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LAP-BAND Patients
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About ADNK

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 11/25/1949

About Me

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    Long Island
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  1. 2 years has passed since you registered at SleevePlicationTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary ADNK!

  2. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary ADNK!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at VerticalSleeveTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary ADNK!

  4. ADNK

    Dr. Gregory Dakin?

    I was sleeved by Dr. Dakin a year ago last august.. Fully covered. I've lost about 160 since then, and about 200 over all. If by "pc" you mean my primary care physician.. She was very interested in my progress, and is quick to put in referrals for my follow-up visits.
  5. ADNK

    August Sleevers

    Welcome to "the other side". The first few weeks can be tough, but hang in there. I have not regetted my choice for a minute.:frown1:
  6. ADNK

    August Sleevers

    Hey there DownInSocal! I've been doing pretty well. I'm down 100 since last August and down 146 from my heaviest. All I have jto do is "eat the Protein first" and I'm full before I get to the starch.
  7. ADNK

    A little scared here:

    I have had no after affects. I took it easy on the intake for the rest of the day and no problem. I'm pretty sure it was the ketchup. I will NEVER eat that fast again. What a lesson!
  8. I'm almost 3 months out. No problem, eating small amounts slowly etc. Minor indigestion problems... Until today I ate a sausage too fast, and I vomited. It came up red. (now I had had some ketchup on the sausage, so I'm hoping it was that).. It was, however, a very bright red and blood-like color. Is it possible to tear something this far out? What symptoms will I get if I've really damaged something here?
  9. It's beginning to get better. The pain is a bit less accute. I'm hoping it'll just be another couple of weeks before I'm up and around. ALSO . . I've lost 30 lbs since 8/26!
  10. Well, It's still there. The Docs say it might take weeks to months to clear up even after I get my blood thickness reading up to "between 2 and 3". I'm making do by taking a couple of pain pills before I have to leave the house to do anything, but I'm still pretty uncomfortable.. I'm not getting the excercise that I ought to be post-op.. but I have lost nearlyy 25 lbs since my surgery, so THAT'S good. . .
  11. That's just it. I have the impression that they think it will dissolve of it's own accord... eventually. It's how long that's giving me a problem. I can't schedule anything, and I have things that I would really like to start doing myself, but just can't for the pain. It's pretty frustrating.
  12. I have a clot... a DTV. . And I can't get up and around for more than 5 minutes at a time without the pain in my leg sending me back to the bed or the couch. What good is it going to be to be skinny if I can't do my stuff? I've been shooitng myself up with Lovenox, 140mg twice a day, since Wednesday, and yesterday I started on oral coumadin. . . but this is to pevent future clots. As far as I can tell, no one is giving me any hints on how to get the current clot to let my leg loose so I can get on with my life. Sorry to be such a moany-joany, but I'm feeling kind of sorry for myself today and I know that here I might get some info & encouragement.:sad0:
  13. nectar Syntax Cappucino flavor... blended in with 8 oz. skim milk (1 scoop of powder) is about 1/2 the daily Protein. (23g + plus what the milk has). I've been using that for protein & concentrating on fruit & veggies purred to eat.
  14. ADNK

    Two days out.

    Well, I got a call through to the Doc's PA on Tuesday Well I got a call through to my Doc's PA on Tues, around 3:30pm. After I described the cramp, she said I should come on back through their ER and get an ultrasound for a DVT. We got back to the hospital about 5pm, waiting HOURS until the tech was available, and the picture reveiled that, yes, I have a clot. So it was back into stir for me again while they pump some Lovenox into me and figure out how to get me home on a coumadin regimen. At least they put me back up in the penthouse! THEN a routine check of my potassiium showed that it had dived back down into dicey territory and they started an IV drip. So.. first we have to get that back up, then they have to teach me how to give myself lovenox shots THEN we can try to get me the heck back outta here:confused1: 9around 3:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
