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Everything posted by meggiep

  1. We went to In- n- Out today- I don't even EAT fast food! There is this weird feeling about what lies ahead - literally two weeks of liquids- and on a grander scheme the unknown of life with the sleeve. I am excited, scared, happy, a tiny bit worried....and hungry, the yawning kind of hunger that I will soon leave far far behind. I think we should call ourselves, being around 5/9 or thereabouts- maybe the first two weeks in May- the Red Velvet gang ;-P I wish I could give you each a piece.
  2. meggiep

    Soo excited!

    LOL- You can actually use MY countdown as my surgery is that day! Congrats! You are on your way!
  3. Sometimes they are unable to reach the stomach through the esophagus - that is another reason to do opoen surgery. I signed permission but my doctor told me at my pre-op appt Wednesday that he has never had to convert to an open surgery in nine years of doing sleeves. I was reassured!
  4. I think that the two weeks before is hardest because you are still raging hungry and your stomach is still the same giganto size it always was ! ;- P My two weeks starts Monday. I am kind of in a panic mode looking around our kitchen and really having it sink in- my husband (not thinking) bought much of what he always buys on his latest costco run and I pointed out he will be eating most of it himself. Hmmm... This is really happening!
  5. I like that hotel a lot- call and ask for the newest tower. FYI if you use hot-wire you can often do even better and better bidding dot com identifies the hotels... I'll be having my surgery while you're playing in SD!
  6. Wow- that's awesome! Don't forget your vitamins- that can help get your energy back to where it was.
  7. meggiep


    I have been thinking about you and hoping they figure this problem out for you so that you can move forward and start healing. Things WILL get better in time it just is extra hard for you with the complications you have had. I think waiting to see if there is a leak has to be terribly hard on you so here is a hug to you from me! Keep us posted- I check all the time to see if you have posted.
  8. When I first came home from my doctor talking about having WLS my husband was shocked- definitely. The surgery sounded extreme to him- and he ws scared of the possible complications. However, after I went to my first visit with the surgeon and I told my husband the surgeon could see me ending up in a wheelchair followed by an early death- that was all it took for my husband to climb on board and back me up. It has been hard for him because the more I delve in to this and read all the stories here, and on You Tube, the more my lifelong pain has started to come out- causing things to be more emotional than usual around here! He has put up with all of it. I realized just how much he supports me today when he came home from costco with a Magic Bullet kit including all kinds of attachments to help me during my purees and mushies. What a sweetheart!
  9. meggiep

    My Darling Husband

    This made me cry and hug my husband close. I am glad you followed your husbands dream for you! I Know he is watching every goal and victory and is with you. Hugs for you from me!
  10. I wish I was closer! I posted in nutrition to do the same thing here in the Peninsula/South Bay- I have about 18 kinds to try and hate to waste it on just me. I do go to Fremont for some of my appointments but that's about as far as I go! Hope you find some peeps !
  11. My scale has gone wonky after an unfortunate accident so I need to buy another one. Any recommendations? Aside from those tre expensive health o meter doctors scales...or the amazing one at my doctors office that looks like a treadmill... I don't have a ton o' bucks. Being as it is about to become the center of my universe ;-P
  12. meggiep

    I need a new scale...

    I just found a Good Housekeeping comparison that rated scales , and of course accuracy was a big part. http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/product-testing/reviews-tests/appliances-electronics/best-bathroom-scales I am pleased to have this info! I was not wanting to have to pay for Consumer Reports info...
  13. meggiep


    Oh and I totally did not mean to say that! Of course you are telling the truth- I am so sorry I put it that way. What I mean was I wondered when someone would come in and mention the other experience, which I think happens more when you hit goal or go under goal. We have an expression for taking something back "umvelop" - I wish I could umvelop that sentence ! And I hope for you that your nice boobs stay exactly that way! However- are you sure about the DD? I only say that because mine are DD and that means back problems! MIne are already droopy so I expect to have skin sacks from the beginning- arghh!!!
  14. I think the bougie's range normally from 32-38 or so. My doctor said above 40 there is not enough restriction. I found out today mine uses a 32 also. Nive and smll!
  15. meggiep

    I need a new scale...

