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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 4Danna

  1. 4Danna

    May 1

    From the album: Me

    I feel better, 11 days after banding
  2. 4Danna


  3. 4Danna


    From the album: Me

    This was taken in Jan. Boy did I look big, of course I'm at an angle which didn't help either. I don 't like the picture because it reminds me of how large I was.
  4. [i'm on day 12 and at day 7 I felt the same way. Blended clam chowder but added more clams, crabs, and shrimp. It was blended well and tasted good. I find that my hunger returns after a few hours but meals are small.
  5. 4Danna

    Day 3

    I was banded on 4-20-11 Still feeling sore and tired. My sleep pattern is messed up. My dogs normally wake me up to take them outside at night and I have been the one waking them up. J I have to drink 80 grams of protein and am not sure if I am getting that much, but drinking fluids, juice, non-caffeinated teas, cream based soup. I love the Portobello mushroom soup and the leek and potato soup. Am also getting in at least one 8 oz serving of yogurt (no seeds or fruit). My stomach is no longer hard so I guess that ll the co2 that they put in me is gone. Hiccups hurt. L
  6. I'm 52 and tonight I found out that both my daughters are not happy that I got banded. They called it un-necessary and one told me that I could lose the weight other ways. I have been trying to lose weight for the last 28 years. I'm sad that my daughters feel that way and I know that I made the right decision. I know that the oldest of the two supports me, but it still sad. I don't like that overweight woman I see in the mirror every morning. Danna
  7. 4Danna

    Almost 1 week after!

    Though my 18 year old son was with me, I was basically alone. My BFF and support person left but made sure I had everything I needed before she left. I agree with duckgirl33 check with your surgen.
  8. 4Danna

    Day 1 : Update

    I've tried to take it easy, it's tough when you are a normally busy person. I can take my dogs for a potty break outside and do a few minor things but that's about it. I am not sleeping straight through the night. Normanlly my dogs would wake me up to go to the bathroom, now I am waking them up. Not sure what's up with that. Danna

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