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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Doreenviv

  1. I'm having the same problem, banded the 4th of May and have only lost 20 lbs. I walk 4 days a week for 20 to 30 min and I bike ride 2 of the other days. Getting so frustrated. I have 2cc in my band and when I go to see my Sergon on the 28th of this month I'm going to ask for another fill. I'm ready to go back to my pre-op diet but I think I'll try the South Beach Diet first as I tried that a few years ago and I lost 45 lbs. I'll keep you updated on haw it goes. Anyways, good luck to you.

    Ok, so I have become a LBT addict since discovering this site, and trully enjoyed being there for other banders and helping them with their questions, as I feel it has also been helping me...

    I am sad to post anything negative... but I guess now I need some extra help....

    I'm 3 months post OP and have been stuck at the same weight for 2 out of the 3 months. I have only lost 22lbs since my surgery. THIRTEEN of those pounds were actually lost in the 5 day clear liquid fast pre-surgery.

    I'm eating only 1-1.5 cups of food MAX (from 2-4) and have switched to a lot of low fat options that I would not have done in the past. Just these 2 changes alone I would think would make me lose weight. I CONSTANTLY feel hungry and find it to be all will power and absolutely nothing to do with the actual band itself. I have to force myself to stop eating/picking and REMIND myself physically with a slap of the hand not to snack. I actually have to remember not to. I stuck a sticky note on the fridge!

    Also, before I go on, I have to say that I am mildly disabled physically and I am restricted from most kinds of exercise, including walking unless taking pain meds, which I only like to take on desperate occasions...BUT, taking that out of the equation, I have spent more time on my stationary bike at home in the last month.... and STILL--NO--CHANGE. I've been up and down 2 lbs in 6 weeks totaling the 22lbs lost after weighting myself today.

    I feel the band is not doing what they say it should do and now in a panic since I am getting married in 5 months and not even close to my goal for the wedding. Even another 30 would make me happy as a clam!

    ...If anything I feel as if the band slowed me down due to some complications... FYI they thought I needed my gall bladder removed (due to drastic diet change -- because of the surgery) and I have had severe abdominal pains ever since my first fill, so spent a total of 4 times in the ER since the surgery. Turns out I was able to actually HEAL my gall bladder with a special diet and the tests cleared in 3 weeks. After that diet I would have thought that I would have lost weight just from that... but not a budge on the scale...

    Whats the point of the band again....?

    <a href="http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/wK1fDVE/">

    <img border="0" src="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wK1fDVE/weight.png"></a>

  2. Well, I had my first fill and it was a little painful but once the needle was in it was fine. I had to lay on the table and had to push my stomach out and hold it till she got the needle in. All in all it was uncomfortable at first but fast Thank you all for your advise, it made it less stressful knowing what to expect.

  3. I love my gym, see if you have a Planet Fitness near you, they have a great moto the no grunt zone for those loud weight lifters and you can loose your membership if you are heard making fun of or other remarks about other members. Years ago I belonged to Bally's and people ther looked at me like I had no business there so I refuse to give them my money no matter how much they have to offer as far as a pool, sauna ect. Look up Planet Fitness, you won't be sorry!

  4. Hi tanksmama,

    I'm glad you are able to vent and your are owning up to still loving Micky D's. I used to eat a lg fry, big mac and a med shake. Now when I want Micky D's I have a burger and Fry off the $1 menu and skip the shake.I love soft serve ice cream so instead of ordering a large like in the past I now order a kids size. Try it you may be more satisfied then you think you would. I was just banded on May 4th and have lost 20lbs. I go for my first fill on the 21st and can't wait. My down fall right now is cheeseitz but I know when to stop. I do walk 20 mins a day and feel so good after my walk. Remember, our chances of keeping the weight off are better when we loose it slow. I hope this feeling you have about the band will pass and I want to say congratulations on your weight loss so far. It is very hard work but YOU CAN DO IT !!!!!! My cousin went from 380lbs down to 147 on the lapband and she cheated too. We just need to make better and smarter choices. Try walking for 10 mins a day then go to 15 min and work your way up to 1 hour. Don't compare yourself to your mom or her surgery because those days are past and weather you want to believe it or not our surgery is better. It's ok to loose a pound a week if that's all you loose because that means you will loose another 52 lbs in a year. Baby steps and as with any weight loss plan we will hit a platue, when your ready get another fill your Dr should be able to figure out you need less then the last fill. Have faith in yourself and your Doctor and good luck and much success. Please keep in touch and let me know how your doing. If you wish to talk or vent more let me know and I'll give you my e-mail address. Good luck! By the way I can't update my ticker so please don't pay attention to it. :)


