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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by newmom

  1. Thanks for the link! That stomach looks HUGE to me - how do you all feel?
  2. That's great. What I'd love to see is a "normal" stomach beside those two pictures. I bet we would all be really excited to see that! I Googled around but don't remember the name of the test where they get this image...
  3. My hair came out pretty bad about 4 months after my c-section. I had a huge bald spot in the front for about 2 weeks...then it grew back great, so I am hoping that I get the same result with this. eep. Knock on wood and all that!
  4. Warm Water sounds like a great idea- maybe next time I will have a hot tea. Glad to know I am not the only one who has had that happen. Oregon - I am at 2 months out...but noticed a huge surge of hair coming out last week when I was eating so inconsistently. Just like before the surgery, weekends and days I am not at work, I struggle with consistency. I'm getting a bit better about it, though, b/c I would rather not spit up food again! blech.
  5. newmom

    Protein Ideas......

    I threw up if I even got the whey stuff near my mouth, so I gave up on that. I ordered Sun Warrior Brown Rice Protein -- if you email them, they will send you a free sample. But what really SAVED me was drinking Odwalla Protein Monster drinks. I found them at my grocery store in a refrigerated area. It's a premade soy/milk drink . I don't need them now as I am getting all my protein from food, but for those weeks I couldn't eat, they were a lifesaver. Some people will say it's too high in calories, but I tended not to care about calories the first month (still lost @20 pounds though). HTH
  6. newmom

    Almost there!!!!!!!!!!

    That's awesome! Did it declare "that's normal" in the little Wii voice? I can't wait to see that.
  7. I had that -- all day the 2nd day. Terrible, I am so sorry. I rebounded fast on the 3rd day, as most people do! Everytime you dry heave or vomit, just hit the button and ask for meds. That's what I did. Turns out, however, that my IV line was messed up for a while so they weren't getting in my vein like they needed to!
  8. Jillyr - so glad you are doing well! They are all great. I'm glad you are ok - the 2nd day can be tough, it was for me. And definitely DITTO on this: "the anesthesist is serious eye candy" - whoever said it. He was HOT. :001_tt1:
  9. Thanks. Guess what? My husband's office is having a formal party soon! I don't have the date yet. Last time I was pregnant and wore gross clothes. So now I am looking forward to shopping for a pretty dress. Wanna come? :)

  10. I had surgery with Dr Aceves on 11/23. I have a baby as well - he was 10 months at the time. We decided it was best for him and my husband to just stay home. He's a terrible sleeper and doesn't do well with change, and the thing is, I wanted him on his usual routine when I got home! I had no trouble going alone, although I was worried. Lucky for me, I traveled back on T-giving day, which is not a big travel day (unlike the day before) so my plane was mostly empty. I did this on purpose...just try to find a flight that is relatively empty. Best of luck!
  11. newmom

    No pictures of me!

    I got your message on my blog. We do have a lot in common! You can buy the Odwalla in the grocery store where I live...it's "protein monster" not "super protein" - although I guess either would be good. Trader Joe's also has some shakes. They didn't make me dry heave, but I thought they were a bit chalky. Feel free to send me a PM if you want to email or anything.
  12. Judy, congratulations! I know you were so excited to get your surgery and I am so happy for you it's going so well!
  13. newmom

    Recovery Question

    I had a 10 month old @ 18 pounds when I went for surgery. I emailed Dr Aceves office about this before I went, b/c I know my baby, he loves being held. They told me 10 pound limit the first week and 20 after that. I was there for 4 days of the first week, so that was no issue, lol. I had a really hard time not lifting him that weekend I got back. I mostly just asked my husband to hand him to me while I was sitting. I won't lie, though, it was difficult. My baby is very squirmy. You might have an easier time with a younger baby, though. I stupidly shoveled snow @ one month out, and that was a HUGE mistake. I pulled a stomach muscle and spent a week worrying about the damage I had done. It was so dumb of me! Best of luck.
  14. newmom

    Rambling thoughts

    So, I just decided to start this blog b/c I have all of these VSG thoughts and I need somewhere to put them! My incisions are healing well and even though they told us to take of the bandage on the big one after 15 days, I hate not having it covered. I don't know why it bothers me. I hope it heals totally soon. I finally found a RTD protein that I love - Odwalla Protein Monster. It's has carbs (27g) but also 33g of Protein per bottle. Boy do I feel better! That whey stuff makes me GAG and dry heave so I just gave up on it. :001_tongue: I tried finding the Naked drinks - my grocer had them before but not now? phfffffffft. frustrating. I have been eating a Greek yogurt (14g) + Odwalla + a few other things and I get to 50-55g. Close enough for now - I can only do so much. I bought some of the protein peanut butter at GNC but man they aren't kidding when they say it separates! It seems gross to me but it's ok for shakes. Just can't imagine eating it plain. What I have realized is that I just have a big intolerance for artificial sweetener of any kind. I was trying to get pregnant forever, then pregnant, then breastfeeding and I didn't have any in all that time. So I just have to look for products without them. If that slows down my weight loss, so be it. I will focus on good carbs. I was never a potato or rice person, so at least those are conquered. haha. I have lost roughly 19 pounds (I think 2-3 were pre-op). This puts me back to close to my pre-pregnancy weight - close enough that I now have some CLOTHES to wear. I refused to buy any before so I had nothing. Oh, and my baby took his first steps this week! I can't believe it.
  15. newmom

    Worked my sleeve over the holidays..

