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Posts posted by meangene

  1. With P90x, you can change the routine to the "lean" version that is predominately cardio videos and when you feel up to it, you can do the "classic" program. Ultimately, you own 12 DVDs and it comes with instructions on how to watch them in a series that works best for you. With the cardio workouts, i certainly couldn't keep up with the folks in th video, I just went at my own pace and have slowly built up enough endurance to be able to almost match them. All of this to say that i don't know about the power 90 except it was a precursor to P90x. I have read that a new version is coming out this year too, called P90x:MC2 (muscle confusion). Just do it, at your pace. :)

  2. Good for you guys! You'll hear this all the time, and I believe it to be always true, the sleeve has changed my life. When my five year old wants to run into daycare, almost four months after my surgery, I can jog along side him and not get winded. In fact, and this blows me away because of post-surgery fitness levels, I can talk to him while I jog. Talk about a cool feeling. I believe I can speak for everyone here when I say this, keep us updated with your progress. Good luck!

  3. For reasons I cannot explain, I initially had a goal of starting this at 220 pounds but decided to start when I was 244. That was two weeks ago when I made the decision and only one week of actually going through the exercises. It's incredibly intense but well worth it. The stretching is amazing and I can tell that I am more limber than I ever was before this and I can begin to see an inkling of muscle tone in my arms and shoulder. Let's be real, part of that is fat loss, but any improvement is just that, an improvement. Thank you sleeve, thank you Tony Horton, and thank you verticalsleevetalk!

  4. My first stall, and I say it that way because I'm sure there will be others, came at three months after surgery. It lasted almost four weeks, which with my initial amazing weight loss, was frustrating. I came to terms with reality during the first week of the stall, and for me, the reality was, and continues to be, that there is no way this plateau can have a long lasting affect because I'm still obese and I am eating 600-1000 calories per day. Knowing that it couldn't be sustainable, I kept doing what I was doing, diet and exercise, and maintained discipline. Lo and behold, the stall broke and I dropped ten pounds in a week. Keep the faith and don't worry, everyone's body adjusts differently, just know that it can last a short or long time, that doesn't matter. What is most important is building new habits that are sustainable for the rest of your lifetime. Congratulations on your weight loss to date!

  5. I started the classic P90x routine today and, even though I can't lift my arms up now, feel great. What an intense workout! I had to stop Ab Ripper with six minutes left because I thought I was about to puke... was dizzy and nauseous from the chest and back video. I'm looking forward to getting a few weeks in and building up a healthy habit!

  6. My recovery period was pretty quick, in fact, my wife and I went into the beautiful Ozark Mountains and hiked 3 miles a week after I was released from the hospital. I went back to work after a week and three days from my release. For me, I had to go back to work because I love what I do and didn't want to miss any time. Also, I have an office position and am far removed from physical labor. My wife, who is a physical rehab nurse, took off 4 weeks. Due to weight restrictions, she had to have the time off and it took her another two weeks before she felt completely comfortable with her normal work routine.

    On my one week follow-up visit, my surgeon gave me a complete pass for any physical activity and removed my weight restrictions. My wife, who had the same surgeon almost three weeks before me, kept her on her weight restrictions and advised her to stay home as long as she could. Like many posts on this board, everyone's experience will be different. I think most will agree that the pain really is minimal from the surgery, so don't let that be a "mental" deterrent.

  7. All right guys, so for the past month or so, the wife and I have been going to the gym, getting on the treadmill walking/jogging/running a 5k. This has been great to build stamina and show myself that I *can* do it and learn to like exercise. Well, today, I started P90x and am throwing that into the mix too. I've lost 72 pounds since October 8 of last year and I figure it's time to build some muscle. Have any of you thought about doing it, have done it, or are doing it now?

    For my first workout today, I have to say, it completely kicked my tail. I've heard of people puking when they first start, and I thought they were full of it, but I can completely see how that could happen. Though I'm sore as hell right now, it was fun and challenging. Can't wait to see if I can last 90 days!

  8. My goal has been that when I hit 220, I'll start P90x. Having never been in any kind of shape, other than round, it is a daunting thought. I personally know several people who are working through the program or have completed their first 90 day set. In fact, one of my clients came in recently and we were talking about my weight loss and he said he was sixty days into P90x. In fact, he flexed his muscles and said, "Call the vet because these puppies are sick!" He's a preacher, so it made the comments particularly entertaining.

    As my wife and I build up our habit of going to the gym and working out, I definitely feel more and more inclined to start this too. I'm not sure about a challenge and holding one another accountable, but I am completely on board with sharing our experiences on a frequent basis and hopefully getting others pumped too. I'm a little torn with the included workout regimes because you can do the standard P90x or the Lean P90x, which focuses more on fat burn. Clearly our diet and restriction creates fat burning on its own, so it makes me wonder if I shouldn't go ahead with the standard instead of the lean. I've already lost quite a bit and want to make sure I don't end up looking like too much of a wimp... decisions decisions.

  9. I experience the hunger described in the initial post - I am hungry all of the time. I rarely get a reprieve from the annoying messages of "feed me now!" from my stomach. As suggested, I haven't gone the Gavison route, which I intend to do. I'm still very jealous of my wife, who was sleeved 2.5 weeks before me, because she doesn't feel hungry. It's a total distraction because it's far more overpowering than the hunger I felt pre-op. For example, for lunch today, I ate a 4 ounce steak and grilled vegatables; plenty to fill up my sleeve. Within minutes, the growling and starving feeling came back. The word is "sucks" and it's slowly becoming an awful experience.

