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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Foxbins

  1. Foxbins

    Calling low BMI's

    I eat between 600-800 calories a day and less than 40 gms of carbs. I keep a food journal. I drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. I take all my vitamins and calcium. I have 17 lbs to goal and I'm not stopping until I reach it. This has been way easier for me than dieting, I ate loads of protein when I was fat because I like it, so it's like I'm eating my favorite foods. I have lost my taste for sweets and can't eat bread (it balls up in my stomach and hurts) but that isn't a bad thing.
  2. My BMI was 35 and I had no post-op nausea, vomiting, or complications. I think post-op is more related to your surgeon's management immediately after and your individual tolerance for pain, how swollen you are, how you manage discomfort, and your overall health going in to surgery in the weeks after surgery. Some people sail on through and others struggle. I haven't noticed it related to BMI.
  3. Foxbins

    Pills vs Chewables

    This is another one of those areas where advice from surgeons differs. I could take pills right after surgery. My multi was too big to swallow so I cut it in half and it went down fine. Not telling you what to do but I've been taking pills since day 4 post-op with no problems.
  4. I cough and laugh the same as before surgery. I wonder if some nerves for those functions were cut in your case--maybe they will grow back with time.
  5. Foxbins

    Have you watched the surgery?

    It's bigger than a golf ball--I can't remember if it was here or on OH someone posted a picture of their removed stomach. It looked to me to be about the size of your two fists held side-by side...maybe a little longer.
  6. Foxbins

    BIG secret... good or bad?

    I told no one. I went to Mexico alone and left a letter in my house for the authorities to find if I died there and threw it away when I got home. It has been seven months since surgery and I doubt that I will ever tell. It's no one's business but mine.
  7. Foxbins

    Multiple Sclerosis Sleevers??

    My surgery was January 13, 2011. No relapse so far! I feel great!
  8. Foxbins

    Multiple Sclerosis Sleevers??

    Yup. Diagnosed at 28, I'm 56 now. I have relapsing-remitting type. Surgery and weight loss didn't seem to affect any symptoms.
  9. Full liquids are also cream-based soups, yogurt, and sugar-free pudding. Try adding some Greek yogurt to cream of tomato or potato for some extra protein, or order some unflavored Unjury to add to mushies when you get to that stage. Just do the best you can, it took me a couple of weeks to meet my surgeon's protein and water goals.
  10. Foxbins


    You are still swollen and healing. Give it time. I could not get in all the fluid and protein I was supposed to for a couple of weeks, but I got in enough that I didn't have to go to the ER with dehydration. Sip, burp, sip, burp. Keep walking. Try Gas-X strips. It will get better each day.
  11. We both have 17 lbs to go and you started after I did! Let's get to goal together--if you are having a bad day, let me know and vice versa. For now, get rid of the sweets in the house (you know they are a temptation) and dig out the protein shake and the deli meat. We are so close!
  12. Foxbins


    Six months ago, I started a topic called "Sip, burp, sip, burp" with exactly this problem. My burping went away after about 4 weeks.
  13. Foxbins


    Yes. "Clear" means you can see through it, like tea, not opaque, like milk.
  14. Foxbins


    Clear Isopure is, not the shake type.
  15. I'd get a sleeve if I were you. I have read about stomach necrosis, herniated stomachs, and not enough restriction with the plication. At the present time, plication surgery is where the sleeve was six or seven years ago--experimental.
  16. Miralax helped me. Worked the morning after. No fissures, thankfully. And drinking lots of water, at least 64 oz, more if you can.
  17. There are timing rules about eating and drinking. What works for me is to stop drinking about 5 minutes before a meal, eat, and wait 30-45 minutes after to start drinking again. It's true that liquids go right through your stomach (we don't have a pouch) but you want the food to fill you up and not get washed down by liquids; plus, if you have eaten something like bread and drink on top of it, it feels like it swells up in your stomach and hurts. I asked my NUT about the drinking rules and she said because we no longer have a quart-sized "reservoir" to hold liquids, and because food intake is lower (and there's a fair amount of Water in most food) we need to be especially careful about dehydration. I can take normal-sized swallows now, but I can't chug quickly the way I used to. If I just start drinking water after Breakfast and keep a bottle with me if I leave the house, I will have gotten in about 64 oz. by the end of the day.
  18. January--17 lbs February--8 lbs March--9 lbs April--8.5 lbs May--4 lbs June--9 lbs July--6 lbs August--1.5 lbs so far
  19. Foxbins

    embarrassing but i need help

    Go to the doctor--they will paint on podophyllin, you leave it on a few hours, rinse it off, and the warts will be gone in a few weeks. Sometimes it takes more than one application. I wouldn't trust anything over the counter to treat them--that's delicate mucosa and you don't want to do anything to hurt it. Also, if you got them from a steady partner, they need to be treated as well.
  20. Foxbins

    Weight gain post op

    I counted from my weight the day before surgery. I went to Mexico and was there five days so I didn't weigh myself until day five post-op. By then, I think most of the IV liquids had gone, I was down 6.5 lbs. Water fluctuations are always going to occur and don't count in my mind as "weight" when I can pee them off.
  21. I have seen several reports of complications with the plication. This troubles me because it is a new procedure and not many people are having it done, so reading about herniated stomachs and other problems in a small set of patients leads me to think that it's not the safest procedure yet. Also, several patients have reported little to no restriction with the plication and are researching revision surgery. I am so glad I had a sleeve--I did not need that huge stomach and I'm glad it's gone.
  22. I felt fine but tired. I could do all of my normal activities but by the end of the day I was ready for bed. Fell asleep instantly each night and woke up feeling better each day. Back to "normal" by about week 5 when I started eating real food.
  23. 63 lbs and still going strong at 6 months out--75% of my excess weight. Don't go by pounds, heavier people will lose more than lighter people, but the percentage of weight lost will be equivalent between light and heavy. For example, if someone has 100 pounds to lose and loses 25, they have lost 25% of their excess weight, but if someone has 200 pounds to lose, 25% of their excess weight would be 50 lbs.
  24. Foxbins

    10 pound gain at week 15???

    A ten-pound gain in a week? What are you eating? Are you pre-menstrual? Taking some kind of new medication? It sounds like your body is holding onto water if you have gained 10 lbs in a week.
  25. Foxbins

    Carbs from Vitamins /calcium

    I take 2 tbsp. Reviva liquid calcium citrate that I bought at costco (35 calories, 10 gms carb total) or 7 Citracal Petites, which have no carbs and no calories. It depends on how my sleeve feels about swallowing pills that day--sometimes no problem, sometimes no way. My multi-Vitamin has 5 calories and no carbs and neither do my other supplements. I try to stay under 30 carbs a day and I just couldn't with the Calcet bites. All the fiber supplements I looked at had carbs so I use Miralax if I need a little help.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
