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Everything posted by meggiep

  1. meggiep

    Chocolate Milk Diet shake?

    I have found what is for me the nummiest chocolate protein drink- Champion Pro Score 100 chocolate. I selected it because of the ratings thread above and ordered it as one of several samples from vitalady (they sell samples, godsent for me so I don't buy big things and then hate them!). I loved the sample and ordered two pounds. I mix it with decaf coffee and ice and blend. YUMMMM!!!! It also has great nutrition stats!
  2. meggiep


    The blood pressure should be reported- that could be of concern. The right part of our stomachs, the largest part, was removed and pulled out on that side. I am glad my biggest incision is not on top on my new tummy! I am not pale- but I am very weak and tired. I also don;t have periods anymore so that wont be a factor for me.
  3. meggiep

    BAD Insomnia

    I seem to every other alternate between sleeping for 10 hours and not sleeping for hours and hours and getting a few hours. When I can't sleep I just surrender and watch You Tubes until I get drowsy. Fortunately I am self employed so I always have a sense that I will be able to sleep in the day. I am so sorry because I know how awful insomnia is. I have never been truly troubled and hugs to you- wish I could help. Even with my atavan but I'm in NO CA!
  4. It certainly cleans out the sinuses! I haven't had the unexplained tears yet- that one was actually becasue I was having so much drinking- and because my doctor confirmed he wanted three weeks of clears plus Protein drinks instead of full liquids. I am glad you reminded me....you know I think I need to print out your day by days to serve as a reference.
  5. It is so not fair to make me laugh! But I should know to put a pillow on my abdomen and be ready when I click your posts- the pinata remark hurt me big! Thank you for giving me hope that this incredibly intense period will fade and be a memory. I had an inkling today because I was doing so much better I forgot the sobbing in the shower day a few days ago completely. Thanks too for the hope that I WILL eat again....real food. Three weeks of clears with Protein shakes followed by two weeks of full liquids and THEN mushies? I can't even figure out when I will eat again. Maybe at eight weeks like you! As you forget this even happened- don't forget US!
  6. meggiep

    Pushing my luck...

    My You Tube friend- you KNOW you should not do this! So what if it goes down and tastes good. Do you want to jeopardize your healing tender tummy FOREVER by indulging? You said it yourself- if you are cheating already, what are your chances? My doctor makes it clear that if you are not willing to change your lifestyle- don't have the surgery. I don't want to see you end up overweight AND with a sleeve! Mama Meggie tough love here -STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!! Get on full liquids right now and do it until the 20th. If it feels better- I got unexpectedly put on clears and Protein drinks only for THREE SOLID WEEKS- imagine that? Not even cottage cheese. Will I blow it? NO WAY! I (and you) have a lifetime to eat little bits of real food though who will have time with our active, busy, skinny life? We need to heal these new stomachs, period, You know this- you just needed support in remembering. PLEASE!!!!!!! Do the right thing!
  7. meggiep

    Red Velvet Gang- How Ya Doing?

    It is so hard to get the protein thing going! I gave myself a break and concentrated on fluids.while I figured out what I can tolerate. Luckily the chocolate one I drink with decaf in the morning has 30 grams in 2 scoops- cause I have been told to geth 75 grams a day! Only clears and protein drinks for me until the 30th. Ouch. I love hearing your experience since we are sleeve sistahs! Lets keep this three aline- unless you think we should start one every day. That way we can keep up with each other and keep everyone else apprised...I hate thinking i miss something from one of you. I think you will find unflavored will work after as well as before- mine has. Just don;t be too hard on your self the first week about protein. I have found that great advice- it will come as you heal.
  8. meggiep

    My Progress so far

    also ticker turotial
  9. meggiep

    My Progress so far

    Yippee! I am glad you are doing well. The pain can ge bad, can;t it? Did you find a good unflavored Protein powder by any chance? I ran out of unjury unflavored and since I got put on clears liquids plus Protein drinks I really need it for my broth. I finally opened that red velvet thread and maybe we can keep it alive and keep posting so we all stay together.
  10. meggiep

    severe reflux

    My doctor gave me omeprazole and I am instructed to take one a day for ninety days even if NO acid. I am doing it- as he also told me when I asked that he has not had patients with a later acid problems and certainly not one needing revision surgery.
  11. meggiep