    That looks awesome! Yep- accuracy is what matters. My husband accidentally tipped our almost new scale up on its edge and it crashed down. Today it was three pounds OVER my doctor (when does that ever happen!)- but last week it was two. I don't want to always be adding or subtracting to know how it compares. It is super wacky for me to be wanting a scale- I did not weight myself for ten years before this!
  16. Today at long last was my pre-op appointment. ONe of the coolest things was how impressed my doctor was with my ist of questions- which of course stemmed from my exposure to everything here on VST! The answers (I'm sure you can figure out the questions!) Staples,reinforced staples, and sutures No catheter (YAY!) No drain (YAY!) Done with air on the spot, not done after surgery unless you have symptoms Koumadin (I think) injection before surgery and electronic massage sock thingies after and most interestingly- size 32. I feel guilty about one thing. I was told last week when I got my date thatI will be on liquids from April 25th until my surgery 5/9. So today when he said "Start your liquids now" I said nothing because, guilty though I feel, I have no plans to do it now. I have some social plans between now and then including Easter and ,,,I just am not starting until Monday, So this is really happening!
  17. Yes, when I start I will be absolutely compliant- I know I need to be. I just didn't want hi changing the date- he kept talking about two weeks so I Know that was his intention - and the pre-op appointment is usually two weeks before the surgery so I get why he said it....it just threw me off. I have my premiere Protein drinks in the fridge already...
  18. You slay me! I can see you flying to Mexico to try to get the rest of your stomach removed.... And I see this really is One Day at a Time.... As a pool passionate Mama I am very interested in your return to the pool. My surgeon told me I need to see him at my post op, which is 16 days after surgery to find out when I can go into the pool. I am already anxious and I haven;t left the pool yet!
  19. meggiep


    I was wondering if someone would come in and tell the truth! My friend at Water aerobics had the same thing- basically hanging skin bags. She had a breast job when she had her tummy tuck. Since I have neither money for that nor insurance that covers it I will have my skin bags for a long time.... But as TIff sys- I want to say goodbye to many of my other physical attributes so that's life - and since they usually represent going to goal or under goal- let it rip!!
  20. meggiep

    After Surgery Questions

    I have not had my sleeve yet so can't answer about the gas, though that agrees with what I have read/heard as well. However, my doctor says never go for a Protein drink with carbs in the double digits. Double digits protein, single digits carbs is his rule. Low carbs seems to be the best bet for losing the most during your maximum window of losing time.
  21. Oh girl you do make me laugh! This has been one of the worst months ever for me (not related to the surgery...other stuff) and you have helped me so much. I think this is the part where eating to live comes in and replaces living to eat. I think over time it will readjust a bit but right now -work it! Use it for its purpose! 29 pounds? WOOHOO!!!!!!!!! I too need deciphering of Palak Paneer.....
  22. I was just going to post about this in the nutrition section! The Iron is the one thing I have not been able to start and it is exactly for that reason. I am terrified of constipation because I know it makes yo feel so blah and awful. I have NEVER had that issue- even taking opiates for chronic pain I have avoided it by eating organic unsulfered apricots every single day. Well my apricots must go now so I am so worried about taking iron as I have always heard it causes bad constipation. I don't like the idea of using laxitives. It is promising what you posted about BA iron. I will have to give it a try, as certainly anemia would not feel good.
  23. meggiep

    New girl needs moral support

    Don't your co-morbidities- apnea and borderline high blood pressure- perhaps get insurance approval? I would investigate that. Many insurance companies will approve you at between 35-40 BMI if you have other health conditions.
  24. meggiep

    Going stir crazy

    OMG! FIVE weeks of liquids? I now take back everything I have said whining about the two weeks of liquids I will start next Monday! I simply cannot imagine 5 weeks of liquids. You deserve a medal!
  25. meggiep

    Family Frustrations

    Are you close to your sister? I don't want to make light of your passion for getting the surgery, but I do understand why your sister is feeling that way since her wedding is a really big deal for her. Where will you be in the timeline of recovery on June 10th? Maybe there is a way you can reassure your sister that you wont let anything dissipate your enthusiasm and participation in her wedding. Remind her you don't need to eat to celebrate! Howeverm if you will have surgery so close to the date that you might not be returned to your fully energy , etc. then I hate to say it but maybe you should think about having the surgery the Monday after her wedding. It isn't that long...really.... and this could mean a lot to her. I'm a wedding photographer ;-P so pretty sensitive to what this means to people....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
