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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Tina293

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  1. To those who have lost hair - Have any of you dyed your hair during the time it was falling out? If so what was the result? I need to dye my hair but I'm afraid it will make it fall out faster.
  2. I've been stocking up on Protein supplements. I now have 30 bottles of high protein vanilla Boost and 32 bottles (came in bonus packs of 8) of high protein chocolate Boost. I also have three large tubs of whey Protein Isolate powder one each in chocolate, vanilla, and unflavoured. I'm not really sure about the Boost. I took a look at the label but could not tell what form of protein is in there. I have to do a three week liquid diet before surgery so If they're no good after surgery I'll just use them before.
  3. Tina293


    I emailed unjury and asked which of their Vitamins would be suitable for VSG. Here is their reply: Hi Tina, Thank you for your interest in OPURITY Vitamins! At this time, the American Dietetic Associate is recommending that Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy Patients take a chewable multivitamin with 200% of the DV of at least 2/3 of nutrients, as well as, a separate calcium citrate supplement. Some patients do require additional Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. We are recommending that Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy patients use the OPURITY BYPASS OPTIMIZED Multivitamin along with Calcium Citrate Plus. Please let me know if this information is helpful. Kind regards, Jenny Jenny Sears, RD Clinical Nutrition Specialist UNJURY® Protein and OPURITY ™ Vitamins Jenny@UNJURY.com Jenny@OPURITY.com 1 800 517 5111 Monday - Friday 9 AM to 6 PM eastern time www.UNJURY.com www.OPURITY.com
  4. The Unjury website www.unjury.com sells Opurity vitamins. They have a bariatric multivitamin customized for gastric band patients. Would these vitamins be good for VSG too? I'm thinking they would since both procedures are restrictive with no intestinal bypass. Also has anyone tried these. I'm wondering what they taste like.
  5. I met with my surgeon yesterday and I'm approved for VSG sometime this fall. :D :D Now I just have to wait for a date.
  6. Has anyone tried these? Myoplex Carb Control Ready-to-Drink contains Milk Protein Concentrate, Calcium Caseinate, and whey Protein Isolate. I've tried the strawberry and it tastes pretty good but I'm not sure if it is good for us or not since it has a couple of types of protein. There is a total of 25g of protein and 5g of carbs in an 11 oz shake. Here is the link http://www.myoplexeas.com/myoplex-carb-control-ready-to-drink
  7. Tina293

    PSWL Super low carb diet not working?

    Heather after a week or so you'll adjust to the decaf and you won't even notice the difference. I still need my cup of decaf to wake me up in the morning.
  8. Tina293

    PSWL Super low carb diet not working?

    I'm not sure of the reason behind the whole no caffeine thing but I've been on Aitkins several times in the past and If I have caffeine I simply don't lose weight. I have lost up to 24 lbs in a month on this diet but if I have caffeine I don't lose anything.
  9. I have a friend who is going for Gastric Bypass because she thinks she will not lose enough with the sleeve. I think right now she is somewhere in the 325-350 range and is about 5" tall. She wants to lose 175 pounds. Please post your experience if you have lost that much or know someone who did. Thanks, Tina
  10. Tina293

    PSWL Super low carb diet not working?

    What are you drinking? Even artificial sweeteners have some carbs as does cream in your coffee. Also are you having any caffiene? Low carb will not work if you have caffeine. A lot of soft drinks have caffeine even some you wouldn't expect lke Mountain Dew and some Root Beers. Some pain killers have caffeine combined in them too.
  11. Tina293

    PSWL Super low carb diet not working?

    I have to be below 20 a day for it to work on me.
  12. Tina293

    Embarrasing question

    Thanks foxgirl. Do you have a link to where you got your compression suit for $50?
  13. Tina293

    Embarrasing question

    I'm still pre-op but already have an overhanging belly as a result of 2 C-sections. I have been walking and added in little spurts of running. When I run, my belly slaps against me and makes a loud clapping sound. What can I do to help this as I know it will only get worse as I lose weight.
  14. Has anyone tried these vitamin? They are supposed to be especially designed for bariatric patients. www.celebratevitamins.com
  15. I know with RNY their stomachs make some pretty strange noises and they can have some really offensive smells coming out of them. Is this true for VSG too?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
