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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Foxbins

  1. Foxbins

    Really Freaked Out

    When I was pre-op, I was obsessed with whether or not I should wear underwear into the operating room--Isn't that crazy? Once I was in the hospital, I sort of came to my senses and realized that my worries about surgery had been focused on this one issue. I put on the gown they gave me (without underwear!) and never gave it another thought. Funny, the little games our minds play on us so that we don't think about the bigger issues like our fear of dying, which is one of the really scary one for most of us. Instead we worry about nausea and phone service and pain meds...
  2. Foxbins

    Should I Lose Before Surgery Or Not?

    Oh, and starting at a higher weight won't make you lose more than if you are smaller. If you look at the percentage lost, bigger people lose bigger numbers of pounds compared to smaller people, but the percentages are very similar. For example, Ms. A has 200 lbs to lose and loses 15% her first month--30 lbs. Ms. B had 100 lbs to lose and also loses 15%, but her loss is only 15 lbs. Same percentage lost, different number of pounds.
  3. Foxbins

    Should I Lose Before Surgery Or Not?

    Yes, lose as much as you can before surgery ESPECIALLY if you have a lot to lose. I see people all the time who lose the first 3 or 4 months, then find that they can hold more food and tolerate all their favorites and they stop losing...Watching what you eat is hard to do for a long time, I watched every forkful for 10 months and I had less than 100 to lose. If I had lost weight before surgery, maybe I might have been at goal at 6 months.
  4. I would stick with it too. Just take a deep breath, say "This too, shall pass" and do not obsess over the numbers. When I got on the scale and there was no movement, I said to myself, "Oh well, not today, maybe tomorrow." IT WILL COME OFF. Just be patient, sometimes your body needs a little breather from all the metabolic changes it's going through.
  5. Foxbins


    I am finding that maintenance is a balancing act. Some days I eat a lot, the next day maybe not so much. I tracked all my calories when I was losing and so I know how many calories I am eating each day. It will vary for all of us, but at 138 lbs, I eat anywhere from 900-1500 calories. I try to stay around 1200 because when I am above that I find that I have been eating junk like a handful of chips or some candy. Also, I weigh myself every morning. If I am at 140, that day is protein only and lots of water. So far the 2 lbs have come off within 48 hours. I got fat by ignoring the scale and I promised myself I would not do that ever again.
  6. Yes it does. Good luck tomorrow!
  7. Foxbins

    Thank You

    Now you have answers to help the pre-ops! Glad you are feeling better.
  8. After liquids I was desperate for flavor and used anything I could get my hands on to provide some. It was trial and error for a while, but I can tolerate all spices now.
  9. I haven't a clue. Have you talked to your gynecologist? Some people have found that estrogen (released from the fat as we lose weight) can cause breast tenderness. To have it localized in the nipple is not something I have heard of.
  10. Foxbins

    Skin- Have Extra?

    Fortunately, I do not flap, although I have "granny arms." Most of my skin looks loose although it seems to be tightening up a little in the stomach. My butt, however, has deflated and is sliding down the back of my thighs. I lost 94 lbs, but I'm 57 and gravity has helped things along for a while now.
  11. Foxbins

    Vitamin Recommendations

    Costco sells a liquid multi called ReViva that's not too bad. You will need a liquid or a chewable immediately post-op, and then I encourage you to find a complete multi that you can tolerate. Some people like Baratric Advantage, some Celebrate, some Centrum. If you are also taking calcium, look for a vitamin without iron. You will also need to take Vitamin B-12 forever. Walmart sells a good-tasting, fast-dissolving sublingual tablet that you can start immediately after surgery.
  12. Upon awakening, my Synthroid (I am hypothyroid) 1/2 Centrum multi with breakfast 500 mg calcium citrate chewable and 1000 IU Vitamin D midmorning 1/2 Centrum multi with lunch 500 mg calcium citrate chewable midafternoon Carbonyl Iron and 500 mg Vitamin C before bed (I am anemic). Tuesdays and Thursdays I add 2500 mcg of sublingual B-12 at breakfast. Mondays and Thursdays I have 25,000 IU of Vitamin A You can't take iron and calcium within 4 hours of each other. PPIs will cause malabsorption of calcium due to reduced acid production in the stomach, so you might need to take more calcium than you think. PPIs will also cause reduced uptake of levothyroxine (Synthroid) so you may not need a reduction in dose as you get smaller. This is just what has been working for me--my labs are great except for the iron, but I was anemic before surgery too.
  13. Other people started to notice my loss at about 3 months, when I had lost about 40 lbs. I noticed a big change at about 60 lbs--I started to like how I looked, my legs were thinner, my hips and waist were smaller, and I totally skipped size 12, went from a 14 to a 10. I, too, bought at thrift stores because I didn't want to buy clothes that I would wear for only a couple of weeks.
  14. Foxbins

