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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Foxbins

  1. I don't think there is any evidence that water + food stretches out a sleeve, at least not in those patients who are portion-compliant. However, in RNY patients (who have a 'pouch') the tissue used to make the pouch is the stretchy part of the stomach and the pyloric valve is bypassed. Those pouches CAN enlarge over time with food and liquid taken to excess. I think a lot of bariatric "advice" comes from clinicians who mainly have dealt with bypass patients.
  2. Liquids in, liquids out--it's very common. It gets better once you start solid food.
  3. People who have gastric bypass have a pouch constructed from the stretchy part of their stomach and can stretch out the pouch over time. Like others have mentioned, our sleeves are constructed from the non-stretchy part and although there is some "give" in it (it's not rigid like metal) it's tough to stretch it out to the degree that you could eat the way you used to.
  4. There is the chance for a complication with any surgery, and if you look here, you will find people who had complications. However, the vast majority of people don't have complications, and the small number who do have them treated and recover. The one or two people who have died from the procedure that I know of (no one on this board) did so from cardiac or pulmonary problems that can occur with any surgery. I wrote a letter before surgery about my last wishes and funeral plan and left it in my house in case I died during surgery and that seemed to help with some of my fears. I tore it up after I came home. I also had no complications and feel great today. I'm coming up on the anniversary of my surgery in a few weeks.
  5. Foxbins

    I Feel Like I Eat Continuously

    I'm at goal and I still feel like I am putting something in my mouth all day long! Water, vitamins, calcium, iron, food...it never ends! As long as you are tracking and not eating junk, I think you are fine and don't need to worry about how many times you are eating.
  6. Amazing, isn't it, that you can walk around almost normally after having most of your stomach removed? Low-carb worked for me, too! Good luck!
  7. Foxbins

    Water In Mexico

    You don't have to bring your own, bottled water is readily available for sale in Mexico. The hotel I stayed in provided bottled water and the hospital water was safe to drink in Mexicali.
  8. From what I understand about the sleeve and digestion, Swizzly's right. I don't stop drinking before meals because it goes right through and I wait half an hour or so afterward because when I tried drinking sooner, it came back up.
  9. Foxbins


    Heartburn is a known side-effect of the sleeve. Take Pepcid or Tagamet for a few days plus omeprazole, which takes a few days to take effect, and then stop the Pepcid/Tagamet. I took omeprazole from the day after surgery up until about nine months out, but studies show that acid comes back in a significant number of people 2-3 years post-op so I'm ready to take it again if I need to..
  10. Both a stricture and a bezoar are obstructive and an ulcer is unlikely. Are you vomiting solids? Are your bowel movements normal in color and consistency? I don't think there is any need to freak out; I think you need to try 1) something like Pepcid or Tagamet, which will give you relief if it's acid-related. If it helps, then switch to a PPI like omeprazole for longer-lasting relief. 2) cutting down on fatty food, which will help if it's gallbladder-related 3) deep breathing, which will help with your anxiety . I am sure it is nothing serious this far out, but naturally, see a doctor if symptoms worsen or if you get too anxious.
  11. Foxbins

    Weight Loss Rewards

    I bought jewelry, fancy underwear, skinny jeans, massages, and a watch. Before I got to goal I set my goal reward as a new wardrobe but I have changed to a facelift. My face lost my chubby cheeks and things just sagged (I am almost 57) so the clothes can wait for now.
  12. Foxbins

    Medicine To Take

    I had never heard of taking vinegar until I read your post. I hope you are feeling better.
  13. The chances of having gall bladder issues after WLS are quite high. Obese women are at higher risk to begin with as estrogen appears to influence the development of stones and obesity is thought to cause reduced bile salts in bile, leading to the formation of stones. Add rapid weight loss (when cholesterol is concentrated in the bile due to weight loss) and the risk increases again. Older people tend to have more gallbladder problems, as well, simply because there is more time for stones to develop, and a diet low in Fiber and high in fat also can lead to stones. About 1/3 of WLS patients will end up having gallbladder surgery. Mine was removed 2 weeks ago when I was 10 months post-op. Watch for upper right quadrant pain, under or just below the ribs, sometimes radiating into the back under the shoulder blade or into the right armpit. I also had nausea (some people vomit) and felt truly sick. Some people take Actigall if their doctor prescribes it.
  14. Foxbins

    Wtf? Rebound? How?

