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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Foxbins

  1. I never had one instant of buyer's remorse and quite honestly, don't really understand how it occurs if you have researched and prepared yourself beforehand. I researched the surgery thoroughly and I was prepared to have quite a lot of pain, since it's a major organ that's 85-90% removed. I was prepared to have complications. "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst," you know. When I didn't have either, I was pleasantly surprised. I was prepared for the food limitations and followed my surgeon's plan. I was prepared for the Vitamins and supplements required. I joined a gym to keep muscle mass and burn calories. I changed how I looked at food and how I used food so that it became fuel and I eat for nutrients and not for mouth pleasure or emotional reasons. Mostly, I trusted that by following plan, persisting, and not stopping until I reached goal I could succeed. I do think that since I was self-pay I did not want to waste the money and stop losing before I reached my goal--for 9K I could have a really, really good vacation, or half a little car, or a gorgeous wardrobe. I chose surgery and don't regret the changes I made.
  2. I too went to Dr. Aceves. No ugly or bad. I researched the sleeve pretty thoroughly before going and there were no surprises for me. I thought the nurses were fine, gave me IVs and meds on time and we pantomimed when there was a language barrier. Like I said in another post, no nausea, no vomiting, no pain, and 9.5 lbs from goal for me. That's a success in my book!
  3. I also chose Dr. Aceves because I would be in a hospital for three nights. Since I would be leaving my surgeon 1200 miles away when I came home, I wanted to know that I was stable post-op and in good enough shape to travel alone. I have heard great things about Dr. Alvarez but I chose Dr. Aceves for the hospital. In hindsight, I don't think I could have had a better experience anywhere else. No nausea or vomiting and very little pain.
  4. I have a one-week pill organizer with BIG compartments, like 1x1x1 because my calcium citrate chewables are huge and there are 4 for each day. i fill it up on Saturday night and dump the day's pills into a smaller container if I'm going to be out of the house, otherwise I put them on a saucer on the kitchen table so that I can see what needs to be taken as I walk by. For travel I throw the whole week's organizer in my bag--most of my trips are for just a few days for work. For a longer vacation I may buy another organizer
  5. Hey Coops! I just wanted to say that through your posts I was helped so much. There were (and are) times when I just want to chuck it all and eat junk but then I would remember that you have stuck with exercising, eating right, and persisting despite losing slowly when I am sure I would have given up. You are a strong, gutsy lady and thank you for posting so honestly about your ups and downs. You truly are an inspiration.
  6. Are you planning on driving to Mexico? In that case, yes, I would be worried as your license plates and unfamiliarity with the route could make you stand out as a tourist target. However, if you are flying into San Diego and are being picked up by the surgeon's van service, I wouldn't worry. They negotiate the border crossing at least once a day and definitely know the route to the hospital or clinic. After you arrive at the hospital/clinic, I would take the precautions one would take in the States to prevent theft. It's not like you will be wandering the streets while you are there, flashing cash and jewelry (at least I hope not.) Thousands of people go to Mexico each year and the likelihood of something happening to you is very small. However, if you are planning on using Dr. Almanza, be aware that some patients were recently robbed at gunpoint in the recovery house. It sounds like it was an inside job. I would find out if security issues have been addressed.
  7. Yes, I felt the same way. I had no nerves until I had a date and had made the deposit. I told myself that I could back out at any time and that seemed to help me. BUT, I didn't. I took my Ativan the night before surgery and I was very calm on surgery day. It was my first surgery, and first time in a hospital too. Dr. Aceves medicates you very well and I had no nausea, vomiting, and hardly any pain. The IV didn't bother me (it's only in two days) but the drain (in for three days) was annoying. It didn't hurt coming out but I could feel my insides moving to fill the space it had taken up, it felt kind of squirmy for a second and then everything was fine again. I mostly slept the first two days and maybe 2/3 of the third day. It's not at all bad and over quick. I am so happy I had it done.
  8. Foxbins

    How bad is the hair loss??

    :laugh0: :laugh0: :laugh0: Unfortunately, the boobs blended into the belly for a long time, giving me the oh-so-desirable "shelf" look.
  9. Foxbins

    How bad is the hair loss??

