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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by meggiep

  1. What a great idea! Thank you , all of you, I love this place- the support and love is awesome.
  2. She has the opposite problem- the doctor does not think she has lost enough weight pre-op. Maybe a couple of dulcolax the night before the weigh in? ;-P The thing is- if we lost easily, and bountifully why would we be wanting the surgery? It seems unfair, however they do want you to lost enough to shrink your liver so maybe that is the issue. Maybe they will let you contact some newer patients to sell them your bars, it isn't fair to stick you with them.
  3. I'm kinda bummed today as I started my pre-op liquid on my doctor's advice only to find out there are no dates available at the hospital in two weeks...in fact my date is now May 9th. Excited to have a date but a little deflated it will be in 4 1/2 weeks instead of 2.

  4. Glad I could help!

  5. meggiep

    No Protein Yet Today

    I'm sorry that is the case for you, the not liking Protein foods part- because it will make this journey harder! First of all it is ultra important to get that staple line healed and protein is the thing that will do it. Much as you might like to beautifully rewrite that fact....uh, that would be a no. Then there is the long path of weight loss ahead of you. When I went to the first appointment with my surgeon, he actually sat down and started drawing a truck, which looked like any pre-schoolers ideal of a primitive looking truck- I'm sure you can picture it! He started explaining something about two gas tanks and at first I, as usual, felt my mind wandering while I also tried not to giggle at his drawing. However, something, maybe the tiny part of me that is trying to save my life by having this surgery, started listening and I actually got what he was saying- one tank being the sugar and carbs we eat, and other tank being the fat excess (call it junk in the trunk if you want). I had myself a major aha moment when I got that if you keep putting things in the carb/sugar tank, even a lesser amount, your body wont switch to using the other one. And unless you eat enough protein, your body will consume muscle to make up for you starving it, even if you have a TON of fat to lose. Consume a lot of protein, and when that carb tank empties the switch to the fat tank will occur. You have to do it girl. Yep, really. I suggest finding some unflavored powder to mix in to other things that taste better to you. That sounds like the best bet for you.... love meggie the toastaholic
  6. I found out today that though they had me start my preop liquid diet there was actually no surgery slot for me so guess what? I am May 9th too!!!
  7. Oh man that is a bummer! I really feel for you! I kind of had the same thing today as my doctor told me on Monday to start my preop liquids since they were submitting to insurance and I would probably be approved fast so they wanted me to be ready. Well the problem was he didn't check with the scheduling coordinator and it turned out there wasn't a slot for me until May anyway! SO I went from being in countdown mode on liquids to having it pushed to May 9th. Did they have you diet before this? It really does not seem fair to do this- and eight pounds in ten days seems good to me.
  8. I think part of it is having no date, right? It is hard to keep your eye on the prize when that is the case. One thing that helps me is to have a reward goal. For me it is the cutest night shirt my husband bought me for my birthday last year- and it didn't fit me. It is the most awesome print- perfect for me! Whenever I falter I have that to hold up, maybe eve try on, and look at. What is the specific thing you have been told to do? Diet for six months? Lose a certain amount of weight? It seems like you are kind of up in the air and that has to be hard. Just remind yourself what your ultimate goal is- to have surgery that will be the ultimate aid in controlling your intake and helping you finally lose the weight. This is a hurdle you must do to get there. Man, I feel for you and the main thing I can do is send a hug your way. Obviously we all share many of your problems or we would not be resorting to something so extreme. ALso- try to eat plety of protein to keep you full longer- and also whenever you want to blow your diet go for a walk or exercise.
  9. meggiep

    Starting a vlog

    I say go for it- I am really enjoying doing mine and I want to do it for others who come after me as they have been so inspiring to me! My husband does them with me but many people do them without a camera holder. I started a thread for vloggers - http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/15511-are-you-a-you-tuber/page__p__131491__fromsearch__1#entry131491 Let me know when yours is up!
  10. Mine is done during surgery.
  11. With my doctor shocking me by telling me to start my liquid diet now in case my insurance suddenly approves me I realized I did not have enough Protein here. My nutritionist told me that the ready to drink protein drinks at costco are almost universally liked, so I got 24 chocolate and 24 vanilla today so that I can drink three a day . The are called Premier Protein and they have 30 grams of protein in an 11 Fluid ounce drink and only 3 grams of carbs. My doctors rule of thumb is to never select a Protein Drink with less than double digits of protein and with never more than single digits of crabs so this one has great numbers.
  12. meggiep

    Day 8. I'm bored.

