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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Doreenviv

  1. I have to agree with you on some of it. Yes it WAS my stupity and maybe even an excuse but the important thing is that I'm back on the right track and doing great! The band helps me not over eat and I have more self esteem today then I had 5 years ago. May I ake when you were banded and how much have you lost? How do you maintain a good balance? Thanks.
  2. Doreenviv

    It was E Coli....

    I agree with everyone here, you shouldn't joke about cancer it is a child killer and an adult killer and I find it sad that you need to joke about it. How do the people on the receiving end of the joke react? Did you ever think that that person could have cancer? My husband servived colon cancer, my mother breast cancer and I cervical cancer. WHY would you say you had such a deadly desease? Please scrap that in your bad joke file and find something else to joke about, OR just be proud you took the steps to improve the quality of your life. Good luck with your journey!
  3. Congrats! Keep up the great work!
  4. I did the South Beach Diet several years ago and lost 45 lbs in 3 months. I say it is a MUST read book. South Beach diet Dr. is a Heart Specialist. He takes carbs away for 2 weeks then re-introduces you to better carbs like Whole wheat breads, whole wheat pastas ( which by the way I like better ) and other whole wheat products. You would be amazed at what you can eat the first 2 weeks. I lost 18 lbs in the first 2 weeks but I really stuck to it. My blood preasure went down, my high cholestrol went down and my type 2 diabetes was great and my Dr was going to take me off all my meds if my #'s were still low at my next 6 month check up. THEN IT HAPPENED!!!!! A weekend of weddings and parties and NO whole wheat food products, I blew everything I worked so hard to accomplish. Now I'm trying it again and I've been on it for 4 days and have lost 4 lbs but I also excercise. I walk 4 times a week for about 1/2 hour carring 3lb weights and bike 2 times a week about 3 to 5 miles. I rest on Monday's. I believe ther is good and bad in ALL diets. Which ever way you all decide to go good luck in your journey.
  5. Doreenviv

    Feeling Discouraged..What's the point...?

    I'm having the same problem, banded the 4th of May and have only lost 20 lbs. I walk 4 days a week for 20 to 30 min and I bike ride 2 of the other days. Getting so frustrated. I have 2cc in my band and when I go to see my Sergon on the 28th of this month I'm going to ask for another fill. I'm ready to go back to my pre-op diet but I think I'll try the South Beach Diet first as I tried that a few years ago and I lost 45 lbs. I'll keep you updated on haw it goes. Anyways, good luck to you.
  6. Doreenviv

    First fill questions

    Hi LB family! I'm having my first fill on June 21st. Could someone tell me what to expect, is it going to be painful and how long does it take? Thank you in advance. Much success to you all. Doreen
  7. I'm so angry, I have been on my pre-op diet for 9 days and have only lost 1 lb. I had 2 meals last Saturday instead of 1 but that is the only time I didn't follow it. I'm getting in my 64 ozs of liquid, 4 protein drinks, 2 fruits and 1 meal consisting of 4oz of protein and 2 cups of veggies. Plus I walk 4 days a week on a treadmill at is a fast speed for my short legs for 15-20 min. Park far away from the stores so I have to walk further. Does anyone have any suggestions, I only have 5 days left. Getting depressed and afraid my surgery will be cancelled.
  8. Doreenviv

    Restriction finally

    I was banded on May 4th and got my first fill on June 21st 2cc's. No restriction yet and still ALWAYS hungry Thanks for your post now I know there is still hope!!
  9. Doreenviv

    First fill questions

    Well, I had my first fill and it was a little painful but once the needle was in it was fine. I had to lay on the table and had to push my stomach out and hold it till she got the needle in. All in all it was uncomfortable at first but fast Thank you all for your advise, it made it less stressful knowing what to expect.
  10. Doreenviv

    Discouraged with the band.

    I love my gym, see if you have a Planet Fitness near you, they have a great moto the no grunt zone for those loud weight lifters and you can loose your membership if you are heard making fun of or other remarks about other members. Years ago I belonged to Bally's and people ther looked at me like I had no business there so I refuse to give them my money no matter how much they have to offer as far as a pool, sauna ect. Look up Planet Fitness, you won't be sorry!
  11. Doreenviv

    Discouraged with the band.

