Well, I got a call through to the Doc's PA on Tuesday
Well I got a call through to my Doc's PA on Tues, around 3:30pm. After I described the cramp, she said I should come on back through their ER and get an ultrasound for a DVT.
We got back to the hospital about 5pm, waiting HOURS until the tech was available, and the picture reveiled that, yes, I have a clot.
So it was back into stir for me again while they pump some Lovenox into me and figure out how to get me home on a coumadin regimen.
At least they put me back up in the penthouse!
THEN a routine check of my potassiium showed that it had dived back down into dicey territory and they started an IV drip.
So.. first we have to get that back up, then they have to teach me how to give myself lovenox shots THEN we can try to get me the heck back outta here:confused1:
9around 3: