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Everything posted by meggiep

  1. Have you ever wondered how they get the bougie into your stomach to use as the guide? It needs to be inside your stomach, in the part that is kept.
  2. meggiep

    Liquid diet crisis

    So the result today- I tried the GNC Wheybolic 60 with Water, no additives. I have decided before I start doctoring them I want to taste them as they are, plain. It tasted kinda like Quik, though as with the nectar it has a sweet splenda aftertaste. Why are these so sweet? I hate that aspect. But as with the Nectar I did drink it, and could stand it. Yay again! Tonight I had a Bariatric Advantage chocolate Meal Replacement. I was tired of the thin ones I had so chose to mix this with Milk- not realizing it was a thicker drink to begin with so it was really thick. It was ok- still too sweet for me but my husband LOVED it ;-P Of course how he could tell with the huge quantity of food he seemed to be shoveling into his face today is beyond me. Bitter much, Meggie? Tomorrow I will try some unjury and also try doctoring some of the shakes. I really really want an unflavored Protein to mix into things though. I was directed to one that is sold out. Is there such a thing?
  3. meggiep

    Liquid diet crisis

    This is amazing! My only thought is that it is a bit too high in carbs if you are smeone who wants to limit those. DO you know what that total is? I love thinking I can do without the supplements. I know that is the goal.
  4. Although I of course can feel the pain that is the double edge of your incredible humor, I have never thought of you as headed for a dark place. I see a shining light in you, and of course also the pain. In fact it is only since I started being on this forum that a lot of my lifetime of pain about weight has been given permission to come out. We all do a pretty good job of stuffing it down, don't we? Then we decide to have WLS and for the first time in a long long time many of us have hope - hope! What a thought! And in having hope we feel the pain too. Aside from the depression of seeing our thriving wedding photography business go down the tubes in this recession, as we face losing everything...mine has a lot to do with just being pissed off that I got dealt the hand of being fat. f**k! I said it- that is all I can say about that. I have three thin siblings and I got to be the fat one. Me, the one with the best taste in clothes! It is unfair. To put it midlly! All of it is unfair , and so is everything that has happened to all of us around it, and around our depression. Still there is that fiicker, our hope, our thought that there is a possibility we have finally found a way to lose the weight and that if we have then no other problem will seem nearly as grave. I for one can say this is the first HOPE I have felt in a long long time. I am with you sistah- and I am here for you. I am a loyal true friend and you have me. BTW- we are effin' awesome photographers. It is a true tragedy that our business is slipping away.... check us out at www.megandmichaelweddings.com ... sigh. Well I may be soon unemployed but I will be thin!
  5. meggiep

    Day 3 on my 2 week Pre Op Diet....

    I was going to say that my day three had been fine but then tonight I came home to the house full of cooking smells of my son's and was suddenly sooooo hungry! Nothing I can have appealed to me as I get only liquids, no food at all. I had a cup of chicken broth but couldn't finish it and know I should have a prtein shake but am not wanting that overly sweet taste. Good luck and know it has a wonderful light at the end of this tunnel- the sleeve! That is what I am trying to do- keep my eyes on the prize.
  6. I too was bothered by the rerouting of the intestines with the malabsortion, and I much prefer having the entrance into and exit from the stomach stay the same. I was concerned about that whole part of your stomach being there but not being accessible by scope. The lack of dumping is also appealing. Once I learned more and more about the sleeve it seemed by far the best choice.
  7. I actually am glad there is some screening. My nutritionist said that she still has some patients who regret their surgery and I think the screening is important for making sure you understand whet you are doing.
  8. meggiep

    7 Days To My Sleeve

    Do you have to have a catheter? My doctor does not use one. The nasogastric tube is done while you are asleep, isn't it? When I think about everything that goes down your throat it is not my favorite thought either! I just remind myself I will be out for that. I am a few days behind you- this is my third day of liquids. I don't have much appetite either, I am drinking a lot less of everything than I thought I would be. It is normal to have some fears- just think about your goal in all this and how soon you will be on the losers bench!
  9. meggiep

