what I will do on hot days, or at dinner parties, LOL. So I thought I would post some general habit info and let you all experts be the judge. Pros: I love to exercise, and have actually gone to a personal trainer in the past. It'll be more of a challenge with the new baby but I do have a gym membership and a WII fit. I usually have no trouble maintaining my weight, just extreme trouble *losing* weight. I don't like salty stuff at all - I have a bag of chips on my fridge that has been there for months. I AM a sweet lover but have tried to counteract the cravings by eating dark chocolate only now. It wipes away my cravings BIG TIME. I gained a lot of weight from eating at restaurants...but with the little one, we hardly do that anymore at all. Cons: I have never really been on a "diet" at all. I am just not a dieter. I was a skinny teen and once the weight piled on I was at a loss over how to fix it. I am worried that I don't know "how" to do this. I have gained weight only during times of duress and stress. :crying: This is a worry for me, although I know it is a good thing not to lean on food. I am petrified of being on a liquid diet, even for a short time period. I am scared I will miss the pleasure of food. :biggrin0: Any thoughts or encouragement you can give me would be great. I'm still too scared to make the appt.
  18. Anyone thinking of scheduling with Dr. Aceves the week of Thanksgiving? I hate traveling that week but was thinking about getting it done so I could fly on Thanksgiving day, b/c I have flown that day and the planes and airports are usually empty. Will likely be going alone so I was looking friends to meet up with! :001_tt2: Thanks for answering all of my questions...I am nervous but I think I am ready. I really have no vacation time left at work (due to the baby) so I figured that week has time off built in, plus no one will really miss me, LOL.
  19. Hi! I'm new here (obviously) and have some questions. How did you go about scheduling your surgery with Dr. Aceves? Did you just call the number on the web site? Which website, b/c I see several and I worry about ID theft, haha. Also, how do you get approved if he doesn't see you prior to the surgery?:clap2: Oh, and how long did you wait from first contact to actual surgery? I'm thinking November might be a good time for me. Thanks!
  20. Wow. Great to have replies about going alone and also from a new mom. My baby is also 6 months. What is the restriction about holding him after the surgery? How long would I have to wait?
  21. I am thinking November b/c I just had a baby 6 months ago and while I am trying to wean him, he's not having it just yet! Plus I want him to be a bit older so he can stay home with daddy. Did most people travel alone? I saw a few ppl did and regretted it but seems like most were ok? Thanks for the responses!

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