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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Foxbins

  1. I don't think the credit card company will find out that you don't have a job. They only care when you stop paying the bill. I would ask a lot of questions about the surgeon's refund policy if you decide to pay in advance--I have heard that it's sometimes hard to get deposits returned, to say nothing of the whole surgical fee, and sometimes situations happen that delay or cancel trips--I had gallbladder surgery and had to cancel a trip to Costa Rica at the last minute. If you do decide to pay in advance, get trip insurance just in case. It's pretty cheap for peace of mind.
  2. Tell your surgeon, too--they will want to know. Prevacid is available without a prescription and might take a few days before you feel relief. Pepcid might be a good interim measure if the zegerid isn't working.
  3. Foxbins

    Psych Evals

    Do you know your triggers for food? What have you tried in the past that didn't work and what did you learn from your failed attempts? Do you have anorexia? Do you have a major mental illness that is not under good control? Do you have a support system? Are you able to follow your surgeon's post-op instructions? A lot of this can be assessed just by talking to you. Some clinicians use paper and pencil tests and in that case just answer honestly as you should have the chance to discuss the results if something comes out wierd. Really, it's nothing to worry about.
  4. Foxbins


    It took me almost six months to lose 50 lbs--I''d say you're doing great! It's not how fast it comes off, I don't think, but how long you persist with your plan. Keep to it long enough and everything will come off.
  5. Both Nexium and Prevacid (omeprazole) worked for me. Are you taking it on an empty stomach?
  6. Yes if you are having surgery for medical necessity and with a BMI of 40, you are. The IRS doesn't care where you have the surgery, they care about why. Ask Dr. Kelly for a letter stating of medical necessity. You can deduct transportation to and from surgery, the surgery itself, and any prescriptions you have filled. No protein, vitamins, or supplements though.
  7. I had one incision in between my breasts, just below the breast bone that might have been rubbed by some styles of bra, but my underwire was fine. If your current bra doesn't sit there, you should be good to go.
  8. Foxbins


    Sip, sip, sip all through the day. I try to get in 64 oz. each day. I can't chug it anymore so sips it is!
  9. I didn't take any protein with me and I couldn't stand Isopuke and you can't take liquids thru the airport anyway. I drank tea and water on the flight home. The nurse gave me a big bottle of Gatorade to drink on the ride to the airport and while I was waiting for the flight. I was fine, not hungry or thirsty. I did bring a heating pad which helped with the CO2 pains in my shoulder after surgery.
  10. Dr. Ungson does the DS in Mexico and in my opinion is the only surgeon to consider. Check on the DS board at Obesity Help.
  11. Foxbins

    Weight Loss

    I had my surgery in Mexico 15 months ago and I have lost 94 lbs. I am a size 6 (from a 22-24) and couldn't be happier. I say aim for whatever your goal is and stick to your plan until you get there. I changed my eating habits while I was losing and now I'm not the dessert fiend I used to be.
  12. Foxbins

    Top 3 Tips For Success

    I am 15 months post-op and here are my tips from a longer-term perspective-- 1. Do not eat until you are full--eat less than you think you can hold. It will spare you some painful experiences, perhaps of vomiting or maybe just being terribly uncomfortable. 2. Measure your food. I don't care if you put it in a measuring cup or weigh it. At about six months post-op, decide on a serving size for the Proteins you eat most and stick to it. For example, I eat 3 jumbo shrimp, 2.5 oz of steak, 3 oz. of chicken or fish. Just because you CAN eat more doesn't mean you have to. 3. Take your Vitamins and supplements. It is hard to get all the nutrients we need from food since we eat so little and you do not want to become deficient. At least a multi every day and a B-12 as needed to keep your levels up. Get regular lab work to check. 4. Protein first, green veg next, then dairy, fruit, and rarely carbs and sugars. I don't deny myself anything but everyday is not Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Easter either. Let treats be special if you can. 5. Once you have achieved your goal weight, weigh yourself every day. Do not ignore the scale the way we all used to. It's lots easier to take off two pounds in a couple of days than twenty. 6. Exercise to be strong and fit. I didn't want to lose weight and be frail. Find something you love to do and do it. Lift arm weights while you watch TV, or do lunges. Every bit helps.
  13. I tried to stop at 3 months and woke up at night with reflux, so went back on Prilosec for another 4 months, then stopped and haven't needed it since. I'm 15 months post-op now.
  14. I think the likelihood of having to stay longer due to complications or driver mess-ups is pretty small. I'd go with the cheaper tickets.
  15. Don't think about being "full" with the sleeve--think about being satisfied. On liquids, sip slow but pretty much constantly so that you get in your protein and water. When you move to solids, measure less than you think you can eat. You can always have more later. It's tricky in the early stages to know how much is enough but you'll figure it out over time.
  16. Foxbins

