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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ADNK

  1. ADNK

    Surgery Week of August 24th?

    I've made it to nearly 9pm and am doing better than I thought I would. I've discovered that green Jello slides into the cracks and I don't feel quite so empty.
  2. ADNK


    Thanks Carol. I'm excited and nervous and I'll be glad when it's done.
  3. ADNK

    August Sleevers

    I pity the fool holding up MY rear! (sorry, couldn't resist):lol0:
  4. ADNK

    Surgery Week of August 24th?

    Oh my dear! I expect that the sudden lack of food, added to the jitters about Wednesday have got your moods in a snit. I know that I didn't sleep much last night and I was a bit "short" with DH who has been nothing but a sweetheart throughout. How I'm going to make it Wednesday without passing out from lack of sustenence is bothering me more than the surgery itself... At least once I get there it will be "out of my hands" and in the capable hands of the Doctor & Hospital. We're still kind of on our own.
  5. ADNK

    No Support

    Lol! If she believes in "signs & portents" she sure isn't someone you need giving you advice anyway. It seems to me that very few people head into this surgery without becoming VERY WELL VERSED in what it is and isn't, and what it can and cannot do, and what the actual risks are (and aren't) You probably shouldn't let her give you advice on the sotck market either :lol0:
  6. ADNK


    A lot of plans will consider the sleeve if it's proposed as a "first step" for an eventual, possible, DS or bypass. This is in the case of the super-sizers, like me. I am scheduled for the sleeve on 8/26 and I hope to make it do the job without going back for any additional messing around my insides.
  7. ADNK

    Surgery Week of August 24th?

    I'm ant-sy about the next two days too. I'm afraid of feeling lightheaded and woosy. I have a lot of stuff to do to get the house ready for my absence, so I'll be busy.
  8. ADNK

    No Support

    I have told no one but 1) parents 2) husband 3) kids 4) pharmacist (checking on whether or not my meds are "crushable") 5) Pastor (who will not blab to the professional empathy-guts at church) - YOU know the type, they *profess* to empathize - I don't really need the clucking. I think I'm covered in RL. I am VERY glad to have this forum to unload in, as I must be the "stiff-upper-lip" around the house so as not to scare anyone unduly.:biggrin0:
  9. ADNK

    Surgery Week of August 24th?

    My DEAR SoCal... I have my surgery scheduled for the 26th at Weill-Cornell Med Center at NY Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital in Manhatten. I live on Long Island. I'm an "at home mom" verging on the empty nest (IF they get jobs and get out)... So I have as much time as I like at the computer (once the laundry & shopping are done). I find this message board tricky to navigate, so I hope I can find this thread as I starve for the next couple of days. I would love to be your sleeve buddy. My DH will be bringing my laptop to the hospital on the 27th so I can check in with you right after I get coherent. Now all we need is an "old hand" who will tell us that it's NORMAL to be scared, to have pain in strange places etc etc...
  10. ADNK

    8-20-09 - Grouchy Mama!

    Thanks. I'm scheduled to get sleeved on Wednesday (26th) and I guess I should give DH a "head's up".
  11. ADNK

    Yikes! 6 days left until surgery

    You and I have the same date. I haven't packed either. DH is in charge of my recuperation. I added a bunch of movies to my ipod and got a bunch of jello & sugar free popsicles.. and some protein drinks. Right now I'm full of nervous energy.. I think I'll head out to the garden and pull some weeds.
  12. ADNK

    Dr. Gregory Dakin?

    I got pre-approval and am scheduled for 8/26. I'm still looking for any of his other patients..
  13. ADNK

    Dr. Gregory Dakin?

    Will do. I should have an idea in a few weeks.... (fingers crossed)
  14. I'm getting ready to submit the paperwork (& all the prep work) to HIP in NYC for pre approval. Has anyone on this board gotten an OK from them?
  15. ADNK

    Being informed

    Lol! What a great way of looking at it! I will remember that.
  16. ADNK


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