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Blog Comments posted by SoCalAvsFan

  1. Determine-Gem, including my surgery day I have been off for 4 days. In all honesty with my desk job, I probably could have been back as early as day 3, but I want to make sure im 100 percent before returning.

    WitchyArmyWife- Agony is for sure, my family had a huge cake that I couldnt touch which really sucked.. as I said on my blog I cheated a little bit and had some devilled egg mix and some mash portatoes, but only a small amount. I need to get back on track tomorrow!

  2. Changinmylyfe - thanks for the comments.. ill def have to try the clams chowder thing, that sounds deliceous!.. as far as soda goes, were you told you could have some?? I have been told that under no circumstance am I allowed soda, due to it could cause severe problems. But ive read the boards and a few people claim that there docs have allowed it.. regardless we all know its better off not had, but i wonder what the official word is on that..

    Brenda - Thanks for the comments, im glad to hear everything is going well! I am really looking forward to the extra energy myself! Im just so afraid of the vommiting.. soo not lookin forward to that! How have you done with that?

  3. Hi berly - not til the 21st

    Hi sandysfab50 - Thanks so much for the comments.. im so afraid that I may have cheated too much.. ive had a bunch of string cheese and just a small pinch of thinly sliced turkey.. nothing too nuts but we will see..

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