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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Foxbins

  1. Foxbins

    Do I have Sleeve-opause?

    I am nearly five months out. I remember crying at insurance commercials, anything with little kids in it, and I still can't watch those ASPCA public service announcements, but it has gotten better over time. I sweat a little now, not like I used to, but at the gym there will be some damp spots on my shirt. Sex is fortunately the same for me. Sometimes I feel a little woozy but I think it is that my blood pressure is really low now, so standing up quickly makes me dizzy. No really "weak" moments. I am still freezing all the time and wear a fleece hoody pretty much everywhere. I am hoping that goes away, people will think I am really odd if I'm bundled up when it's 90 degrees here. All in all, you are normal, for a sleever!
  2. Foxbins

    Future constipation???

    I take the calcium citrate liquid from Costco (I think it's called Reviva) and it has magnesium in it. Two tablespoons in the afternoon/evening works for me in the morning.
  3. First of all, you are still swollen from surgery. The juncture from the esophagus to the sleeve stomach is where you are feeling the hang-up and this is normal, and will get better with time. If you had a stricture you would be vomiting or unable to drink/eat. I have a tight sleeve, too, and getting used to the new sensations can take some time. Rest assured, that if your liquids are going down you are okay.
  4. Foxbins


    Yes, I'm smaller up top than from the hips down. Some has come off, as my inner thighs are pretty flabby, but mostly it's been face, neck, arms, torso. I'm a Medium top but still a 16 pant. I read once that you lose in the reverse order that you gain, so the stuff that's been around the longest is the last to go--for me that will be hips and abdomen.
  5. Foxbins

    Self Pay for VSG

    $8750 in Almater Hospital, Mexicali, Mexico with Dr. Aceves. No nausea, vomiting, or complications. Best thing I've ever done for myself other than going to grad school.
  6. Foxbins


    I didn't get a decent amount of protein down until about week three, and my surgeon had me on liquids for 4 weeks after surgery. Don't agonize over the protein, you'll be moving to food next week. I am still alive and kicking and things are great despite the fact that I couldn't get 60 gms of protein in the first few weeks. You'll be fine.
  7. I wasn't thrilled either. The cannister (espresso flavor) has been sitting in the cupboard since about week 3. I thought I might try making some protein ice cream when it gets hotter here.
  8. I think I'm having some filler in the face--my puppet lines have deepened since my facial fat is mostly gone, and I have a depression under my cheekbone, now crosshatched with wrinkles, that used to be plump. Then maybe something done to my neck, it's sagging badly. I always thought I would go the Katharine Hepburn route with the turtlenecks to cover my neck, but my decolletage actually looks great and I don't want to cover it up.
  9. Until I saw the pics, I was thinking of 2 Muhammed Ali's! Glad to know it's doggies! (Although the other would have been awesome, too.)
  10. Yes, I was told I needed to take a multi, calcium, B-1, B12, and D for the rest of my life. A fair trade, I thought, for statins, hypertension, and diabetes meds.
  11. Foxbins

    Pace of eating, pains..

    I don't know about you, but I used to shovel food in like it was a contest. I can't do that anymore or I have pain or it comes back up. Now I take a bite, maybe two, put the fork down, chew, think, take another bite...I think this is the way thin people eat. I remember watching my size 4 friend eat dinner one time. She had five Triscuits and two cubes of cheese the size of dice. She chewed each bite very slowly. I asked her if that was all the dinner she was having and she nodded. Now my meals take about twenty minutes to eat, even the little bitty portions I have. Life is different now.
  12. I am sorry to hear about your fall. If you are not having pain worse than a pulled-muscle feeling, you are getting your liquids down fine, and you have no fever, it's unlikely you have a leak. We are pretty tough, and the stomach is shielded from most trauma by the ribcage. Hope you feel better soon.
  13. Foxbins

    diet suggestions

    What stage are you in? Mushies, soft food, anything you want? If you let us know we will be able to help you better.
  14. I think it's the skin--but I'm not 100% certain.
  15. Foxbins

    Caught a stomach bug

    I wouldn't try to make up calories. I had the flu at about 8 weeks out, I just kept hydrated to the best of my ability (Gatorade G2 was really helpful) and then went back to my regular plan when food would stay in. I bounced back in a day or so, just like when I had a big stomach. Hope you feel better soon.
  16. 1. I have no regrets, none, zero, zippo. This is the best thing I have ever done for myself. 2. I do not eat bread by choice. I have eaten rice in small quantities and it's fine. 3. Immediately after surgery, sleeping on my side was uncomfortable. I could side-sleep comfortably at about 2 weeks. 4. Right after surgery, most people don't have to push...liquids in, liquids out. By the time you are eating real food, you are healed enough to push.
  17. I am not a revision but I have lost my hunger. If I don't eat for a while I feel "empty" and maybe have a headache but that terrible "Feed me NOW" feeling I had before surgery is gone. It is the best thing about the surgery for me, as I always was hungry and I had to eat until I was stuffed. Now food is fuel most of the time. I have head hunger for sweets but I had a bite of a cupcake a couple weeks ago and it just didn't taste the same as it used to.
  18. I don't think it's a bad idea at all to do cardio everyday, though I suppose it depends on your definition of cardio. Moderate exercise is good. I say go for it, if your joints and energy level will let you. As for weight loss after 3 months, I am a lightweight and my surgery weight was 232. I lost 40 lbs in three months, you probably will lose more. There was a post-op calculator on OH that I bookmarked, you might want to check it out: http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/information/post+op+planner.php
  19. Foxbins

    Sleeve Surgery

    You don't have to have heartburn to have acid reflux, nor do you have to have eaten anything. Take an antacid and see if it helps. If it does, well, then you know it's acid. You are probably concerned that it is sleeve-related or your heart, but you are pretty far out to have a sleeve complication and heart problems generally don't cause pain in the heart.
  20. Foxbins


    I started all vits and supplements five days out but it took awhile for me to find the ones I liked. One Centrum Chewable in the am--they are orange-flavored but chalky so I chew half, wash it down with water, and repeat with the other half. I take 2400 mgs. of B-12 on Mon, Wed, and Fri. and 1000mg of Vit D. everyday. 1200 mgs. of Calcium citrate liquid everyday, too. My 3 month labs were excellent.
  21. Foxbins

    Pain VS.Nausea

    No nausea, no abdominal pain. I was pretty doped up, slept most of the 2 days post op. I had pain in my left shoulder and neck from the CO2 gas and having a heating pad underneath my shoulder helped.
  22. For low carbs, you pretty much have to eat all protein--no oatmeal, no prepared microwave meals, no crackers. Even a cup of skim milk has 13 gms of carbs. My turkey breast which I had for breakfast has 3 carbs as it's honey-roasted. My meals are fish, seafood, meat, greek yogurt, chicken, and eggs. cheese as a condiment and half&half in coffee.
  23. Foxbins

    Feeling Lost

    You aren't "normal" anymore in the sense that you don't have a quart (or larger) sized stomach. Two or three bites will fill you up and your stomach will not want you to put anything else in it. Your head may be a different story. It has taken me a long time to figure out that I don't need to buy, prepare, or serve food in the quantities I used to pre-op. I have thrown away a lot of food that rotted, expired, or grew green stuff in the fridge since surgery. After your stomach matures, you should be able to eat small-sized portions like a thin person would. As for nourishment, you should be taking your Vitamin and Calcium supplements and your body is using your fat to power your metabolism since you are operating at a calorie deficit. Once your fat is gone, you will be able to eat more calories.
  24. I have lost every week--sometimes only a pound, but every week.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
