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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Foxbins

  1. I'd rate it a 10, as well. I am 13 months post-op and at my lowest weight ever in my adult life (I am 57.) I think I'd rate the whole experience a 10--I had an easy recovery, no complications, and no problems sticking to my program.
  2. It's great, isn't it? I had friends over for dinner on Saturday, and someone said, "Oh since you lost weight you must have had to buy all new clothes!" I looked down at the pretty sweater I was wearing and said, "Actually, this is 15 years old, but I kept it hoping I'd fit into it again some day." If 80's shoulderpads and Ally McBeal-length skirts ever come back, I'm ready!
  3. Foxbins

    Stomach Size ?

    At 2.5 weeks out your stomach is still swollen but liquids should pass through easily and you won't get a true "Full" signal. Try about 2 oz of soup--if it sits well, try 2 oz more a little later.
  4. Foxbins

    Solo Sleevers?

    I am fortunate that I am self-employed, so I didn't have a boss to tell and my friends and family have seen me lose weight over and over for years. I didn't tell anyone because I was afraid it might not work for me, I had failed at so many other attempts to lose weight! BTW, you do not have to tell your boss anything by law. If you would like to tell her that's up to you but a fair number of us have a hiatal hernia that is repaired along with the VSG so people say they are having hernia repair. The incisions and healing time are pretty much the same as the VSG.
  5. Foxbins

    "cosmetic" Sleeve

    I was a little over a 35 and it was not cosmetic. I simply acted before I had the health problems morbid obesity was sure to cause eventually. A BMI of 35 meant that I had more than 80 lbs to lose just to get to a normal BMI, and in my view, 80lbs isn't "overweight" it's headed for high cholesterol, hypertension, sleep apnea, type II diabetes, osteoarthritis, and stroke or heart attack.
  6. I'm a year out from surgery and my stomach makes all kinds of noises, including growling. I learned pretty quickly that I could not rely on stomach noises to tell me if I was hungry. Honestly, I have not been hungry since surgery. Empty, yes, and a little dehydrated, yes. Both of those let me know that I need to eat or drink something. But hunger is all in my head now and I can tell it's head hunger because: I eat when I am anxious, angry, or bored If I am busy all day I can go all day without eating because I'm not "hungry" but when I am at home and there's nothing to do I can graze all day long . Head hunger usually wants me to eat sweets even though I have really lost my taste for them. If I am craving something dessert-ish, it's head hunger. Head hunger never says to me, "Hey, I NEED some ground turkey and cottage cheese!" If I have head hunger, I can distract myself with something--a hobby, a walk, a cup of tea. If I'm truly in need of food, I'll get light-headed. When the hunger hits you, try this in this order: distraction, exercise, fluids. If you are still hungry after doing all of those (and it would take more than an hour to accomplish all) then try a small snack if it's not your regular meal time. Also try more dense Protein if you are eating soft dairy or deli meats. Hope this helps!
  7. Foxbins

    Solo Sleevers?

    Lots of people go alone. I did. I was in the hospital 3 nights and came home on the 4th day post-op. After surgery here in the US, most people are sent home within 24 hours, 48 at most. I would have needed help at home, too, if I had gone home 24 hours after surgery. Four days post-op I was fine getting on the plane, getting home, and taking care of myself, I just got tired easily. You can do it solo if you want. No one other than my doctor knows.
  8. Foxbins

    Padded Panties. Help!

    I read about panties that have those "cutlet" things in, like a push-up bra does. I'll see if I can find a link.
  9. Foxbins

    16 Days Post Face Lift

    I found a surgeon in Costa Rica the same way I found Dr. Aceves in Mexicali. I began with an internet search, found 5 or 6 names that kept cropping up as good surgeons, and researched the heck out of each one. Then, I had a couple of plastic surgery consultations here in California, and what I wanted to have done was going to cost 14,500. In Costa Rica I paid 8300, plus 1300 for the recovery facility I stayed in for two weeks post-op. I highly recommend my surgeon, he has a great aesthetic eye. My neck is still hard and tight and I am numb from in front of my ears to the middle of my cheeks. The sensory nerves are regrowing and sometimes feel like little sparks going off, or like someone poking me with a pin, but I usually don't notice unless I am trying to fall asleep. I am still slightly swollen but only I can tell. None of my friends has said anything other than that I look like I have lost more weight (I haven't, it was having the saggy skin removed that made my face slimmer). I think my best friend suspects but she will wait for me to tell her. I would, except I know she wants a lift but she and her husband can't afford it right now and I don't want to flaunt my good fortune.
  10. Foxbins