    No wigs or hairpieces and I'm not bald, but I had really thick hair and now it's thin. I had a hat that used to sit mid-forehead and now it sits on my eyebrows because my head circumference is smaller due to hairloss. No one has said anything, so I think it's unnoticeable to anyone but me and my hair stylist. It's growing back in now, but I still get a good handful out of the shower strainer each week. Lost my hair but kept my boobs! That's a fair trade, I'd say.
  10. I like them. I got a sample pack from them and when I was sick of the chocolate ones from Costco I drank theirs. I bought a tub of the strawberry and I'm not a strawberry person, but it's really good. 2 scoops is 190 calories, 28 gms of protein, and 11 gms of carbs. All the flavors were fine.
  11. Foxbins

    4 lbs away... .SO CLOSE!

    You look great! The last 4 will be off before you know it!
  12. I am 8 months out and I don't know how much I can eat. My portion size for beef is 2 oz, I eat one egg, or 4 large shrimp, or 3 small broccoli florets, or 1/4 of a large peach. I could probably eat more but I don't. I am satisfied with portions like these and don't want to have that "full" feeling again. I ate until I was "full" for twenty years. It's time for me to do something new now, and it's working for me. I weigh or measure everything and journal everything.
  13. That's great news! What's the expiration date of your non-thick box so that I can find them at my Costco? I hated those thick ones.
  14. Foxbins


    I stay between 600-800 a day. When I exercise the interval between losses is shorter but it comes off anyway in the end. I track protein, carbs, calories, and water.
  15. Foxbins

    Breast Loss

  16. Have your company pay for one seat and if the airline makes you pay for a second, pay for it yourself. But if you can buckle yourself in with an extender, do it. Maybe fly during an off-time so the flight isn't full and the chances the airline will charge you are lower. Don't talk about personal matters with the boss's boss. He thinks you are the person for the job. Get that promotion!
  17. Foxbins

    Breast Loss

    I lost mostly in the band, 44D to 36D. Mine don't look too bad, at least they are still pointing forward, but gravity has taken its toll. I really think that not having children spared them a bit. My sister, the pancake boob girl, has her 34A's pointed at her toes somehow, but she has four kids.
  18. It's not easy to stretch out your stomach but you can fill it with foods that won't make you feel full. Are you measuring your food? You should not be vomiting at all if you are eating slowly, taking small bites, not drinking with your meal, and eating less than your stomach can hold. At 4 weeks out I could not have eaten 1/2 cup of dense protein. I could eat 1/2 cup of soup.
  19. Foxbins

    What made you do it?

    I was in the kitchen (of course!) listening to a college football game on TV in the other room. They announced that some linebacker was coming on the field for Arizona State and gave his weight, which was the same as mine. I swore I was not going to be the same weight as a linebacker on a football team and started investigating WLS that same day.
  20. Foxbins

    First Time eating out

    My first restaurant experience was on a business trip for work and a colleague and I went out to dinner. I ordered a bowl of chili, (should have gotten a cup) and I didn't eat more than 4 soup spoons of it. I was worried about eating too much and getting sick so I ate so little that my companion noticed. I made some excuse about not feeling well, went back to my hotel room, and had a protein shake with the powder I'd brought.
  21. Foxbins

    Personal questionfor the ladies

    Nope. It doesn't matter to your surgeon. Probably make you wear a pad instead of a tampon, though, but that's okay because after surgery getting a tampon in and out would hurt (the bending over, you know).
  22. Foxbins

    1st trip to Costco ... what should i get?

    I don't know about freezing Baby Bel cheese, but I freeze Parmesan all the time. The texture gets crumbly, but for sprinkling over stuff or making cheese crisps it works great and tastes the same.
  23. Foxbins

    Caloric Intake

    I am eight months and I eat between 600-800 calories a day--generally around 680-750. I get between 60-80 gms of protein. I'm sticking to this until goal with the exception of special occasions which occur for me about once every six weeks (wedding, party. night on the town...).
  24. Foxbins

    Packing and ready

    You will do great! Let us know you're up and about when you feel like it. I slept most of the first two days and couldn't have formed a coherent sentence if you'd paid me.
  25. Foxbins

    Is It True???

    I have no idea how this got started but from a physics perspective it makes no sense. Carbonation is not going to stretch anything. However, most soft drinks contain citric acid and early out that's probably not a good thing to have percolating around a healing staple line. Also, in a tiny tummy those bubbles give me big burps, which I could do without. Like LMDiva said, there are better choices for fluids but sodas are not gonna kill you.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
