I have 5.5 ccs and I can't really eat anything, but I can eat evil foods, and absolutely able to "graze" all day if I fell victim to my cravings. I have to agree, being self pay was a fantastic decision maker on if I eat grilled chicken or a mcdonalds shake! You really have to change your entire lifestyle, and the band absolutely treats everyone differently! Three people I know all have different experiences/advise to give, and I try to use their advise as a jumping point, not as gospel.
I still eat to fast and take in too much in one bite and make myself yak. Everyone says slow down, little bites blah blah, but I was eating a certain way for 34 yrs (hence why I am fat) and now I am expected to eat another way within 4 months... it takes time and effort. You have to be in it to win it!!!!! One day at a time, and enjoy the ride instead of worring about whats at the end of the road, and only you and your doctor know whats right for you, and there is never anything wrong with expressing the way you feel, espectially with something that is going on in your own body/mind.