  10. I've never had BP issues but after my surgery, I experience what you did, a ridiculously high BP. I was prescribed something after my 3 day release, went to my primary care physician a few days later and he took me off of it and said it was a result of the anesthesia. I've been fine since I quit taking it and using hindsight, there were only three or four days where my BP spiked and subsequently went down to normal.

  11. sleevesearch and LowCho, I am in the same boat as you two. Changed my PPI, changed the frequency, and to no avail. At my 3 month post-op visit with a NP, she spoke with my surgeon and he said as long as I continue to lose weight, I should add some carbs and fat. She spoke with a NUT and the NUT confirmed what the surgeon said. The thought of adding that back to my diet freaks me out, but when I do eat items that have higher carbs and fat, the fullness feels longer than an hour. For the record, I get my Protein in daily as well as my liquids and Vitamins.

    I've been stalled for several weeks now and since I saw the NP, and have eaten less healthy foods, I've dropped four pounds. Go figure. My wife, who was sleeved 2.5 weeks before me, is never hungry. I couldn't be more jealous of that. The starving feeling that I have all the time sucks.

  12. Addiction runs in the family and for me, I channeled my addictive personality to food. I was an incredibly emotional eater and had no self control. I have to say, almost four months out, I don't have the crazy food thoughts that I did before the surgery. Not only did I need the forced restriction with the sleeve, but I also believe the constant intake of Vitamins and nutrition have made me a more mentally sound person. I own my own business and would have violent emotional mood swings every other week. It seemed like I would go from happy to depressed within days, all the time. Since the sleeve, I have not felt this way at all and my emotions have been in check. We read it all the time in this forum, but it's true, the sleeve has totally changed my life for the better. Screw addiction and addictive behavior!

  13. I'm only a few months out, but the 58 pounds I've lost has turned me into a more youthful person. Certainly, I have way more energy than before. The sex is a lot better, that's for sure. I worked out during my heaviest period, which means I would get on the treadmill, walk fast for fourty-five minutes and sweat like a pig. Now, I can half-walk half-jog for the same period, sweat a little bit, and feel terrific afterwards. I can't wait until I drop another 50 pounds!

  14. Eric, the reason why I chose the sleeve over bypass is because I've read that there people who go with the bypass regain a lot of their weight back. With the sleeve, I'm told that it really is a more restrictive "stomach" and is much harder to stretch out, further solidifying good eating habits. Also, I was terribly afraid of dumping syndrome with the bypass and I didn't want to be in a position where I'm in front of my clients and suddenly, I have to excuse myself to go puke or go to the toilet. I'm almost a month in with my sleeve and I couldn't be happier.

  15. What an awesome surgery for us big guys. For me, being a big guy is part of my persona, you know, being perceived as physically intimidating. I have to be honest, a year from now, I'll be a shade of my former self. How's that work for the ego? I don't foresee an issue, I just know that it will be completely different as a much smaller dude.

  16. I've been told that hCG helps with elasticity with your skin, so presumably, when you lose, your skin stays tight so there's no excess hanging folds. I did the diet about a year ago, lost 30 pounds in a month, and wanted to punch someone in the face because I was starving myself each and every day. Now with the sleeve, I've lost about the same weight in the same time, still slightly hungry constantly and I feel great and don't want to punch anything/anyone. I regained the hCG lost weight quickly and am glad that I'm sleeved because I know I'll never go back. This forced restriction and post-op diet plan is amazing.

    I'm glad someone brought this up because the skin thing has been on my mind since I made the decision to get the sleeve. Has anyone else heard of this?

  17. I take Prilosec once a day, and after I posted that last night, I did a little more reading on PPIs and Prilosec in particular. From everything I read, it sounds like you're right, the acid is the culprit, and as such, I took a second Prilosec last night. Going forward, until I see the doctor's office again, I'm going to take it twice a day and see if that helps. While I haven't felt a change just yet, I'm hopeful that this will fix it. Being "hungry" sucks!

    Though I read it time and time again, I'm still surprised that the recovery period is very quick for some people. I went back to work a week and a half after the procedure and could have gone back earlier but opted to have fun at home. My only challenge has been/still is an anesthesia hangover, where I feel fuzzy or groggy from time to time. At three weeks out from my surgery, I still feel the affects just not as frequently. I wasn't prepared for that at all.

    MicNic, good luck with yours, you won't regret it.

  18. All my life, well at least since sixth grade, I've been overweight. I've never been physically active, so as the years go on, so do the pounds. This year, my wife and I made a decision to get sleeved and hope that our four year old son doesn't remember us as fat couch potatoes. My words, not hers. In any event, she was sleeved two and a half weeks before me and I was sleeved on October 8 of this year. Post-op was fine, very little pain and one week after my surgery, we went on a 3.2 mile hike. Yeah, it was killer but it was great to be outside.

    The first two weeks were great with Clear liquids and now with mushies... this last week has been awful for me because I am always hungry. I mean always. Not just hungry but what I would call before my operation as starving. My wife? She is never hungry and has to remind herself to eat. I control my portions and measure out .5 cup at a time... but the hunger is so incredibly annoying, I eat multiple .5 servings every day. We all have different experiences, don't we?

    I go see the doctor's office next week for my four week post-op checkup and I'm very interested to hear what the office has to say about my experience. My wife and I are both excited to go along this journey together and I'm very excited to achieve fitness and physical well-being for my youngest son. I trolled this forum for a while, gathering information when we were deciding if we wanted to do weight loss surgery and I'm so thankful for all of you sharing your experiences and information. I look forward to sharing my experiences and reading yours. Good luck to everyone!

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