    So I am over a month out. I went to see family for Christmas and I was really worried! My mom plans every meal and is a true cookie pusher. I didn't want to tell my family about my surgery (too judgmental and harsh) so I told them I was on a strict diet. I did really great, I was really surprised! I nibbled at each meal and fed the baby when I needed a diversion. I got my protein first and then had a dessert about a half hour later if I wanted it. Some people commented "aren't you going to finish that" or "are you not hungry" but I just shrugged them off. So when did I have issues? Twice! We went to eat Mexican (my FAVORITE) and I ordered tacos, knowing I would only eat one...my husband didn't feel like sharing that night. I only ate one and 2 chips, but I ate WAY too fast. All of a sudden - slimes! I had to rush to the bathroom to spit out all of the saliva. I felt better after about 5-10 minutes though. Second time, we were at the airport hotel just me and my husband. He ordered take out and I had some. Again, too fast and I got sick. I didn't so much vomit as it just came up - it was really odd but I had read about it before so I wasn't shocked. I lost 4 pounds over the holidays. I am getting used to the sleeve and actually starting to like it. Before now (on liquids and mushies) I was feeling some regret. I just felt like why did I do this and what was I thinking and that I'd never eat again! Now I am understanding to eat as slowly as I can. I understand what a portion size looks like. My husband is finally catching on too - lol - he bought me some food that was just a HUGE amount last week. My baby started walking and saying a few words. He gives high-fives and points to different things, he dances and is just so cute! We had a really really difficult time having a baby and I feel so happy that we had him here, thriving, at Christmastime. I have more and more energy every day to play with him. I know it will only get better.:thumbup:
  16. Yippee! Amazing job. You'll have to post more on how you go about maintaining. :biggrin0:
  17. So glad to see the updates from all of you - especially Joon b/c we went together on the 23rd. I have been doing well. I drink the Odwalla RTD Protein monster and that is 33 g and gets me through the day. I have been eating nibbles of food and chicken has gone down really well. Some days seem harder than others but it is much better than it was at first! I shoveled some snow yesterday, which was a REALLY DUMB idea. I pulled my stomach muscle and then got all paranoid about doing myself harm! Jeez..that was not good. I am down 26 pounds. I lost 4 on pre-op. I am thrilled b/c I can wear all of my pre-baby clothes and have stuff to wear now. My wardrobe has quadrupled!! I have found that once I started eating more I dropped a lot more weight, really fast. I haven't hit a stall yet...but honestly wouldn't mind it b/c I need time to mentally adjust to this! Congrats Everyone!
  18. Lan2K - I am the same as you. I am drinking the Odwalla Super Protein drinks, still losing weight regardless of carb count. I can't stomach ANY of the protein whey powders and they make me dry heave and gag. I also can't have a lot of them b/c I have a shellfish allergy and most of them are processed on equipment that also processes shellfish. So I am happy I found something that I can have that also boosts my protein intake. I also didn't get sleeved to go on a low carb diet. I understand about getting protein in first, and I do that, but I don't limit carbs after that. I know most people would disagree with me, but that's how I feel.
  19. newmom

    Huge Victories!!!

    Wow, those are great victories. It's nice to hear about the tub - I'm not fully healed yet so I can't get into one. But as soon as I can I'm hitting the hot tub at the gym.
  20. newmom

    Rambling thoughts

    The shakes are just blech. If I get that "whey" smell I dry heave. I just gave up when I found the Odwalla. It tastes like choc milk, and if I freeze it, like a milkshake! I had unflavored powder and to me it still had that smell. I think I had an allergic reaction to the tape covering the site. I got a rash from it! I am sure it is that b/c of the pattern of the rash.
  21. newmom

    Struggling emotionally

    I don't have anything in the way of advice, just to say that you are such a loving mom and I know you will get through this! As a youngest child, I can tell you those resentments run deep if you don't head them off. My sisters still have resentment of me sometimes - they'll tell a story about me as a baby or something and you can just see it. Better to nip it in the bud now!
  22. newmom

    I doubted Myself....

    Congratulations! I'm the same as you - 2.5 weeks out and can't get my water down. But we gotta keep trying.
  23. I want to walk through a clothing store without choreographing my head turns so I don't see myself in a mirror! I don't even do this consciously anymore but I'd really like to stop! I'd love to have knee high boots too - I've never ever had any. And since my baby is almost a toddler, I want to have all the energy in the world for him.
  24. newmom

    Picture update

    You look amazing! If I were guessing, I'd say you weighed about 110!

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