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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Foxbins

  1. I have two opened bags of GNC Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60 protein, one chocolate and one vanilla. I probably used 3-6 scoops out of each bag before I could get all my protein from food. Please PM me if you are interested.
  2. I felt okay walking around the airport and a gentleman helped me fit my bag into the overhead bin. I took it down myself when we landed and had no problems, it didn't weigh much and gravity helped on the way down. I'm sure you will do fine if you choose the non-wheelchair option.
  3. Foxbins

    Moody, Picky Sleeve

    So true! I often don't eat breakfast until 11:30 or so.
  4. I was a dessertoholic in my pre-sleeved life--waffles with syrup for Breakfast, candy after lunch, dessert after dinner. My friends knew that my baked goods were great and looked forward to dessert at my house. There was always something sweet to eat in the fridge. Since my sleeve, I have ice cream here for guests (I don't eat it anymore as it makes me feel queasy post-sleeve) and I usually serve some kind of fruit after dinner. A friend came to dinner and brought a cake--a delicious strawberry-whipped cream cake--and I served her some and a tiny piece for me. I tried to make her take it home afterward, but she wouldn't, so I put it in the fridge. Before my sleeve that cake would have called to me everytime I was near the kitchen and would have been gone in two days. Today, a week later, I saw it on the back shelf and didn't know what it was for a moment...then I remembered. Pre-sleeve, I would have eaten it, stale or not. Today I was not tempted at all, just thought "Oh, I forgot about that" and tossed it in the garbage. What have you tossed lately, pre-or post-sleeve, that you knew should leave the house?
  5. Yes I have a paypal account and I think they would fit in a sm priority box. Can't mail until Thursday as I'm away for 2 days.
  6. They were 1.22 lbs to start; one weighs 15 oz now and one weighs 16 oz. Coming from 94591
  7. Foxbins

    Tough Mudder Done!

    Congratulations! I thought about doing one until I heard there were electrified wires to run through--no thanks! You must be really happy!
  8. Foxbins

    Not Eating

    Are you counting Protein shakes as "eating?" Some people get confused and don't drink before and after a Protein shake...but it's liquid, so if that's your meal, you don't have to wait to drink afterwards because you won't feel restriction from it anyway. If you are having trouble getting everything in, I encourage you to make a schedule. I also think it's okay if you drink almost up to the time you start to eat--maybe wait five minutes or so. I know some surgeons say wait 15 minutes and some say half an hour, but liquids leave your stomach pretty fast if that's all that's in there. Have you lost your hunger? If so, it won't make a whole lot of difference when you start drinking after your meal as long as you give your stomach enough time to start digestion. If you have lost your hunger, waiting an hour to drink so you "feel fuller longer" doesn't make any sense, because you're not going to feel hunger empty or full. Just don't drink immediately afterward or it will hurt. And maybe make you vomit.
  9. Foxbins

    Lets Talk Cup Sizes

    I was a 44D before surgery and I'm a 36D now. I am 57 and they are pretty saggy without a bra although they still point forward and not at the floor. In clothing I look good!
  10. I would do it again in a heartbeat--best money I've ever spent, and I spent $8000 at the Biggest Loser Ranch in Utah the year before I got my sleeve--I lost 13 lbs... Just wish it had been available 20 years ago.
  11. Foxbins

    The Pain?

    I am 14 months post-op and I was doped to high heaven. The sleeve was my first surgery, too. I don't remember any pain until I came home and tried to sleep on my side--that hurt a bit, but I'm a back sleeper so I just rolled back over very carefully. Getting out of bed was a little painful too. I didn't need painkillers after the 6th post-op night.
  12. Foxbins


    I eat pretty much whatever I want now at 14 months post-op although my sleeve doesn't like bread or very much rice. However, I eat slowly, protein first, and I don't drink with my meal. I still can only hold about a half-cup of food so I end up taking home leftovers. I feel like a thin, normal person.
  13. Foxbins

    Memory Loss?

