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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Foxbins

  1. 33 weeks after my surgery! I am so excited--I didn't know how much I was looking forward to this until I realized I was close last week. I still have 10 lbs to goal and then I'd like to lose another ten for a regain cushion. I should be within a few lbs by Halloween. I low-carb and it is working for me. I am 56, hypothyroid, and 5'8". I love my sleeve!
  2. Foxbins

    VSG??? Scared... :'(

    You need to find a good revision surgeon since the band did damage while it was in. Look in the Band to Sleeve forum--there are quite a lot of former bandsters here. I'm not one of them or I'd have more to say. Good luck!
  3. Congratulations! You must be so happy!
  4. Foxbins

    Can Anyone Help with a Kaiser Question?

    That is what I did. I told my PCP I was having surgery in Mexico. After I came back, she ordered baseline labs for me and referred me to the bariatric nutritionist (who was not much help, but I appreciated the referral). I also found out when and where the support group meets. I was told that if I thought I had a surgery-related complication, I should go to the KP bariatric center where there is always a bariatric surgeon on call. I had no complications so I can't really say how that would have worked. I will say that the people who work in the bariatric program are really not keen on people having surgery in Mexico but my PCP is great.
  5. Foxbins

    White or Dark Chicken?

    There's a little bit of iron in dark meat and it does seem moister and more flavorful to me, but I think with the amounts we eat the calorie difference is negligible. Eat what you like!
  6. I agree that you should not be throwing up everything you eat. Please call your doctor. You could have a stricture or an acid problem. It needs to be evaluated before you get worse.
  7. Antibiotics are fine, they will not hurt your stomach but will probably taste pretty bad crushed. I could swallow whole small pills 5 days out--maybe try cutting them in half if they aren't too big.
  8. I am a private person and told almost no one about my surgery. I'm certainly not going to tell a restaurant just to eat crappy kids' meals and save $2.00. I order an appetizer or soup, or I order a whole entree and take home what I can't finish. If you really want a card, ask your surgeon, I think that's how most people get them. Or print your own--they say something like, "The bearer of this card has had Weight Loss Surgery and can only eat small amounts of food. Please allow them to order off your children's menu."
  9. Foxbins

    Huge Rash

    I itched because they shaved my tummy. I didn't realize that until the little hairs started to itch as they grew back in. Maybe that's what's happening to you?
  10. Drains and catheters are up to the surgeon's discretion. I did not have a catheter but I did have a drain that was removed on the morning of the 3rd post-op day. It was a little bag that adhered to my left side about waist-high. My surgeon uses one to monitor for excess bleeding and leaks. I woke up after surgery with it in. The nurses undid the clip at the bottom and measured the drainage every shift, it was wine-colored and there was maybe one or two tablespoons-full. It didn't hurt coming out but felt...odd. It's kind of hard to explain...sort of slithery coming out and I could feel my insides moving around a little bit. Again, it didn't hurt. Everyone who has general anesthesia gets an endotracheal tube but I was already knocked out when they put it in and they took it out when the surgery ended so I was still unconscious. I had an IV line in my arm that was inserted just before surgery and taken out on the second day. I got painkillers and antinausea drugs in it along with fluids. This was my first surgery too and I was fine. Ask your surgeon about these things and maybe you won't worry so much.
  11. Yes, my sleeve can get picky even 8 monhs out. For example, deli turkey is fine 95% of the time, and then I'll have it and it just doesn't sit well. Since I still eat slowly I stop when I get that icky feeling, put whatever it is away, and try something else. I have a couple "tried and true" food items that are high in protein that I can always turn to if it's a picky day.
  12. Foxbins

    I hate therapists....

    Therapists are supposed to monitor themselves against imposing their own opinions or biases on their clients. This one didn't. Not all therapists are like this. Just thank goodness that you are almost done with this particular requirement.
  13. Foxbins


    I started drinking coffee after a month. I drink 16 oz in the morning with cream and Splenda and have noticed no ill effects.
  14. Congratulations! You must be so proud of your accomplishment!
  15. Foxbins

    1st trip to Costco ... what should i get?

    I get their scallops. They are huge and three fill me up totally and have 20 gms of protein and 110 calories. Also when you are a little further out, their dry-roasted almonds are a good snack. I put them it tiny baggies, eight to a bag, and put a bag in my purse when I am going to be out and about for the day. Saves me from mall or fast food temptation.
  16. No, I never thought that. I figured my old stomach was more fragile, no staples holding it together! If you haven't already. find a You-Tube video that shows the staples they use. Nothing is getting through those!
  17. I felt fine, although I got tired easily. Plus, I was still on liquids. Try to walk every half-hour on the flight. If I had gone to a wedding I'd have brought my own stuff to drink.
  18. I have never had a stall, but my total weight loss for the month of May (5 months post-op) was 4 lbs. I did not give up hope, but persisted in low-carb and dropped 9 lbs in June, 6 lbs in July, and 8 lbs in August. Just keep to your plan and you should be fine. Are you doing a food journal of some sort? I find it really helps me figure out what's going on.
  19. Good luck! I'll be thinking of you!
  20. I just drink out of a 16 oz glass at home, and put a tick mark in my food journal when I fill it up. In the car, I use bottled water and just record however many oz. it is.
  21. "I'm not feeling well today." Haven't you ever missed a day before?
  22. Foxbins


    Kris, don't think that your weight loss will be stuck at 5 lbs/month--I did, too, because in May I only lost 4 lbs, but in June I lost 9. In July I lost 6, and this month I will have lost 8. It is still a see-saw for me and I think if you want to lose more then you certainly can. Keep up the good work, you are doing great!
  23. At three months I had lost 40 lbs, or 48% of my excess weight.
  24. I used mine 3x a day for 10 inhales each time--I hated it but I had read on here about people getting pneumonia after surgery due to poor lung inflation. I just made myself do it for the first 2 weeks.
  25. Foxbins

    Is this full or sick?

    So glad you asked! You should be feeling better soon--

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
