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Purdy in Pink

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Purdy in Pink

  1. well, here's my story..... Had surgery on May 27th 2011, weighing in at a whopping 196 lbs, I'm 5'3 and was told I was in the obease catagory. By thanksgiving, i reached my goal of losing 70 lbs, (in 6 months time) i have since then lost another 6 lbs, now weighing in at 119 lbs. I did this by following the diet the dr. set fourth for me. i'm now a size 2, (from a 14/16 in pants) I'm trying to maintain the weight and not keep losing, my trouble is that I'm so dead set against putting foods in my mouth that are not "good" foods, that the pounds keep comming off. The foods that I eat are 100% on my mind all the time, i'm so afraid to put weight back on. I think i'm getting a little obsessed.....lol. I have very little loose skin, but I have been excersizing like crazy to work on that area also. My advise, iff you have hit a stall, look at the foods that you are eating, watch your calorie intake, make sure the foods you are chosing to eat have Protein, and low calories, low carbs, and DRINK PLENTY OF WATER!!!! Best of luck to everyone, i'd do this all again in a heart beat, it's been a wonderful experience and no complications at all.
  2. people...remember this name........hamanyq8..... I don't think he''s a real sleeved person. if you look at his profile, all he does is try to stir trouble in the chat room by posting negative coments trying to get everyone all stirred up. don't buy into his posts..................look at his profile...you will see i'm right.
  3. Purdy in Pink

    Where You At?!?!

    i should have said on my previous post, that was x-mas 2010..........
  4. Purdy in Pink

    Where You At?!?!

    not sure If I did this right....but here goes my before and after pic's x-mas pic was about 195 lbs other pic is at 120 lbs, 5 lbs over goal.
  5. I also have hated to excersize, thought as long as i felt good, looked good, I didnt need to excersize. When i was at my 6 month check up w/ my dr, (after he scolded me for not excersizing) he explained it to me in a way that i finally get it. He said, even tho you look and feel good, when you were "bigger" your fat supported your bones, when you lose that fat, you no longer have anything to support your bones. You HAVE to excersize to keep those bones supported. Plain and simple, and I finally got it! Now i excersize 3 to 5 days a week here at home. I have a "Treadmill" and a "Total Gym System" I've been thinking of seeing a personal trainer to make sure I'm doing it right, but i havent done it quite yet.
  6. Purdy in Pink

    How Long Until Your Self-Image Changed?

    im 9 months out.......reached goal several months ago. i'm a size 2 now, but I still see myself as big. I'm wondering the same question. when you are big for a long time....years.....will i ever see myself as small?
  7. Purdy in Pink

    Would You Do It Again? Why Or Why Not?

    Yes, yes, yes, and absolutley YES. It's an amazing feeling when you reach goal.
  8. Purdy in Pink

    Could I Possibly Ever Weigh 130Lbs ?

    Hi Monalisa, Oh man....I was there with you in thinking....can I really get to my goal weight. i could only imagine it, but honestly never thought I'd make it. Such a big dream to be thin again. I started out at 196, so we were close in weight. I wanted this so bad......and it toook me 6 months, 10 days, and I DID IT!. My current weight is 121, size 2 jeans. it's kind of funny tho.....I still think of myself as "big" when I look in the mirror, i see some lose skin, makes me think i'm still fat. It's hard to wrap my mind around that, I'm wondering if I'll ever think in my mind that i'm thin. My advise to you is....follow the diet, don't cheat, and you too will make it. it's a diet for life, not just once you reach goal.......I was under the impression once I reached goal, I could eat anything again......NOT TRUE...i still have to stick to high Protein foods, still get 70 to 90 grams protein per day, plus 70 to 90 oz of Water. so....get used to it...lol, it's for life! Best of luck to you, and congrats on getting sleeved! It's a amazing feeling.
  9. Purdy in Pink

    Rethinking Surgery

    I understand your concern, as I had it also. Getting healthy is far more important than some hair loss. most likley, if you do experience some hair loss, only you will even notice. it will grow back if it happens to you. I've made goal, and no hair loss to date. I think I got lucky. Best of luck to you!
  10. Purdy in Pink

    Daily Sleeve Schedule

    Well, im 8 months out, and my day is still totally consumed w/ thinking of food all the time. take meds, eat Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack.....water, Water, water, excersize, will i make it to the bathroom in time..., more water. Always thinking of the highest Proteins foods. It's not hard....anymore, just normal way of life now.
  11. Purdy in Pink

    Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow?

    I'm almost 7 months out, have had NO hair loss, I've stopped worring about it at this point. I think I got lucky! Good luck!
  12. Purdy in Pink

    Size 9!

    Congratulation.....I'm very happy for you, and I'm sure you feel amazing. Keep up the awesome work!
  13. Purdy in Pink

    Drinking While Eating

    Well, I must be the odd one out here. I have always drank Water w/ all my meals, My Dr. said it was fine as long as I got in my Protein. (I would get full faster, which was not a bad thing in my opinion) but I did get in all my daily required pritein. Sever months ago, this same question came up, so when I went to my DR. for my next check up, I asked again because I wanted to be sure I wasent doing something wrong. He still said it was fine do drink w/ meals as long as i was getting in the pritein. so, as far as i'm concerned, it worked for me, i made goal in 6 months 10 days, lost 70 lbs doing it this way. But, please do as your Dr. instructed, every Dr. has a different style and opinion on what is best for us.
  14. Purdy in Pink

