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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Doreenviv

  1. Doreenviv

    Bummed out :(

    We've all been there. It will go alot faster then you think. Many Health Insurance company's rquire it . Then comes your appointment with the Surgeon and the physicolgist, tests and maybe a upper GI if your Dr. requires one. Try to set up your test as much together as possiable, it goes faster. Your big day will be here before you know it. Good luck and much sucess.
  2. Doreenviv

    Not feeling right

    They did give me nausea meds but I haven't had them filled as I haven't needed them so far. I'm on stage 2 of the post.op diet but mine says nothing about having fruits or anything other then protein shacke and non caloric drinks that bascily leaves crystal light , water of other sugar free water based drinks. I don't understand it because others can have creamy soups I'm still on broths. I'm waiting for my nutricionist to call me back because I need something with a little besides just liquids. It seams the only difference between stage 1 diet and stage 2 is they just add the protein shakes to stage 2. very confused by the diets and what I can have. Thanks for your advice I really appreciate it. Ad the gas has subsided but I will try that the next time I get that.
  3. Doreenviv

    Not feeling right

    Thank you for the advice. Oh and I love your Papillon too. she/he is just too cute.
  4. Doreenviv

    Not feeling right

    About 40 grams working my way to 50 grams what my Dr recommended per day for protein but I haven't been able to tolerate much of anything today.
  5. Doreenviv


    Just got banded 4 days ago and this is very exciting to hear because I also am on all those meds. I can't wait to get off of them, my blood work last week all my numbers were fantastic. I think this was also due to the pre-op diet. Thanks for the info. Good Luck.
  6. I am 3 days post-op and I feel like throwing up just thinking about taking a drink of anything and I gag at looking at anything. Any suggestions? I don't want to end up back in the hospital from dehydration. Plus I have 2 more pills I need to crush and take.
  7. Doreenviv

    can't look at a drink!

    Thank you for all you support and suggestions, I'll try the jello.
  8. I'm not an expert yet lol but I have done ALOT of research on the Lap Band before deciding to get it. From what I understand you will tolerate foods other banders cannot like steak, chicken, pork loin, and some even become lactose intolerent. I think I would pass on the sausage though cause it packs alot of fat and calories. You may have reached a pleatue. Just keep up the good work and never give up. Good Luck! quote name='billhur' timestamp='1304682734' post='1610064'] this is confusing one says too tight one says too loose. i cant eat Pasta it gets stuck, i cant eat a tortilla it gets stuck, i have to finely chop salads or they get stuck, you say if i an eat pork its too loose, however it goes down better then chicken breast which is the worst to try to digest. im at a loss here on what to do, the doctor sees me again in 3 weeks so i guess i will wait and talk to him about whether i should fill or reduce
  9. I've only been banded for 2 days and I feel the same way. I try to take sips of water and I can be on full liquids but I get feeling sick if I try to drink my protein shake. I'm so afraid of throwing up. I'm still very soar, I was told my band had to be put up higher then normal because my stomach was small. It must have really shrunk on the post op diet, lol. looking forward to this journey.
  10. Doreenviv

    Unjury or Syntrax Nectar

    I picked up the Nectar- Twisted Cherry yesterday and I'm in love with it. I shop at the Vitamin Shoppe which carries 8 different flavors an I will eventualy try all of them because they are garanteed and if I don't like it I can switch for another flavor and it mixes well with a spoon and water. The next flavor I want to try is the Choc. Truffel I've heard a few people rave about the Choc Truffel. I would also like to try the Vanilla wafer flavor mixed with the Twisted Cherry, I bet that would be good. Also I only paid $35.00 for a 2lb container. Make sure you pruchase it at a vitamin shop that garenties the product.
  11. Doreenviv

    Any May 2011 Banders?

    I will be banded tomarrow also and I'm scared too. Good luck and we'll talk after we are feeling better.
  12. Doreenviv

    protein shake recipes

    For anyone interested. Pick up the May 16th issue of for women FIRST, is has some good recipes for Protein shakes on pages 34 thru page 37.
  13. Doreenviv

    negative feedback

    Hello, my daughter is a body builder ( so why am I fat? that's what I'd like to know). Well anyways, I wanted to get a PT but my daughter was telling me that a personal trainer never really will train you to your fullest like on Biggest Losers because if you lose alot of weight you will not need your PT anymore and they are the ones that will lose the money. So, as long as you are still heavy they have a job. If your PT really cared about YOUR health he would be cheering you on and offering his services after your surgery. Find another trainer.
  14. Doreenviv

    Any May 2011 Banders?