    I think you could be shocked and amused out of your boredom if you just watch "Extreme Couponing". My darling husband (and video guy for my vlog) and I came home from my last dinner before liquid diet/my son's birthday dinner at the Outback and are literally open mouthed watching it- seriously the first woman we see looks like she experiences sexual desire while shopping with her coupons. Scary? Yes! Funny? VERY! ps its on tlc
  13. meggiep

    Day 1 - pre op diet :(

    I start tomorrow- full liquids. Mainly protein shakes. What is hard is it is mainly in case my insurance approval comes through- then they could slot me in fast. It is hard without an actual date!
  14. I had already been to a seminar by my doctor so I had already selected the sleeve. My first appointment my surgeon asked my history in terms of the things I had tried for losing weight, and various questions about my lifestyle, why I want the surgery, etc. I was weighed and measured so my BMI could be officially logged. My doctor talked a lot about what it takes to succeed and also taught me some things about why carbs are so important (lack of them) in the weight loss process. He told me I was a good candidate for my surgery and then told me everything I needed to do to qualify. He printed a lost with all the tests, etc. and as my doctor he put in referrals for all of them. I then had a list and when I went home hit the ground running scheduling anything and everything I could Prior to my appointment I call my insurance to make sure the sleeve was covered, and also what their requirement was independent of what my doctors might be. I was fortunate in that my insurance requires only that I complete my doctors requirements. Yours may vary. Many insurance companies require a six month diet with monthly appointments. SOme do not cover the sleeve-make sure yours does! My appointment was on 2/16 and I really pushed my way , through tons of roadblocks that meant delays, such that I completed my requirements last Friday. My surgery will be some time in the next six weeks, depending on whether I can get a date that works with my life.
  15. meggiep

    12 hours before surgery!

    What happened? I have been waiting for your post surgery news in a day or two...
  16. meggiep


    I am keeping you in my prayers!
  17. meggiep

    Day 8. I'm bored.

    As for YOU- I know what you can do- write some more things for US! At least you will take care of everyone else boredom, and fill your time too.
  18. meggiep

    Day 8. I'm bored.

    Three words for everyone who is bored - Turner Classic Movies. There- you have your relief from boredom and your substitute addiction all in one! No ads- and wonderful wonderful movies. Watch out for 4/10- 24 hours of Elizabeth Taylor movies. Can't wait! Interesting how when food is off the playing field boredom comes in.
  19. I accidentally put this question in pre-op - d'uh maybe because I am in a tizzy finding out I Might have surgery in two weeks. If I do , I will have 12 days to be ready for working a full day-and would love to know what condition y'all were in around that time. MY original thread- http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/15836-advice-needed-what-is-life-like-12-days-post-op/
  20. meggiep


    Just wanted to answer quickly to welcome you and give you hugs of encouragement - I'll answer thoroughly when I'm on my computer tomorrow as it's harder in bed on my iPad! I'm having my surgery sometime in the next month so we can encourage each other.
  21. meggiep

    Am I eating Enough?

    I was going to say the same thing about needing Protein to make sure you get enough since the capacity is so small. I'm in Redwood City! We should have an SF area get together some time! Maybe to taste all the many samples of Protein drinks I have acquired... I may be sleeved as soon as two weeks from now.
  22. meggiep

    What do you think it is?

    It really got me thinking - and made sense- that our stomachs evolved to this size when food was not always in constant supply and you needed to be able to eat a lot when it as available. We are on the cusp of evolution! I will certainly have to tell my surgeon.
  23. meggiep

    Aretha Franklin

    Aretha? I don;t think she did....she just said he did not have a bypass.
  24. meggiep


    Hooray!!!!! So happy for you.
  25. Hooray for your progress! I suddenly find myself perhaps being fast tracked to having it in two weeks. Camelback makes a great water bottle that holds 34 ounces and has a rubber cover for the straw that forces sipping without bringing in to much air. I would love to know about the protein powder. In fact I have a bunch of samples and I posted in nutrition looking for No CA people to get together with and taste test! edited to add- this sipping thing is something we HAVE to get it together with! I have trouble too but it really is necessary, as is not drinking with your meals.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