    scared & feeling numb

    I will keep you in my heart and prayers.
  10. Hooray WOOT WOOT! Welcome to the Red Velvet Gang of May sleevers. I am on day three of my liquids. Yuck. Tonight the hunger hit. Be glad you do not have to do it! It is har knowing that I do 11 more days of this and then surgery. I especially miss savory things.
  11. Wednesday when I saw my general doctor for her preop exam she said she had never seen someone so excited about weight loss surgery. And I am excited- excited to have the chance to solve a situation that has bedeviled me for years, grateful to have insurance that covers it, and ready to do it armed with the incredible knowledge and support I have received here. But today I was full of a wistful sadness too- a melancholy that surprised me. My husband and son took me to one of my favorite spots for an early dinner since it is liquids for me tomorrow until my surgery 5/9. Inexplicably I burst into tears. It was hard to give words to my feelings. I think that though I am excited and anxious to sart this new chapter in my life I am also letting myself feel the pain of many years of being overweight- just how much that has affected me. And with that comes the pain that in the end I really have no choice (yes of course I do but in a sense I don't- I think you know what I mean) but to remove 85% of my stomach. That is sad- there is no other way to hold that- after all my dear husband and son are not having theirs removed. And there really isn't a way to put a totally positive spin on what lies ahead - a very positive one to be sure but there is that little sad part that came up today. I guess I am mourning a bit. I will get over it. I need to feel it, heal it, and release it..... And I knew that everyone here would understand. Thank heaven for that!
  12. meggiep

    Need your Help! Please!!

    Well it seems to me that as a person with an extreme allergy to a commonly used food additive you are already very limited in your food choices for keeping good nutrition, so a surgery with a malabsorption factor like the bypass would be counterindicated for you. Would that be something you could use?
  13. meggiep

    Liquid diet crisis

    Thanks! I bought a small bag of this today and will try it later or tomorrow! Crossing my fingers! I had gotten a box of Fuzzy Navel- can't remember whether it was from BA or from Syntrax- and I am so happy to report that I tried one today and though I do not care for the splenda aftertaste and do not imagine having it as my regular Protein Shake I was able to drink a whole one and there was no protein aftertaste. Hooray! Are you sure? Do you mean there is no strong protein powdery aftertaste with them? The thing is, my husband thought it was ok- not great but OK. I would imagine a bad batch would taste bad to everyone.
  14. meggiep

    Need your Help! Please!!

    Oh my- sure enough, the Whey Isolate protein I got at GNC today says it contains milk and soy Beans. I had no idea! Goodness- that will make it very difficult for you- I feel for you! I a uncertain about what you are asking though- the connection between the insurance matter and your soy allergy? I think it is hard to determine what you need help with?
  15. meggiep


    That is a wonderful story to hear! Question- what kind of unflavored protein poweder do you use and is it really unflavored?
  16. meggiep

    Need your Help! Please!!

    Are you sure about whey=soy? All the protein drinks I have been collecting today are whey isolate but it is from milk, not soy.
  17. meggiep

    The Time Has Come

    You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow and I can;t wait to hear how it goes!:grouphug:
  18. meggiep

    BEing sleeved TOMORROW!!!!

    I will be thinking about you! Can't wait to hear how it goes.
  19. Well just in case yo think I am extra blessed over here with the love of my life AND menopause , I have a POS ex too- and since we had a fabulous child together I am attached to him for life. UCK. Here we be struggling to keep afloat since everyone is having their uncle photograph the wedding and the man owes me 10k in back child support and somehow thinks he is too special to have to pay. Sigh. As for computers? You will pry my laptop out of my cold dead hands... so I would hit that store pronto. But....ok....you are allowed to skip an update tomorrow. You don't even have to show me the receipt. I will be out myself frantically looking for a Protein powder I can stand without gagging. I will pray for you CW- and your computer, and You Empress and your surgery, and please pray for me and my freakin; Protein Powder.
  20. meggiep

    Liquid diet crisis

    This is very helpful to know also! I need to know that if worse comes to worst I can do this without protein supplements. It honestly never occurred to me it would be a problem and I have had such steely resolve since I decided to do this- once I deduced that you needed to get your protein and your fluids to guarantee success- well there was no question to me that I would do exactly that- and I admit I really faltered today. I even questioned for about three minutes canceling the surgery! Thank you for chiming in - it means a great deal.
  21. meggiep

    Liquid diet crisis

    I know- I know- I feel like the ground has been pulled from under me- I felt so sure of my path and my direction this morning and now I am in a panic and even here right now that taste is in my mouth and I feel ill. I will be on the hunt tomorrow for sure...
  22. meggiep

    Liquid diet crisis

    Oh thank heaven! I was worried they all have the same aftertaste. I am also wondering if it is possible to make a success of the sleeve without Protein drinks at all... I have unjury sampes, bariatrics advantage sample, and a few others. I will start tomorrow. I am too tired to mess with them. Thanks you!
  23. meggiep

    Liquids tomorrow

    Thank you!!!!! mwa mwah to all of you.
  24. Oh I do love this post! I am over the moon happy for you- beyond words. This is my first day of liquid ad I am having a minor crisis that the protein drink I stocked is making me ill- and your post means everything to me! I cant wait to see how you do , my sistah.
  25. Even if I didn't recognize your moniker I would know you from your turkey meatballs, snickers, and vending machine! I've watched all your videos ;-P

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