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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Foxbins

  1. Foxbins


    Courage! We're all different, so you may lose a lot of mass, but I started a 44D and now I'm a 36D. The band kept getting smaller but the cup stayed filled. However, I must admit they sit lower than before but thankfully, are still pointed forward. A good bra makes my boobs look fantastic, so I'm not planning on any breast surgery.
  2. PPI-proton pump inhibitor--used to prevent/reduce stomach acid PCP-primary care physician
  3. Foxbins

    My Psychological Evaluation

    Honesty is the best policy. Your doctors want you to succeed. If they feel the the results of the psych eval indicate that you would have problems post-sleeve, they can either postpone your surgery until you have some sessions with a therapist, require that you see a therapist before and after your surgery, or suggest extra support for you after surgery. It all depends on now much help they feel you might need. If you have a handle on your problems now and don't get easily overwhelmed with change, probably you won't have to do anything and your surgery will proceed without a hitch. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
  4. I knew you would do well when I saw how much you lost pre-op. You were (and are!) one motivated lady! Congratulations!
  5. Yes, I think it depends on how much and how often you are eating it. An Almond Joy Mini bar probably will do no harm, but a whole coconut (which is what the bezoar lady ate, if my memory serves me) may stop you up pretty well. People who chew the ends of their hair are also prone to develop bezoars, so don't eat that, either!
  6. I tried to stop at 3 months but reflux came back badly. I took them through the 6th month, then tapered them (1 pill every other day for a week, 1 pill every two days for a week, 1 pill every three days for a week) and then stopped. No problems since!
  7. My monthly wt. loss was as follows: 17 lbs. 8 lbs. 9 lbs 8.5 lbs 4 lbs 9 lbs 6 lbs 8 lbs 3.5 lbs 6.5 lbs 5 lbs. I lost an additional 13 lbs getting into maintenance. I started at 232 and I weighed 137 this morning. My starting BMI was 35.3.
  8. Foxbins

    Blood Test

    I had blood work at 6 months post-op and again at 12 months, now it's scheduled for annually.
  9. Foxbins

    Suggestions On Taking B12

    Something called "intrinsic factor" is made in the stomach and is required to absorb B-12 there. Since most of our stomach is gone, the intrinsic factor is gone as well. B-12 can be absorbed through the mucous membranes of the mouth and cheek or when injected into muscle tissue. Probably also through nasal mucosa, though I haven't tried. When you chew it up and swallow it, it's not getting absorbed adequately. You probably get some absorbed as you chew, but once it's in your stomach it's not helping you much at all.
  10. I'm 17 months post-op. I stopped adding food to my portion sizes at about 8 months. I eat 3 oz of dense Protein each meal. Although my weight loss slowed at 8-9 months, I will still lose if I don't eat enough calories for the day. For me, that's about 1400. I don't feel like I'm on a diet; I was a carnivore before surgery and remained so, but now each meal doesn't end with dessert and Snacks aren't filled with sugar. The "tool" part of VSG is for me the head part. I can eat loads of chips that chew down to nothing if I want. I have to choose not to do that. I can sit in the recliner all day and do nothing. I have to choose not to do that. If you make the right choices I think the later months aren't very difficult.
  11. Foxbins

    Suggestions On Taking B12

    I find that different brands dissolve faster or slower. Walmart's is pretty quick dissolving, Nature Made not so fast. You can also tuck it between your cheek and gum toward your back teeth and let it dissolve there.
  12. I am in maintenance now and eat a much more balanced diet. When I was losing, I was afraid that if I gave in to my cravings or went off program, I would not reach my goal. I had failed at so many diets I didn't want to fail again, especially after going through surgery to help. I did not give into cravings until I reached a normal BMI, and then I made a rule--weigh myself everyday, if over by two pounds, back to Protein again until the weight is off. I also have not increased my portion size since about 8 months. I eat small amounts of mostly protein every two hours and I don't really feel hungry eating that often.
  13. I find that there is a difference between "hunger" and "craving." I can crave chips (and I do) but I'm not hungry for them. My body doesn't need chips to survive. The hard part about this surgery is the "Protein first" rule--it gets boring because there isn't much variety. Sugar-filled foods, including fruit, call to us, as does crunchy food. There isn't much crunchy protein out there... I guess what I want to say is, your surgeon has lots of experience with WLS patients and I imagine you picked him for his expertise. Please follow his instructions, be patient, and do not compare yourself to other people or their plans.
  14. My BMI was 35.3, I think. I am 5'8" and started at 232. I have lost 95.5 lbs and now my BMI is 20.8. I feel fabulous. Your doctor is going by statistics--I firmly believe that if you are like the majority of VSG patients, you can lose all your excess weight if you have the patience to stick with protein first. It gets boring, but so worth it in the end.
  15. I went to Sacramento last year to meet Stronger_Diva, FeedYourEye, and some other women. There's a N Cal forum on here that's been pretty quiet, but you might try posting there as well. Kaiser Richmond has support group meetings the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. I bet you could attend there even if you don't have Kaiser. I'm 17 months post-op.
  16. Foxbins