    Ok Question About Calories

    I have a question about your question. Who are "they?" "They" want to you to eat more red meat...why not any kind of meat, why red meat? There is more Iron in red meat that poultry or fish, could that be why? And low iron can make you feel tired. Are you taking a Vitamin with iron? Have you had your 3 month labs yet? The Protein in the bars is fine, a bar is better than nothing. Tomatoes are acidic and bother some people, but if you can eat oranges or drink orange juice, the red sauce is probably not your problem. Some people have difficulty tolerating red meat--I was fine (it was chicken that made me sick) but if it bothers you don't eat it. There are lots of other protein sources out there. As for your caloric intake, I ate 600 when I was 3 months out but I was a lightweight and wanted to get to goal ASAP. I think 800-1000 is fine. Unless the criticism is coming from your surgeon or a bariatric nutritionist, if I were you I'd ignore it and do what works for you.
  11. I'm sorry you are going through this indecision...however, did your surgeon mention the complication rate with the band? Over 30%! (you can check the LapBand manufacturer's website yourself). Did he mention PB'ing? (Productive burping, otherwise known as regurgitation) Did he tell you food can get "stuck" in the stoma? Also weight loss with the band is not as good as with the VSG, at least not VSGs done in the past 3-4 years. Sleeve sizes have decreased and weight loss has increased as surgeons got more data on the optimal size of the sleeve. VSG leaks are primarily caused by surgeon error (and the vast majority of them heal over time) so I wouldn't let the possibility of a leak scare you. If you're in NYC there are a number of experienced VSG surgeons there. If it were me, I'd find one and get the surgery I wanted.
  12. Foxbins

    Attire For Post Op....

    I wore yoga pants when I wasn't in my nightgown or hospital gown and they were fine. I wore them back on the plane, too. You want soft, stretchy, not-tight-around-the-waist-or-abdomen pants because I was all puffed up from the CO2 gas and I didn't want a waistband anywhere near an incision.
  13. Foxbins

    Questions For Veterans

    I don't think you're going to find anyone here 10 years out--this forum is only about 3 years old and the VSG as a stand-alone procedure has only been done since about 2007.
  14. I have not noticed a lot of people here who have lost that amount, although lots have lost 100+, but on Obesity Help there are several who have lost 200+ and one guy, Jimbo, who has lost more than 300 lbs with his sleeve.
  15. I'm a year out and I eat anything I want--however, what I want is usually protein. I don't eat bread or rice (feels bad in my stomach) and I don't regularly eat potatoes, desserts, or candy (they are a treat food, once every couple of months). I eat fish, seafood, steak, vegetables, yogurt, cottage cheese, some poultry (it often seems too dry to me, so I prefer it sauced) nuts, peanut butter. I probably eat 800-100 calories a day and I'm trying to add in calories slowly so I'll stop losing.
  16. You'll be able to eat more eventually. 2-3 oz of meat totally fills me up but I can eat two cups of potato chips because they chew to mush. You are still healing right now. I encourage you to change your eating habits now so that when you can eat more, you are not eating empty calories or junk, because it's easy to do.
  17. Foxbins

    The Bariatric "food" Card

    Celebrate sent me one when I ordered some of their products. I have never used it (I like leftovers from restaurants and don't eat at buffets) but I appreciated the gesture.
  18. I got to goal and beyond with Premier Protein shakes and I still drink them. My labs are super and I feel great. I'm not messing with what has worked for me.
  19. I was asked to avoid caffeine for a month after surgery--it can irritate stomach tissue. I started drinking coffee again at five weeks and I'm fine with it now. I have a cup or two a day.
  20. Foxbins

    Sleeve And Gallbaldder

    I needed to have my gallbladder removed at 10.5 months after my sleeve. I have not had any side effects of the surgery, feel great, and certainly don't miss the pain the blasted thing gave me. Apparently my body works just fine without a gallbladder and my weight loss continues, even though I am trying to get into maintenance.
  21. Foxbins

    Vitamin Question

    Bariatric Advantage has chewable calcium citrate in caramel, lemon, chocolate, and raspberry flavors that taste good. Costco.com sells ReViva liquid calcium citrate in blueberry flavor that is good too. I use both.
  22. Foxbins

    Protein Bars

    Some surgeons restrict nuts early, some don't. What does yours say?
  23. I take carbonyl iron and it doesn't upset my stomach, although if you burp after taking the pills the taste is quite disgusting. I also take them with a little food, like a Triscuit with peanut butter. The brand I take is Sundown Naturals "Perfect Iron." I think I got them on Amazon.
  24. Foxbins

    Surgeons In Mexicali, Mx

    I went to Dr. Aceves in Mexicali. I was, and am, extremely happy with my experience, which was $8750 a year ago. Look at my ticker! There are lots of people here who had Dr. Aceves as their surgeon and as far as I know, no one has anything bad to say about him. Don't be scared--it's an adventure, starting a new life as a skinny person. It didn't hurt and I still get to eat the things I like, just lots less than before, and some things I used to like (like bread) I don't care for anymore.
  25. I have two really big dogs and I was fine. I knew coming home from surgery that they would be excited to see me and probably try to jump, but they sensed that I wasn't my usual self and just licked me a lot. If I had thought of it, I might have had a few treats to throw on the floor if it looked like I was going to be jumped on. I have an Akita and a Tibetan Mastiff.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