  5. Hi tanksmama,

    I'm glad you are able to vent and your are owning up to still loving Micky D's. I used to eat a lg fry, big mac and a med shake. Now when I want Micky D's I have a burger and Fry off the $1 menu and skip the shake.I love soft serve ice cream so instead of ordering a large like in the past I now order a kids size. Try it you may be more satisfied then you think you would. I was just banded on May 4th and have lost 20lbs. I go for my first fill on the 21st and can't wait. My down fall right now is cheeseitz but I know when to stop. I do walk 20 mins a day and feel so good after my walk. Remember, our chances of keeping the weight off are better when we loose it slow. I hope this feeling you have about the band will pass and I want to say congratulations on your weight loss so far. It is very hard work but YOU CAN DO IT !!!!!! My cousin went from 380lbs down to 147 on the lapband and she cheated too. We just need to make better and smarter choices. Try walking for 10 mins a day then go to 15 min and work your way up to 1 hour. Don't compare yourself to your mom or her surgery because those days are past and weather you want to believe it or not our surgery is better. It's ok to loose a pound a week if that's all you loose because that means you will loose another 52 lbs in a year. Baby steps and as with any weight loss plan we will hit a platue, when your ready get another fill your Dr should be able to figure out you need less then the last fill. Have faith in yourself and your Doctor and good luck and much success. Please keep in touch and let me know how your doing. If you wish to talk or vent more let me know and I'll give you my e-mail address. Good luck!


  6. Hey JJ, I was banded May 4th of this year. I was banded at Falkner Hospital by Dr. Vernon. I started at 229 and so far I have lost 20 lbs. Nice to have a fellow bander in the area. Just wanted to say hi.

    Hello! Happy Towel Day!

    For those who have not read the Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy, or any of the great works of the late Douglas Adams, May 25th is the day people are trying to make an official holiday in remembering the author's inspiring work. So, Happy Towel Day. Read the book. Always know where your towel is.

    Greetings! I'm Jerome, call me JJ if you like. I had lap band surgery back in November 22, 2010 at Beth Israel Medical Center in Boston, MA. Six months out, I've lost 60lbs, with about 110 to go... I still have lots to learn. For me, the lap band is there to help me create new eating habits, and prevent overeating. It's doing it's job. But, I have a bunch of questions that maybe you guys can help me with.

    Personal specs:

    7'0" tall

    Starting weight 425lbs

    Current weight 360lbs

    Goal weight 250lbs

    I've always been well into the world of Big & Tall since I was a little kid. I entered high school at 6'9" tall. When I graduated, I was voted "Most likely to break IKEA furniture."

    Though, I was not overly obese, a number of post college injuries and medical problems threw my body into a heavy tailspin of bad health. The lap band was my step towards fixing, not just treating symptoms.

    I am very physically active even with my big size, and when I was heavy. I am a competitive open Water swimmer, and I am a weight room nut that is experimenting with Strongman strength training. I also perform standup comedy at night, while being an IT guy during the day. Clearly, I have no focus. :)

    Greetings! Happy Towel Day!