    Loose stool

    I am fifth day and I think it is normal to have trouble drinking. It sounds if at least you CAN drink- I was hurting at first so that is great for you! I would set an alarm every fifteen minutes ad try to get a couple of ounces down. You really need to watch getting dehydrated, especially with diarrhea - I also have that and am really being vigilant as I do not want to end up in the er on an iv. Good luck!
  12. Also five days out and just getting better at swallowing. I think it takes about four sips to drink a tablespoon- I have been setting my phone alarm for every 15 minutes and using the 30ml/2T /1ounce in little cups I got from the hospital to measure what I drink - I make sure I drink two every alarm. The other thing is that whatever you drink after has to be palatable to you. The Protein drinks I loved before surgery made me vomit. So planning on this supplement might be risky! I have found some things that work, fortunately. You wont really know until you are post op- and in addition I think you will need to find some protein supplements that can work long after that to help you keep your protein up for the long haul.
  13. I think we all have different instructions pre-op (I am resenting the heck out of mine- two weeks liquids only) but we are all - at least those up to May 12th, in the last two week pre-op period. How is it going? Are you on liquids or some kind of doctor imposed diet? Do you feel ready for your surgery? I'll start- You may have seen I had a major crisis on the first day of my liquids when the Premier drinks I got from costco were so disgusting I not only could not drink one but then freaked thinking no Protein would work for me. Since then I have found that GNC Extreme 60, nectar, and powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury were all at least somewhat palatable, with only the splenda aftertaste bothering me. I am able to drink them. YAY! I have several more samples to try. I have lost seven pounds since Monday! Of course, at least three of them I put on in the few days before Monday with my "last meals" and the famous red velvet cake! I hope I can take off some more and make my doctor happy with the state of my liver. It is not easy- for one thing everything is sicky sweet and I long for savory. I am hyper sensitive to odors and the sell of cooking food can really get to me. Late night my husband seemed to be consuming huge quantities of food all night but I am sure it is just my condition of hunger ! I do find it a little disconcerting to realize this two weeks ends in the surgery and then the real food work begins- and that I will still be on liquids for at least another two weeks after and possibly three. Then mushies- it will be a full 8 weeks from the start of this two weeks until I am allowed real, regular food. That's a looooong time! Other than that I am excited for my surgery and would love this 11 days to pass quickly. How about all of you?
  14. meggiep

    NM Gastric Emptying

    Not a requirement for me though I have seen it mentioned once on You Tube by someone on the east coast.
  15. You can actually fix that- click edit and then click full edit (sic) and the title will become editable! I will divide my votes between you and our other candidate, since you can vote every day
  16. meggiep

    Total scale victory!!

    Awesome! I am still not weighing because of all the fluids I had and now everything I drink seems to stay in.
  17. Yes I have a call in to my dietician. TIffykins said that the protein in thos shots is a different kind of protein and not digested in the same way. My. doctor does not recommend them. In any case- I am in no condition to try and quickly get something gross down while everything hurts goin in. There is pain on swallowing anything right now and slow sipping is all I can do. Unfortunately our brita filter water made me puke too. Smart water turned out to work, but slowly, and it hurts. I am shockd at the change in taste buds. I am not allowed milk- I am allowed Clear Liquids and Protein drinks for three weeks. It has been difficult. I guess my point would be to look beyond your own experience and know that everyone has their own, and it might be completely different from yours. And not because of a mistake they made, or lack of preparation, but simply because they are different. Today was better -hooray!- my husband made wonderful chicken broth while I was in the hospital and strained it, chilled it skimmed off the fat, and made ice cubes for me to use- I added unjury unflavored powder and it worked- it hurt- and took forever!- but I got it down. Day by day! That is all we can do.
  18. I am having some issues with protein drinks but tonight I stirred unjury plain proten into homemade chicken broth and it's great! If you are having yogurt, etc. add protein to it- add it to anything you can have that it will mix with. I think that will help. Of course today- 4th day, I can't imagine ever hitting my numbers!
  19. meggiep

    San Fran bay area sleevers

    At least SW doesn't charge for checked baggage! I am from Redwood City but I had my sleeve done locally on Monday. You will be fine. I'm happy to help answer questions about the sleeve in general!
  20. meggiep

    9 Days Post Op

    I hear you on the doctors all differing! Not only that, but most people who use my surgeon get to have cottage cheese, yogurt, cream Soup, etc. the fourth day but for some reason he is having me do THREE weeks of Clear Liquids plus Protein shakes. I cried when I got his email. Like you I am just remembering that my sleeve will be the better for it. Sigh. Good luck to you!
  21. I bet you liked that hotel- I will have to see- I stayed there a few times.
  22. doctor said if I worry go to ER....nope!
  23. OK- I have thought all day about describing my hard day but the posting I have managed to do has taxed me. On my You Tube (link below) I have one vlog that goes from leaving for the hospital through coming home with a few diff videos. Then today I have a fairly miserable video. What you need to know is that in spite of how miserable I feel I would do it again! Good luck to all of you!
  24. I have a call in to the doc. Never hurts!
  25. You are so right! i have had to beg my husband and son NOT to make me laugh! I am pretty tired tonight, for sure. I find it too hard to hold the phone up! But we can be sleeve buddies for sure. I will prop me up in a little bit to do a video too so everyone knows I survived! RE Meds- the first day was tough. I cut things in half with a pill cutter if they are larger as my doc says to do that for larger than pea size. I take them first thing in the morning with some warm tea and hope for the best. I got my acid med in a Gelatin capsule- that goes down well. I am very lucky as both of my pain meds are ideally suited for the sleeve. I use the fentanyl patch, lightest dose-12, and that requires no swallowing. For breakthrough pain I have dilaudid 2mg- a teensy weensie pill- again ideal. In the hospital my doc used dilaudid iv for my pain pump so it was familiar- though man it works fast IV! When I have pain at home I wish I could get it to work so fast! So far no pill has caused me to vomit at home. The only time that happened was when they crushed one n the hospital, and gave me a powder in Water. GAG! Give yourself space and time to adapt and as I have learned this week- don't be hard on yourself if you don't progress as fat as others- they don't face the challenges you do. Hugs sweetie! This will be behind you soon enough and you will be so happy!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