    Staples And Pricing

    I would be less concerned about the stapler than the surgeon wielding it. Surgical instrument companies exist to sell instruments and there is always "something new" to sell. Whether or not it makes a difference in the outcome---who knows?
  15. Foxbins

    Tell Me I'm Not Crazy

    I am 57, female, and one inch taller than you. My weight at surgery was 232. I'm 14 months post-op, at goal, and happier than I have been in years. I say if you want to change your life, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. Realizing that dieting won't do it isn't crazy, it's enlightening!
  16. Foxbins

    Sweet Taste

    Yes, it's ketosis.
  17. Foxbins

    Should I Wait?

    I'm with Lissa--do it now. Summer's coming and you'll want to show off your tummy!
  18. Foxbins

    Hair Loss

    Iron! My hair stopped falling out when I started taking an iron supplement. I have since read that low iron and zinc levels can cause hair loss, and I was anemic. Try it--it can't hurt.
  19. Ask the surgeon's office that you are considering. I know my surgeon in Mexicali would treat any post-op complications but I'm 6 hours away, so my PCP agreed to do routine aftercare and I had no complications. It you are local to TJ, there should be no reason for you NOT to go back to your surgeon other than they don't care to see you after your surgery is done. Ask about complication costs, too--sometimes the surgeon will treat you for free but the hospital charges you for extra days, tests, etc.
  20. Foxbins


    Your surgery was this month? I agree, there's no way you can get many more calories than you are already at this point. Have you tried greek yogurt or soft-boiled eggs? Cottage cheese? Just as a side note, that apple juice is not doing much for you nutritionally. Grape would give you anti-oxidants and V-8 would give you vitamin C and loads of potassium.
  21. Foxbins

    Higher Risk Of Complication?

    High BMI is a risk for ANY surgical procedure, not just VSG. The risks are the same whether you are having a VSG or an appendectomy. Band-to-sleeve revisions have a higher risk of leaks because often the stomach tissue has been damaged by the band, but the vast majority of revisions have no issues.
  22. My doc said no swimming for six weeks but I could have a bath after my steri-strips fell off, so I guess submerging yourself would be okay but no strenuous swimming.
  23. Foxbins

    Gallbladder - She's Gonna Blow!

    I had my gallbladder out 10 months post-op, so it's been gone 3 1/2 months now. My surgeon also warned me that stones still in the bile duct (they don't remove that) could continue to cause pain in the future, and that 2% of patients have what he delicately called "intestinal issues" (diarrhea) permanently. Neither of these has happened to me. I feel fine, normal, lost another 4 lbs without really trying after surgery...I eat steak and drink wine with no problems. I have noticed that I consume a lot of fat at one time, I will have looser stools the next day, but no other issues.
  24. Foxbins

    Am I Screwed If I Hate Salad?

    I'm 14 months post-op and I rarely eat salad--too few nutrients and it makes me feel funny inside.
  25. Foxbins

    Normal Bites

    I am 14 months post-op and I used to shovel food in by the heaped forkful. I can't do that anymore. However, I'm not eating eraser-sized bites anymore either. I cut my food into about teaspoon-sized bits if it's meat; for more liquid things like stew or chili or yogurt, I can take a "normal" size spoonful. Eating slowly and in small bites helps my dinner last longer so I don't stand out when eating with my friends. It's a good habit to get into early, I think.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