    Sorry, what was the question? ...I am 14 months out and have never noticed any "memory loss" and in my profession, I certainly would as I need to be on my toes.
  14. Foxbins

    The Price Of Botox

    Allergan (the Botox manufacturer) sets the price the same worldwide. The same is true for most fillers like Juvederm and Radiesse. I agree, you can get $10 a unit here in the US, sometimes less with a Groupon or special.
  15. It's pretty easy to gain weight with a sleeve--milkshakes work, so does fried food and candy. Sometimes it takes a little while to achieve balance in maintenance but I don't know of anyone who can't stop losing. More often, I see people who stop fifteen or twenty pounds above goal because they can't get the last bit off.
  16. You're not doing anything wrong if you're not vomiting. You are chewing well, not overeating, and your sleeve is tolerant of the food you eat. I am 14 months out and vomited a few times at your stage when I introduced a new food and my sleeve would not accept it. Salmon made me vomit an entire day, after it was all out, but it irritated my stomach so much I couldn't keep anything down. Be thankful you have a calm sleeve!
  17. I had Dr. Aceves and had no post-op complications. He sent me home with a packet of material to read and follow post-op. I had a question about dizziness at about 6 weeks and emailed his office. I got an answer the same day.
  18. Foxbins

    Pcp Has Put Doubt In My Mind

    Most of us come to surgery having tried pretty much every diet and exercise regimen for years and years (in my case, decades). We need a method to help us--those who succeed are not relying solely on the surgery for weight loss, but modifying exercise and food choices as well. More and more research is demonstrating that weight loss surgery causes metabolic changes and the weight loss after surgery is not caused only by restriction and/or malabsorption (with DS and RnY). Maybe your PCP doesn't know that.
  19. I took Nexium the first month because it was given to me by my surgeon. Then I switched to Prilosec (omeprazole) for the next 6 months. They both worked well for me but ompeprazole was definitely cheaper. Then I stopped and haven't needed one. Nexium is a proton pump inhibitor and Tagament is an H2 blocker. They work a little bit differently and the PPI will take longer to start to work and will last longer than the blocker. @Amanda3.0--I don't think you are in the minority--it seems to me that about half of surgeons don't put their patients on a PPI and about half do. If you're not having acid issues, that's great!
  20. I think that you will find that with time, your image of yourself will change. For me, at about 4 months out, I was holding up pants, looking at the waistband, and thinking, "These will never fit." But they did. The waist looked so small! Now I trust that when I put on a size 8 it will probably fit (like I was sure a size 22 was going to fit when I was fat). It's just a number--it's not you. The real you is inside and won't change. Your sleeve might cause you to change some habits, but people without WLS do that anyway. Change is good!
  21. Foxbins


    It's up to the surgeon--some use them for everyone, some don't. I had one and it was no big deal.
  22. I didn't. I stayed between 800-900 a day until I reached goal, then upped them a little each week. I still lost 12 lbs in the two months after goal. Of course, I lost my hunger with surgery so I don't have to deal with hunger pangs. Maybe reduce your carbs way down low for a little while so you don't feel so hungry?
  23. Foxbins

    Pre-Op, Jittery And Older

    Well, I was 56 when I had my sleeve and one of the deciding factors for me was knowing that I was only going to get fatter over time. I really, really did not want to be a morbidly obese retiree. I am delighted with the results of my surgery and think you owe it to yourself to have freedom from obesity.
  24. Sometimes it's postural hypotension, sometimes it's dehydration, and sometimes it's hypoglycemia, but my doctor said that the greatest contributor to the dizziness is the rapid weightloss. I had dizziness upon standing for nearly 9 months and my doctor said it's because the "sensors" that regulate blood pressure go a little haywire during weightloss. It takes a while but eventually weight loss slows and/or the body adjusts.
  25. Foxbins

    Hostility? Why?

    Please stay--I, too, got skewered by someone who took one of my posts the wrong way and had a hissy fit. I decided that since at least 1 out of a hundred people is crazy I had finally run into the one on this board. I try to see the humor in people who get their jollies in being "right" on an Internet forum. You'll be a voice of reason!

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