    Gaining Weight Rapidly!

    I am sure it's water. Asparagus is a natural diuretic so you might try eating some of that and cut back on salt and sodium-heavy food. Drink more water to flush yourself out--I know it sounds weird but it really works.
  17. Yup, they operate on our stomachs, not our heads...that part is up to us.
  18. Keep sipping and walking. I couldn't manage to get in 64 oz in until about 4 weeks post-op--I usually managed 48, though. Also my tummy growled (and I burped) nearly constantly for a few weeks. The noises stop for the most part, although some days my stomach is pretty noisy even now.
  19. Foxbins

    I Work In Retail....

    You'll probably be okay at 10 days post-op...will you get an employee discount on clothes from your employer? If so, lucky you!
  20. I had a very similar experience the first time I ate salmon post-sleeve. It came up after about 8 painful hours and the following day my stomach was so sensitive I couldn't keep anything down. I went to bed early and when I got up the next day (2nd day after eating that blasted fish) I could keep down warm liquids. The third day was even better, had a Protein shake and some soft food. I think the broccoli didn't agree with you, but f you don't feel better in the morning, I think you should call your doc.
  21. I am 16 months post-op. I weighed and measured everything until I got to goal (about 8 months). Now I can tell how much my portion sizes are by looking, but just to keep myself honest I check by weighing and measuring a meal every couple of weeks. I basically eat what I want--fortunately, what I like most is Protein. I don't eat rice or Pasta anymore as they hurt and I eat very little bread. But other than that, yes I can eat what I want. For example, tonight's dinner is beef stir-fry with sugar snap peas, carrots, asparagus, and Water chestnuts. My weight also fluctuates 1-2 lbs but if I go over 140 (it's only happened once) it's back to protein only for a day and it comes right off. I swim and walk some, I'd like to start running again (stopped after my gallbladder surgery and haven't started again) but I'm not a gym rat by any means. I lift some weights that are next to the TV and do some yoga, too.
  22. Foxbins

    Hair Loss ..

    There is no sure way to avoid hair loss if it is going to happen--it doesn't happen to everyone. Shampoos. conditioners, and the like will not stop it. Not washing it doesnt stop it, it just falls out onto your clothes. However, you can limit the loss by meeting your protein goals and making sure to take your complete vitamins, the ones with minerals included. My hair began to fall out at 3 months post-op and stopped at nine months. Very, very few people lose enough hair to where it is noticeable to others. BTW, biotin can help the regrowth come in strong and healthy, but won't stop the loss.
  23. I am 16 months post-op. I don't know how much larger my stomach is because I don't try to eat until I'm full. My portion sizes have stayed the same since I reached a normal BMI in November--for example I eat 3 oz of beef, seafood, fish or 1 egg. For liquidy stuff like yogurt and cottage cheese, I eat 1/2 cup. For veg, I serve myself 1/4 cup. I am satisfied with this amount and don't feel the need to eat any more.
  24. I didn't tell anyone except my PCP and the surgeon who removed my gallbladder. It's no one's business but mine. I only told 2 people I had my gallbladder removed. I'm just a private person.
  25. Foxbins

    Thyroid Problem Question

    I am also hypothyroid and below goal. I don't think I lost any slower because I have hypothyroidism. I have no idea what her doctor meant--ir her meds are properly adjusted, she shouldn't be hypothyroid anymore. The whole point of taking them is to get your TSH in the normal range.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