    Hi tanksmama, I'm glad you are able to vent and your are owning up to still loving Micky D's. I used to eat a lg fry, big mac and a med shake. Now when I want Micky D's I have a burger and Fry off the $1 menu and skip the shake.I love soft serve ice cream so instead of ordering a large like in the past I now order a kids size. Try it you may be more satisfied then you think you would. I was just banded on May 4th and have lost 20lbs. I go for my first fill on the 21st and can't wait. My down fall right now is cheeseitz but I know when to stop. I do walk 20 mins a day and feel so good after my walk. Remember, our chances of keeping the weight off are better when we loose it slow. I hope this feeling you have about the band will pass and I want to say congratulations on your weight loss so far. It is very hard work but YOU CAN DO IT !!!!!! My cousin went from 380lbs down to 147 on the lapband and she cheated too. We just need to make better and smarter choices. Try walking for 10 mins a day then go to 15 min and work your way up to 1 hour. Don't compare yourself to your mom or her surgery because those days are past and weather you want to believe it or not our surgery is better. It's ok to loose a pound a week if that's all you loose because that means you will loose another 52 lbs in a year. Baby steps and as with any weight loss plan we will hit a platue, when your ready get another fill your Dr should be able to figure out you need less then the last fill. Have faith in yourself and your Doctor and good luck and much success. Please keep in touch and let me know how your doing. If you wish to talk or vent more let me know and I'll give you my e-mail address. Good luck! Doreen
  12. Doreenviv

    First fill questions

    Thanks everyone it really helps alot and you have all made my stress level go dow ALOT!
  13. Hey JJ, I was banded May 4th of this year. I was banded at Falkner Hospital by Dr. Vernon. I started at 229 and so far I have lost 20 lbs. Nice to have a fellow bander in the area. Just wanted to say hi.
  14. Oh happy day !! y2 weeks post-op and I get to start my mushies today!!! Problem, I don't know what I want I haven't had food in so long, lol. Also found out I will be getting my first fill June 16th. Down 20 lbs since the start of pre-op diet, (1 month ).
  15. Welcome aboard DL88, I hope all goes great for you, I was banded 2 weeks ago today and all I can say is take 1 day at a time. Good luck to you.
  16. Doreenviv

    A new BANDit

    Welcome aboard. I was banded the 4th of May. I started at 229 a 3 1/2 weeks ago and I'm at 210 now. Good luck and much success to you.
  17. Doreenviv

    I am now among the banded

    Congrats and welcome fellow bander.
  18. Hi LB family. Well I have tried to update my ticker with the help of some of you, but I must have done something wrong when I created it an I can't get it so, here is my update. Two weeks before pre-op diet 229lbs. At start of pre-op diet 224lbs. Day of Surgery ( May 4th ) 220lbs. 5days post-op 215lbs. Today 9 days post-op 210lbs. that's 19lbs!!!!!! Also, being 9 days post-op I'm starting to feel great. Up to walking 15/20 min a day now. I want to thank everyone for all their support and suggestions in the past 3 weeks. Love to you all!
  19. Doreenviv

    Post-op progress and finally feeling good!

    Thank you Jennifer.
  20. Doreenviv

    Post-op progress and finally feeling good!

    You will do it! Just keep up with the pre and post-op diets, I'm not going to lie to you it is hard but the payoff is worth it, and try to walk every day after surgery I started at 5 min and worked up to 15/20 a day. Godd luck and I wish you much success to you. Keep me posted!
  21. Doreenviv

    How much did you eat post op?

    I'm 9 days post-op and I'm still on Protein shakes and non caloric liquids. I can't eat any mushie foods yet. I go see my surgeon for my post-op appointment next Thursday, I hope she says I can begin mushies because I so want to feel a textured food in my mouth lol.
  22. I too like the fact that they say it is a tool so it doesn't mislead anyone into thinking it is a quick fix. Also informs people out there that there are other solutions to weight loss. I never heard of the Lap Band till 2010 when my cousin told me about it. Great ad!
  23. Hi my LB family. Maybe someone can answer sone concerns I have. I had my surgery on May 4th, I have been feeling good but yesterday and today I have been feeling really weak and short of breath when I walk up the stairs or walk a short distance. My arms got tired just from brushing my hair. Outside of today I have been taking in about 56 fluid ozs of fluid but I can't bring myself to even look at anything to drink and I tried my protein shake but only gaged on it and get the dry heaves just looking at it. I have been sipping on water today but have only taken in about 20 ozs total. Oh, and the middle of my back hurts just below or at my shoulder blades. Do I have a sign of the starting of dehydration? Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.
  24. Doreenviv


    That's great. I had the same response from my husband.My 3 kids knew about mine but the only family member who knows is my cousin who also had it. I am NOT telling my mother or sister or aunts because they are very judgemental about everything, funny though my mother and sister are both overweight. I told my children because God forbid anything happened to me in surgery they would never forgive me or my husband for not telling them. I bet if you told your daughter she would be your biggest supporter, unless she can't keep a secret lol. Good luck and keep us updated.

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