    How Different We Really Are

    ok this sounds like a fun post. I'm 5'3, started my journey at 195lbs, wanted to lose 70 lbs and weigh 125 lbs. at 195 lbs, i wore a size 14 to 16 in pants, and a 1x in tops. I reached goal in 6 months and 10 days. lost the 70 lbs I even have lost another 4 lbs since then, now weighing 121 lbs. Now, my pant size is (adult) 2 or 4 or (Juniors) 3 or 5, and i have a few 1's. and tops are small or mediums. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine I would be this small, and I must say....It feels awesome. Stick with it, follow your dr's nutrition advice, and it will work for you also. :clap:
  15. Purdy in Pink

    "cheating" (A Concern)

    I agree w/ you on this. I too, see many posts of foods that the dr's have said not to be eating, and ppl eat anyways. i know, the 1st 2 months do suck...they really do, but the good news is, it does get better and the weight WILL come off if you follow the plan, and don't go back to the old ways of eating. Good luck everyone!
  16. Purdy in Pink

    Do You Gain During Af?

    not me, I must be the exception to the rule. I've never gained ever during my weight loss, even during the FLO visit,I just continued to lose gradually. I must say tho......I have never ate foods that I was not supposed to eat all throught my weight loss, and I still don't hardly ever. That's what I attribute it to for me, but I know everyones different. Good luck!
  17. Purdy in Pink

    Exericise Or No Exercise

    lol...i guess I should proof read b4 i send....i see several spelling errors...sorry1
  18. Purdy in Pink

    Exericise Or No Exercise

    Here is my 2 cents......... I had my WLS on May 2011, lost all my weight I had wanted to lose in 6 month. i felt fantastic, and I didn't have too much lose skin, so I decided I didn't need to excersize cause I felt great. Then came my 6 month check up with my wls dr....... I saw his assistant this time, and of course the question came up if I was excersizing....I cudda lied....lol, but i was honest......and i said, not so much. he explained to me why is was so important for us to exersize after losing weight. This is what he said, and it made total sense. When we are over weight, that fat supports our bones, when we lose the fat, we lose the support for our bones. if i want to be comportable when i'm older, I getter start exersizing now to build my muscle back. That's all it took, now i'm exersizing 4 to 5 days a week. I thought everyone was telling me to exersize so I would look good and feel better.....lol So, even though you feel good, it only takes a few minutes out of your day to do a lil something for your bones!
  19. Purdy in Pink

    Please Help!

    Here is my advise. it's very tough to pass up on all those sweet treats that are soooooo tempting to us. I too had many temptations over the last few months, but I weigh myself everyday, and my encouragment to stay away from those foods was seeing the weight come off. Our minds play tricks on us, but remember why we did this, and hopefully that little voice in your head will tell you to just keep walking... The more treats we eat, the harder it will be to lose the weight we so desperatley want to lose. You have lost 56.2 lbs so far, and that's amazing! Congrats to you! Listen to that little voice in your head, if you know it's not right, don't do it! Your reward you recieve if far greater when you step on that scale and you have dropped a few more lbs. Stay strong, Donna
  20. Purdy in Pink

    Anyone Not Losing Their Hair?

    7 months out. I reached my goal last month, still no hair loss. I was one of those faithful protein eaters and still am......but i'm very thankful that I have not had the hair loss, although i was expecting it to happen.
  21. You posted a good question.... well, everyone's different, the 'danger" foods for me are what my Dr said to stay away from, all breads, pasta's, sugar things, soda, basically foods that have no nutritional value. Since you have so little room now, keep in mind of what you put in your mouth. I just had my 6 month check up a few weeks ago, I've reached my 'goal" weight, and I thought the Dr would tell me that I now can have a few of those things i listed in moderation now..WRONG.....he told me nope....this food plan he gave to me is a way of life now, and i still and always should stay away from those "bad" or no no foods.. once you start back to eating those no no foods, it will be too hard to stop, and will most likley start putting back on some lbs again. so......i have to tell myself, I want to be thin, and I'll do what it takes to maintain that. and honestly, it's not that hard to eat Protein foods in place of the "bad' foods anymore. It goes back to the "choices" we make. i'm speaking only for me, but I didnt pay all this money to have this procedure done just to swrew it up because i WANT a cheeseburger, chips, popcorn, or soda. Best advice....follow the list of aproved foods from what your Dr, gave to you, and don't eat the foods you see on here that other ppl are eating. I'm often shocked to hear what some are eating. ....also i still can't handle any spice foods, but i never was a spicy foods fan b4 either. Best of luck to everyone in this life long journey.
  22. I just had my 6 month check up last week w/ my dr....We specifically talked about the bread issue. He said, "NO BREAD" avoid it forever if at all possiable. It expands in your stomach, and u need the room for Protein foods. same goes for rice, Pasta, tortillia shells, chips, etc. so, sounds like to me, no more bread. you should probably check in w/ ur dr, and see what they say on the bread issue?
  23. If you're interested in watching a video on youtube on just how the gastric sleeve surgery procedure was done, there is a vidio I just watched. i found it very interesting to watch. I had my surgery 6 onths ago, and I've always been courious....lol google: gastric sleeve video-youtube There are several there to see. Keep up the great work everyone! Donna "purdy in pink"
  24. Purdy in Pink

    Why The Concern All Of A Sudden?

    lmao....I lovethis topic. I get the "you're melting away right before our eyes" all the time. and EVERYONE wants to know how I lost all the weight. I live in a small town where there are no secrets...if one person knows...the whole town knows...lol. so, I don't even lie about it, I just tell them I had weight loss surgery. (and give them the details if they ask.....they most all do ask..) Which then they all say...but you wer'nt that big........in which i reply...well, losing 70 lbs was 'BIG" to me..... I feel lucky tho...I have never had anyone say a negative thing to me about what I did.....everyone has been so posative and encouraging. (unless it's all said behind my back, ....lol) Keep up the great work everyone! Donna

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