  7. Welcome aboard. I was banded the 4th of May. I started at 229 a 3 1/2 weeks ago and I'm at 210 now. :) Good luck and much success to you.

    hello all i am new to the site, but i have gotten a lot of useful info by reviewing the forums. i was bannded on 5/9/2011, so i'm a newby. <BR><BR>i hope to get to know many of you well and that we'll be able to share experiences and more information. <BR><BR>i was banded by Dr. Cacucci<BR>my starting weight was 283<BR>i am now 272

  8. Congrats and welcome fellow bander. :)

    The surgery went smooth today. No issues or surprises. I was able to get up and walk around pretty much as soon as they woke me up. Had some broth. Had a little tea. Did my upper GI and that came out fine. Was able to leave the hospital at around 9:00 PM. Not bad. 12 hours there.

    Right now after the pain meds in my IV kicked in, I became tired and out of it...but I feel fine. No nausea or gas pain. For now at least...wish me luck... :)

    Goodnight all.

  9. You will do it! Just keep up with the pre and post-op diets, I'm not going to lie to you it is hard but the payoff is worth it, and try to walk every day after surgery I started at 5 min and worked up to 15/20 a day. Godd luck and I wish you much success to you. Keep me posted!

    Doreen you started where I am now. Mu surgery is May 31. hope my surgery has similar results. Way to go! Keep it up!

  10. Hi LB family. Well I have tried to update my ticker with the help of some of you, but I must have done something wrong when I created it an I can't get it so, here is my update. Two weeks before pre-op diet 229lbs. At start of pre-op diet 224lbs. Day of Surgery ( May 4th ) 220lbs. 5days post-op 215lbs. Today 9 days post-op 210lbs. that's 19lbs!!!!!! Also, being 9 days post-op I'm starting to feel great. Up to walking 15/20 min a day now. I want to thank everyone for all their support and suggestions in the past 3 weeks. Love to you all! :)

  11. I'm 9 days post-op and I'm still on Protein shakes and non caloric liquids. I can't eat any mushie foods yet. I go see my surgeon for my post-op appointment next Thursday, I hope she says I can begin mushies because I so want to feel a textured food in my mouth lol.

    Okay, so I am 11 days post op and starting to seriously get my appetite back. Last night I noticed that I was actually hungry and ate my whole dinner of 1 scrambled egg and 1/2 cup of soft beef stew. This morning I had to run errands so I stopped by mcdonalds and got the oatmeal and one egg sausage mcmuffin for my daughter. I took two bites of her mcmuffin (excluding the muffin.. Only sausage and egg) and had about 1/4 cup of oatmeal and now I'm full.

    I'm just wondering what you ate 11 days post op and how much. I don't want to mess anything up but I'm also scared of over eating because I don't have restriction.

  12. I too like the fact that they say it is a tool so it doesn't mislead anyone into thinking it is a quick fix. Also informs people out there that there are other solutions to weight loss. I never heard of the Lap Band till 2010 when my cousin told me about it. Great ad!

    I wanted to share the new "NOW" LAP-BAND System Radio Ad!

    Have any comments ? What are your thoughts ?


  13. That's great. I had the same response from my husband.My 3 kids knew about mine but the only family member who knows is my cousin who also had it. I am NOT telling my mother or sister or aunts because they are very judgemental about everything, funny though my mother and sister are both overweight. I told my children because God forbid anything happened to me in surgery they would never forgive me or my husband for not telling them. I bet if you told your daughter she would be your biggest supporter, unless she can't keep a secret lol. Good luck and keep us updated.

    Okay-the house was emaply and I took down the newspaper advertisment for the Lapband seminar that my doctor advertises. I went down to his office and said do you have a minute I'd like to talk to you about something (I guess he thought it would be the fight). I handed him the newspaper and said I would like to get this. He studied it and said "I didn't know you were interested in this" and I said I am would you support me if I did it and he said sure.

    Then I told him the surgery was in 2 weeks and he blocked out the day from work. He was very calm and asked a few questions. I went over to him and pointed to the before and after pic in the newpaper ad and he said -they are going to want you to model for the doctor. I thought that was very sweet. 100% total support!!:P I went over and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

    I am SO happy!!:D

    I told him I wanted to keep it just between else for now and I would prefer to decide who I'd like to tell and he agreed to keep request private. Then he asked if I was going to tell my daughters and I said probably after the surgery and I'll tell my mom once I start losing some weight too.