    Gas Question

    Can you burp? My first weeks post-op, I couldn't take a sip of anything without burping afterwards. And yes, you can take Gas-X.
  17. Foxbins

    Seasoned Sleevers

    What I find interesting now is that the sleeve restriction is not directly helping me, it's the habits that are ingrained now at 15 months post-op. I eat mostly the same things each day and in the quantities I ate 8 months ago. I am baffled by topics that say "I am X months out and I can eat X amount of X food." I don't know how many slices of pizza I can eat, or hamburgers, or chicken nuggets, because I have a portion set in my mind and that's what I eat. I eat 3 jumbo shrimp. I eat 2.5-3.0 oz of steak. I eat 3 broccoli florets. I don't know if I can eat more (I suspect I can) but I don't. I know that if I try to overeat my sleeve will stop me but I don't test the limits. I eat sweets but I am not obsessed by them anymore. I don't eat rice or soft bread as they feel bad no matter what quantity I consume but I enjoy toast and crackers. I guess I feel like I eat now the way I thought naturally skinny women ate when I was fat--in small portions but not denying themselves anything. I am so grateful to this surgery for allowing me to make these discoveries.
  18. Foxbins

    Has Anyone Ever Experienced....

    I had this a lot, and for nearly a year. Sometimes it's low blood sugar, sometimes it's a little dehydration, but mostly it's that the pressure sensors in your veins go a little haywire due to the metabolic changes going on in your body. Get up slow, walk slow for a while, sit down if you feel dizzy. It gradually got better for me and it's gone now but the first three or four months I was dizzy everytime I stood up or stood for a long time.
  19. Surgery can bring on your menses. You are not draining abdominal fluid through your vagina, so grab a pad or a tampon and treat it as a period.
  20. Foxbins

    2 Year Anniversary

    I'll bet you look great! Congratulations!
  21. Oh, you can throw up normally. It sounds like what you have are "slimes." They come from eating or drinking too fast, too much, or something your stomach can't tolerate yet. Slow yourself down, keep tabs on what is making you feel bad, maybe try to avoid it for a while. You are a very new post-op and it takes a little while to get used to how your stomach responds now.
  22. If you are unsure, I support your decision to wait. Diet and exercise does work for many people and 40 lbs is not that much to lose. Surgical options are not going away so in the years to come if you change your mind you can explore surgery again.
  23. Foxbins


    I have always found it better to exercise on an empty stomach and eat about an hour after. I might have something light beforehand, like yogurt, if I am going to be walking for an hour or more or running, but for a regular walk I like to go empty. Then I clean up, drink some water, maybe change clothes, and fix something to eat. Sometimes the exercise kills most of my appetite so I eat less.
  24. Numb how? Numb to pain, pressure, temperature? What is the extent of the numbness in you hand and leg? Like a glove, or more irregular in the hand? Has this happened to you before? How old are you?
  25. Foxbins

    Defeating The Vsg

    I'm having premium, high-fat ice cream with fudge sauce for Breakfast with potato chips for texture. For a snack, a couple candy bars. For lunch I'm having a prime steak drizzled with 1/4 cup of butter. For a snack, a cake (I'll just keep eating until it's gone.) For dinner, foie gras for starters, then chicken alfredo (heavy on the fredo) french fries, and for dessert, pecan pie with whipped cream. After, I'll have as much alcohol as I can drink until I pass out. Sounds disgusting. I'd die before I'd eat that way again.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