    There's no way you can gain 3 lbs of fat (or muscle) overnight. It's water and it will go away soon, I'm sure. Cut down on sodium and watch it go!
  15. You can't fill up or stretch your sleeve on fluids...they go right through the pylorus valve into your small intestine. I have coffee each morning about 7:30 as I have never been a big "eat right after you get up" person, even when I was fat. I eat "breakfast" about 10 and have no problems hitting my protein target for the day. I say do what works for you as long as you are keeping to the protein requirements.
  16. Yes, I am wrinkly on my stomach, arms, thighs, calves...I am 56 and hoping that my skin still has enough elasticity to tighten up a little over time (the next year or two). If not, oh well, I'd rather be skinny and wrinkly than fat and unwrinkled. Clothes cover up most everything and in a swimsuit I wear a sarong when not in the water. I agree that building muscle will help fill out the wrinkles. Creams and lotions don't work.
  17. Foxbins


    When I had my gallbladder surgery last week the only meds the surgeon wanted me to take were my thyroid hormone and the PPI--the worry was that I would have reflux while anesthetized and irritate my esophagus, but fortunately no more acid since I quit three months ago.
  18. I think he'll be fine if he has somewhere to sit. I would not have wanted to stand up for three hours until a couple weeks after my surgery.
  19. Carbonyl iron, whatever is cheapest at the store (I rarely pay more than 2.99 for 100 tablets). The pills are really tiny and it's easier on my stomach than ferrous gluconate which gave me stomachaches. Just read the labels.
  20. Foxbins


    Are you on Nexium now? If so, stay on, because most surgeons prescribe a PPI for newly-sleeved patients. My surgeon wanted me on a PPI for three months post-op; I stayed on 8 months because the acid came back when i tried to stop earlier. Acid reflux issues can develop later in sleeved people, so I may have to go back on someday.
  21. I told my PCP that I was having a VSG 3 days before I left for Mexico. She freaked out a bit hearing "Mexico" but was supportive about ordering labs and such post-op. If I had it to do over, I might say that I was having the VSG in Texas, or Utah, since I didn't meet the WLS criteria for my ***. It would save me all the alarmed looks I get when other providers read my record.
  22. Foxbins

    Making Goal!

    I wanted to get to goal as quickly as possible so I did everything I could. Now I'm 10.5 months out and undereating my sleeve and eating Protein first are habits. I lost weight every month and only noticed my weight loss slowing down in month 8 and 9, but I still lost 7 lbs each month. There are some clinicians saying crazy things to people but I am saying that if you want to lose all your excess weight or more, you can.
  23. Foxbins

    Greek Yogurt

    Greek yogurt has lots more protein than other kinds. Have you tried Fage? it's really good and I am not a yogurt lover. I used to put a Splenda packet in mine because it wasn't sweet enough (thank you Yoplait!) but now I eat it without.
  24. I don't know that people really treat me different, but I feel different. When I was fat, I didn't like to eat in front of other people because I always thought they were thinking, "She doesn't need to be eating that, look at the size of her." Now if it's time to eat, I eat. I notice people don't move their chairs around when I am trying to get by. No one looks distressed when I sit next to them on an airplane. My outsides match the inner picture of myself and that makes me feel good about myself.
  25. I was not expecting how little I can eat or how satisfied I would be with just a little. I had always eaten until I felt uncomfortably full and I haven't done that since surgery, first because I didn't want to hurt myself and now because it is habit. I also was not expecting to lose my sweet tooth, but it's gone and I don't miss it.

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