    Being banded on Wednesday feeling the nerves now!!!! Can't wait till it's over, did pre-op diet for 2 weeks didn't lose much but had more blood work done for my Cardiologist and an eccocardiagram today everything is great happy to say.
  15. Doreenviv

    Any May 2011 Banders?

    5 days and counting down till surgery.
  16. Doreenviv

    pre-op diet day 9

    Thank you for the encouragement I really do feel better about it now1 Thank goodness for LapBandTalk.com Finally something I don't have to go it alone on. Thanks again everyone for the support.
  17. Doreenviv

    Mushies Stage Recipes

    go to the bookstore and look at the south beach diet book, look inside for the stage 1 list of food ( all you can eat ) and pick out any of the mooshie foods and these ARE all no carb foods. I hope this helps!
  18. Doreenviv

    Diabetic Shake Recipes

    I just received my May 16th addition of for women FIRST magazine and it has some great protein shake recipes on pages 34,35,36 and 37. I haven't tried them yet but can't wait. Just use the sugar free whey protien powders and low carb milks. Remember all recipes can be modified and who knows maybe your recipe will be better.
  19. Good morning everyone, Could I get some feedback on what types/brand of Vitamins everyone is taking. My dietitian said no gummy ones but the other ones are so huge. Is there a liquid multi Vitamin out there? Surgery in 1 week. Thanks!
  20. Doreenviv


    Thank you peps for the feedback! I was at the mall today and stopped by GNC, the Sales Manager showed me a women's powderd multi vitamin and said I could add it to my shakes, I'm considering trying this. He said if I buy the choc shakes I should use the choc. vitamin mix. I'll let you know if I try it and how it is!
  21. I am on the pre-op diet and it is a struggle. Funny before this I didn't eat but 1 full meal a day and Dunkin Donuts coffee and bagel for Breakfast or lunch LOVE my Carbs!!!! Now that I have to eat one meal a day I want MORE lol. Are you going home the same day? My Doctor requires you to stay in the hospital overnight so I will be without my lap top, I'm a home cruise agent so I can't afford to go on a shared network with the rest of the hospital, I need to protect my clients info. I will let everyone know how I made out when I get home on the 5th. Good luck on your surgery as well and you also keep us posted.
  22. Good luck with your Surgery on Wednesday.

  23. Doreenviv

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Ok here I go! The smallest I ever was was a size 4 and that was after my firsr divorce at 19. Before that I had always been a 12/14. My mother and nana were overweight. I was molested by 3 different men when I was about 8-10 2 were neighbors and 1 was a friend of my father's. When my mother heard about one of the neighbors ahe asked me about it, at the time he had not touched me but my mother made the statement that if he was and I wasn't saying anything then I must like it. For GOD SAKES I was 9. So when he did start I couldn't tell her because I was afraid she wouldn't believe me. I gained 78 lbs when I was pregnant for my daughter, lost that weight and had 2 more kids, 2 beautiful sons. Weight was still ok THEN I gave up smoking after 25 years and boy the food started to taste amazing! Of course as I put on the pounds my family didn't want to hurt me by saying anything little did they know they were hurting me by not saying anything. Then as I packed on the weight I became a Type 2 diabetic with high blood preasure and everything that goes with it. So there you have it, it is part family history , part emotional ( they call it abuse these days ) and part my own doing. I'm 54 and have a 2 yr old grandaughter and a 3 year old grandson with another girl on the way and I want to live long enough to see them go to college. I want to run and play with them and take them to Disney but most of all I WANT TO LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It doesn't matter how we got here the important thing is we are all here and trying to do something about it and making some great friends. Thank you for sharing your stories and thank you for starting this topic.
  24. Good Luck, let us know how it goes!
  25. I did great the first 3 days but blue it this weekend by having 2 meals instead of the 1 I'm supposed to have. Sunday no sweets did good there had mashed potatoes with meal, I didn't get all my liquids in. Feel real gulity! Well, I'll pick myself up today ( Monday ) and start over, I still have 9 days. I do have a wedding on Saturday the 30th so I think I'll have 1 drink and no cake. Already ordered the chicken Good Luck!!! Sipping on slimfast shake right now. Surgery on the 4th.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