    Thank you all for your support through all this drama-You all are AWESOME!!! I love this site :P

  14. We've all been there. It will go alot faster then you think. Many Health Insurance company's rquire it . Then comes your appointment with the Surgeon and the physicolgist, tests and maybe a upper GI if your Dr. requires one. Try to set up your test as much together as possiable, it goes faster. Your big day will be here before you know it. Good luck and much sucess.

    Had my appoint with my PCP on monday. She said that i would have to start a 6 month weigh in and classes.

    She said she would send in a referral to a dietician. So now I have to wait for that, then take classes. I feel like just starting the 6 months is gonna take forever.

    Just thought I would get an approval right away since I have a BMI of 45 and have battled with hypertension for 5 years.

    Just wanted to vent a little.

  15. They did give me nausea meds but I haven't had them filled as I haven't needed them so far. I'm on stage 2 of the post.op diet but mine says nothing about having fruits or anything other then Protein shacke and non caloric drinks that bascily leaves crystal light , Water of other sugar free water based drinks. I don't understand it because others can have creamy Soups I'm still on broths. I'm waiting for my nutricionist to call me back because I need something with a little besides just liquids. It seams the only difference between stage 1 diet and stage 2 is they just add the Protein Shakes to stage 2. very confused by the diets and what I can have. Thanks for your advice I really appreciate it. Ad the gas has subsided but I will try that the next time I get that.

    Did They give you nausea meds? I couldn't think of drinking for the first 2 days so I took the nausea meds and drank! Try making a smoothie, really thin, with the things you like and add in Peanut Butter or your Protein Shake. It helped me, I was not getting enough protein. The gas pain is the worse thing! Try laying at an angle where your shoulder is lower than your stomach, I know it sounds crazy, but it helps move the bubbles to your stomach out of your shoulder. massage the stomach around the incision also helps do it softly. I have had the gas in my shoulder for 4 days, but these help.

    Good luck!

  16. Thank you for the advice. Oh and I love your Papillon too. she/he is just too cute.

    I was just in the pre op class yesterday and some of this sounds familiar! They said you would probably experience fatigue the next few weeks just because your body is adapting to the lack of calories and your body is healing. Also, the pain in your back may be from the gas that they use to fill your abdomen during surgery - they said you can't completely alleviate this, it just needs to work it's way out. They recommended more walking for this. If you're feeling extremely uncomfortable or concerned, don't be afraid to contact your dr.

  17. Hi my LB family. Maybe someone can answer sone concerns I have. I had my surgery on May 4th, I have been feeling good but yesterday and today I have been feeling really weak and short of breath when I walk up the stairs or walk a short distance. My arms got tired just from brushing my hair. Outside of today I have been taking in about 56 Fluid ozs of fluid but I can't bring myself to even look at anything to drink and I tried my Protein Shake but only gaged on it and get the dry heaves just looking at it. I have been sipping on Water today but have only taken in about 20 ozs total. Oh, and the middle of my back hurts just below or at my shoulder blades. Do I have a sign of the starting of dehydration? Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.

  18. Just got banded 4 days ago and this is very exciting to hear because I also am on all those meds. I can't wait to get off of them, my blood work last week all my numbers were fantastic. I think this was also due to the pre-op diet. Thanks for the info. Good Luck.

    So I haven't lost a lot of weight, but with my food choices and exercise I am finally off ALLLLL of my meds! No more, diabetes meds...no more blood pressure meds...no more cholesterol meds! To me that is so exciting!!! I remember a little over a year ago being prescribed them and freaked out because my blood work was so bad. The Dr has now officially said continue with my weight loss and exercise regime and we will continue to monitor every three months, but NO MORE MEDS!!! So basically my message to everyone is keep on trying no matter how slow the weight loss or no matter the amount of weight loss it DOES HELP! :D

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